
Yu Qiuyu's "Lao Tzu's General Interpretation": These ten simple truths that guide life should be deeply understood

author:Tang Feng Song Yue

Two thousand five hundred years ago, Lao Tzu went out of Hangu Pass in the west, leaving huanghuang five thousand words, purple qi came from the east, yangsha away, did not take away a cloud, Confucius praised it as a dragon, it can really be described as "the dragon sees the head but does not see the end". The original text of the five thousand words is not divided into chapters, and later scholars have divided eighty-one chapters for convenience. Taoists advocate the word "nine", and nine nine is the pole number, "just like a mountain divides the climbing paragraph", named the Tao Te Ching.

Since its inception, the Tao Te Ching has been studied and annotated by countless scholars, and its works are full of sweat. Mr. Yu Qiuyu, a master of culture, in the rare years of ancient times, was not afraid of hardships, bravely climbed the peak, examined the errors in various editions, analyzed the logic of various chapters, looked at the similarities and differences of various books, felt the charm of various sections, and discussed the differences between various families, and wrote this "Lao Tzu Tongshi". He used the beautiful and vivid "philosophical prose poems" to perfectly interpret the poetry of the five thousand words of simple spirituality, and preserved the wine rhyme and drunkenness of the first yuan.

After reading through this book, I realized ten principles to guide my life and encouraged you to do so.

Yu Qiuyu's "Lao Tzu's General Interpretation": These ten simple truths that guide life should be deeply understood

1. Nothingness is the starting point of heaven and earth; being is the dependence of all things.

Lao Tzu began by creating an idiom for us: something out of nothing. Everything in the world comes from nothingness. Each of us is "nothing" when we first come to this world. As we grow older and the times change, we slowly grow out of nothing, with knowledge, with property, with love, with troubles, with sorrows, with sorrows and joys. In the end, these "beings" eventually return to "nothing", dust to dust, and earth to earth. We are just hurried visitors between heaven and earth, and there is no difference between flowers and trees. The so-called "life is one life, grass and trees are autumn." "We all rely on "have" to embody value, and everyone's lifelong struggle is to show the world that I "have".

Second, do not respect the virtuous, lest people compete; do not cherish rare items, lest they steal. The rule of the saints in the world is to make the people think less and eat more, and to strengthen their health.

All strife in the world arises from desire, and many times this desire is artificially instilled. Students in school is to learn knowledge, but once the ranking, the first place will be envied and jealous, the last place will be ridiculed and alienated, so everyone is brave, one by one, one by one, if not ranked, the competition is not so fierce. The diamond is buried in the mountains, originally indistinguishable from other stones, but once it is excavated, polished and carved, and placed in the store with the added value of "love first", it will be worth a lot of money and attract the covetousness of criminals. Therefore, Lao Tzu believes that the best life is not to pursue these external things, eat and sleep well every day, sing with a belly, be healthy, and have a happy mood, and it will not be wasted in this life.

Third, the heavens and the earth are insensitive and take all things as sacrifices; the saints are insensitive and regard the people as sacrifices.

Here's a word to explain: shaving the dog. A knife dog is a dog that people use grass to tie when they ask for rain from the sky. Dogs were sacrificial livestock for ordinary people in ancient times (because they could not afford to use large livestock such as pigs, cattle, and sheep). With the evolution of social customs, people gradually do not use real dogs, but use grass to tie a dog instead. During the sacrifice, the dog was dressed and offered on the offering table, which was refreshing; after the sacrifice, the people scattered in a swarm, trampled the dog under their feet, and took it home and burned it. The sword dog is the sacrifice that the people use to "sacrifice", and the heavens and the earth regard all things as the sword dog, which means that all things can be sacrificed. In other words, the people offered the dog to heaven, and in the eyes of heaven, the people, like the dog, were only sacrifices.

In fact, each of us born in the world is only a sacrifice between heaven and earth. When you are useful, the spring breeze is ten miles, full of spirit, everyone admires, everyone worships; when you are useless, you are downcast, unlucky, you are trampled under your feet, trampled arbitrarily, and even crushed to pieces. Mr. Yu Qiuyu explained this phenomenon as "self-destruction". Heaven watched as all things grew and perished, and the saints watched as the people lived and perished. Of course, this is the Taoist sage, and the Confucian sage wants to save the world, to save the world from water and fire, and not to watch the world live and die on its own.

