
A summary of the golden sentences of Rousseau's Confessions

author:Silu philosophy

Rousseau (1712-1778), the great French Enlightenment thinker, philosopher, educator and writer, was the spiritual teacher of the French Revolution in the 18th century and one of the most outstanding representatives of the Enlightenment. His Confessions, an autobiography of the soul dissected with astonishing frankness at a time of despair in life, is a monologue of the individual soul. With unprecedented self-confession, he vividly showed himself in front of the eyes of the world, guiding us to recognize and think about the many mysteries of man and society, which can be called the most famous autobiographical work in the entire history of Western literature.

A summary of the golden sentences of Rousseau's Confessions
A summary of the golden sentences of Rousseau's Confessions


If one is powerless to control the greed in one's heart, one is bound to go further and further down the path of sin.


If the "inferior" grow up in an equal and happy environment, and their desires are often satisfied, then as they grow older, vices such as greed, concealment, deception, lying, and stealing will most likely disappear gradually.

(This article was edited by Silu Philosophy)


Human nature is inherently good, so the first step for children to learn bad is often because they have been led into the evil path by others.


Money is used to preserve freedom, and wealth that is painstakingly obtained is a tool to enslave one's soul. Therefore, the joy of having money is difficult to dispel the pain of seeking wealth.


Greeting other people's ideas is not necessarily a sign of hypocrisy, and may sometimes be a virtue for young people.


People are out of town and have no name.


At the peak of life, self-blame is asleep; at the trough of life, it immediately wakes up.


If all people can understand the inner thoughts of others, then there will be more humble people than proud people.


Everyone should start small and do their part, so that sticking to it is not much different from a hero.


In the so-called lower society, the natural expression of true feelings is the norm of their lives, although sometimes they will pretend to be like this, after all, there are very few; but those "upper society", the truth, goodness, and beauty of human nature are contained, their feelings follow the interests, and everything is hypocritical and verbal. That's why most of the people we meet in our youth are good people, and in old age we feel that good people become very few.


If I were thrown into the Bastille, I would be able to write a doctrine of freedom.


I dare assert that if you want everyone in a group to live happily, you have to let each of them have something to do, and you have to make them think hard to do it well.


Regarding religion, I think that part of it is very reasonable, part of it is absurd, and part of it has to do with one's own character and education level. Usually the God in the hearts of believers is the image of their hearts.


If a person is sincere in learning, everything he finds is that each discipline is interconnected, they inspire, complement, and explain each other, and they cannot be completely separated at all, they are one.


I deeply believe that in the face of God, it is not very useful to pray for him to give us true happiness, and it is better to be a righteous and fearless person who deserves the blessings he has given us.


No matter which author's work is read, we must look down according to the author's own thinking, and the reading process will never mix with their own or anyone's opinions, let alone conflict with the author's views. I told myself that what I had to do now was to collect all the opinions of others into my own brain; regardless of whether it was right or wrong, as long as people were reasonable; when enough was collected, they could be compared and screened.


The happiness that the heart yearns for most is to live well in the present, not to regret the past too much, and not to worry too much about the future.


Good habits of behavior can nourish a person's heart and make his soul noble. In fact, everyone has their own weaknesses, and whether a person can resist the bad temptations of the outside world depends on his daily behavior habits.


The drifting distance between friends is not all because of ungratefulness, but often because of laziness.


No matter which line, as long as you become a top, you will definitely be lucky.

A summary of the golden sentences of Rousseau's Confessions


A man whose heart and mind are equally intelligent is highly respected.


This is how things are in the world, where the sinister schemes of the bad guys always succeed, but the good plans of the good guys never come true.


No matter how high a person's innate talent is, the art of writing must be learned step by step and step by step.


Only when people are free and moral in their lives, and arrogantly self-reliant in disregard of wealth and material desires, can they be the noblest and greatest.


When I was not famous, just a small person, everyone who knew me was willing to approach me, and there was no enemy; but once I became famous, I did not even have a friend around me, which was really bad for me; and the most unthinkable thing was the so-called friends around me, who used the name of friends to drag me into the abyss of eternal doom in various ways.


When a person becomes famous, it is not so easy to live a poor and independent life.


Integrity and nobility are inseparable from literary accomplishment.


Whoever deserves respect, their respect for a man, is sweeter and nobler than the feelings born of vanity that arise in the hearts of others.


I will always be fair and objective, to say good things about others as much as possible, to say bad things about others only to the extent that they are relevant to me, and not to say them until I have to.


A mercenary pen cannot produce strong and great works.


When a person thinks in order to survive, his thoughts are difficult to be noble.


From all angles, the nature of government in any country shapes its national character.


If you write for the benefit of your country, you should not be in your own country unless you are a conspirator.


I have found that in life, most people's words and deeds are often judged by themselves.


If people's often disturbed mental order can be influenced by physiological mechanisms, then they can reduce the deviation of reason and prevent the occurrence of evil thoughts.


In my opinion, life is love.


True love can make people think about it wisely enough.


Honest people should understand that evil thoughts never invade your brain with great fanfare, and that they always try to strike suddenly, wearing a false mask or even cloaked in morality.


Courage shown in the face of adversity usually shocks the cowardly mind and delights the noble mind.

A summary of the golden sentences of Rousseau's Confessions


Laziness, negligence, and procrastination on small things are far more harmful to me than big vices. My biggest flaw is laziness – I rarely do things I shouldn't do, but unfortunately I do less of what I'm supposed to do.


All unequal interactions are always in the interest of the weak.


No matter how pure a person's heart is, it is also somewhat abominable.


The curse of the villain is the glory of the upright.


I have a principle that will never be violated: in front of friends, you must show yourself truthfully, neither too good nor worse than your real self.


A person who is always obsessed with the harm he has suffered will only make him suffer before the enemy is punished.


Friendship itself need not be publicized at all.


I'd rather be awake and dreaming than fall asleep.


As a father, having and raising children is only a third of his task. He has the task of producing offspring for mankind; he has the obligation to cultivate a group of people in society; he has the duty to the state to produce citizens. Anyone who fails to fulfill these three duties is guilty.

A summary of the golden sentences of Rousseau's Confessions

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