In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Xu Shu wants to go to Cao Ying, and before leaving, he recommends Zhuge Liang to Liu Bei, and Zhuge Liang is furious, "Are you going to sacrifice me to Liu Bei as a sacrifice?" This means that Xu Shu is doing things too unauthentically, and he jumped ship and ran away, in order to account for Liu Bei, he let Zhuge Liang give himself a post.

"Unkind" here means insensitive. When we ordinary people are frustrated and encounter tribulations, we will subconsciously cry out for heaven and earth, complain about the heavens and the people, hate the injustice of the gods, and hate the sinister ways of the world. In fact, heaven and earth do not feel, nor do they have consciousness, they cannot hear your cries, they cannot hear your complaints, so they have to find their own way to do everything.

Fourth, the sky is long.

The reason why the heavens and the earth are long-lasting is because of the lack of desire and ruthlessness. If the heavens and the earth have desires and feelings, they will not last long, "if the heavens have feelings, the sky will be old." If a person wants to live a long time, he must be ruthless and ruthless. Both Taoists and Buddhists pay attention to "renunciation", and after renunciation, they can live longer if they jump out of the three realms and are not in the five elements. Many high-ranking monks and Taoist monks have lived long enough to witness.

Fifth, the good is like water.

Water can moisturize all things, but it does not compete with all things, so it is worry-free. Yu Qiuyu devoted his life to writing, relying on the cultural prose of "generous and new tailoring" (Jia Ping's concave language) to popularize Chinese culture to the people of the whole country, and nourished countless literary lovers silently, from scholars and celebrities to fireworks and willow lanes. However, under the fame, slander also came with it, and countless gossip and gossip came to the sky. He obeyed the creed of "walking a thousand miles and not washing the mud and sand", lived in simplicity, and had no quarrel with the world, and one book after another came out, and those who once denigrated him were long submerged in the sea of people, and no one heard of him.

Therefore, we must also learn this "indisputable" spirit of water. If you don't argue, you will concentrate on doing your own thing well, not provoking right and wrong, and will not invite disasters.

Six, five colors are blinding, five tones are deaf, and five tastes are mouth-hurting.

In a lifetime, you will face many desires, the most basic desires are sensory desires, physical desires. Food, beauty, beauty. But everything is extremely opposite, and the more beautiful colors are seen, the more dazzling they are; the more beautiful sounds they hear, the more deafening they are; the more delicious they eat, the more they will hurt their stomachs. Therefore, no matter how beautiful things are, they must be done leisurely, not overheated, not excessive, not excessive. But in reality, many people can't resist the temptation. A friend of mine, obviously suffering from three highs, prefers to eat meat and drink, who does not listen to persuasion, the result of cerebral infarction, almost bedridden, and now on crutches to learn to talk and learn to walk. After the high probability of getting better, it is not wrong to eat and drink, which is in vain.

Therefore, each of us should learn to be simple, self-disciplined, do not look more at the good-looking, do not eat more delicious, do not play more for fun, and stop at the right time.

Yu Qiuyu's "Lao Tzu's General Interpretation": These ten simple truths that guide life should be deeply understood

7. Spoiled.

We often say that you are flattered, because "favors" come from people who are taller than you, bigger than you, and higher than you, and you are in a humble and inferior position and need the support of nobles, so you tremble and tremble. There is also a word, humiliation. People who dare to insult you are generally better than you. Han Xin was insulted by the dog slaughtering teenager, one was afraid of not being able to beat others, the other was afraid of killing people to pay for his life, and it was not worth it to end up with a dog killer, so he had to suffer the humiliation of his crotch.

Therefore, when a person encounters favor and humiliation, he must be shocked, and after being shocked, he can wake up in the world, recognize his situation and position, and make plans and plans for the next step. The so-called "spoiled and not alarmed" is either bragging or not thinking of making progress.

Eighth, the wind does not end, and the rain does not last forever.

Storms don't blow all morning, torrential rains don't rain all day. Storms and storms are the work of heaven and earth, and they cannot last long, let alone other things in the world. Su Dongpo said: There are unpredictable storms in the sky, and people have bad luck and misfortune. Each of us born in the world may encounter difficulties, setbacks, tribulations, and ups and downs, but these difficulties and setbacks are temporary, not eternal, and if we survive, we can usher in a bright future. Therefore, we must learn from Qingsong, "Thousands of hammers and hundreds of refinements are still strong, and the southeast and northwest winds of Ren'er are strong." "In reality, there are many people who encounter a little setback and difficulty, give up, despair, lie flat, and even can't think for a while, and embark on a narrow road." In fact, no matter how big the wind and rain, no matter how big the tribulations, they are temporary and will not be forever.

9. Those who know others are wise, and those who know themselves are wise.

The original meaning of knowledge is to impart experience. The one who can impart experience to others is the one who has wisdom. The person who can impart experience to himself is a wise man. The antonym of wisdom is foolishness, and the antonym of light is darkness. The key to this sentence is the word "self-knowledge". The ancients were cloudy, and people were self-aware. But how hard it is to be a self-aware person. Many people tell others about the great truths, but these great truths cannot guide their words and deeds. So we must first figure out ourselves, figure out how many pounds we have, and then be a teacher for others.

10. When the sergeant hears the Tao, he acts with caution; when the Sergeant hears the Tao, he will be suspicious; the Sergeant hears the Tao, and laughs.

This sentence is about the question of a person's cognition. Confucius said, "Only the wisdom of the upper and the foolishness of the lower do not change", which can be added to this sentence. When I was young, the people in the village did not approve of reading, thinking that reading was useless. Because education in the village is not developed, very few can be admitted to college, basically none. Middle school students who could not pass the university then became "wasted people", did not learn the craft, did not want to do farm work, "could not bend down", and self-esteem, looked down on the "uncultured" villagers, the result was poor, even a daughter-in-law could not marry. Therefore, except for a very small number of people with better family conditions, even if they can't go to college, there are ways not to play singles, and many people drop out of school without finishing junior high school, learn a craft, save money early to marry their daughter-in-law, and live a family.

But in big cities, especially in intellectual families, this misconception that "reading is useless" does not exist at all. Even if they smash pots and sell iron, they will provide children with books, because they understand the truth that "reading changes fate". The reason why they think that reading is useful is because they are surrounded by people who read books, and many people are admitted to college after studying and live a decent and rich life, and this success story affects their judgment.

Many people in the county are surrounded by colleges and universities, and some are not admitted, so they are very entangled, some think that reading is useful, and some think that reading is useless.

Therefore, for the truth that "reading changes destiny", the people in the city are convinced, the people in the county will be suspicious, and the people in the village will laugh.

Yu Qiuyu's "Lao Tzu's General Interpretation": These ten simple truths that guide life should be deeply understood

Yu Qiuyu said that Lao Tzu is the oldest librarian in the world, with names and surnames and works. In order to write this "Lao Tzu Tongzhi", he prepared for thirty years, read many annotations from ancient times to the present, and originally did not dare to write, but finally something happened and he could not hide.

When he gave the "Compulsory Course of Chinese Culture" to a national audience, Lao Tzu's words and sentences were difficult to understand without the text presentation. For the sake of tens of millions of listeners, he plucked up the courage to write this book. Yu Qiuyu said that compared with others, the only thing I am proud of is my text induction. I can make contemporary readers more textured, more concise to listen to Lao Tzu, and feel Lao Tzu.

The General Interpretation of Lao Tzu is an academic work that includes a large number of difficult expositions, but on the whole Yu Qiuyu is written in prose. He wanted to maintain a smooth spirituality between boring theory and examination. He believed that only by bringing about the convergence of contemporary life could the millennium text be nourished.

The General Interpretation of Lao Tzu follows the following three principles: First, try to approach the original intention and maintain a high degree of academic rigor. Second, echo the literary charm of Lao Tzu and give play to the aesthetic function of modern prose in the rhythm of language. Third, wash away the pedantic and entangled research habits, so that the majority of readers can be pleasantly accepted.

This "Lao Tzu Tongshi" is Yu Qiuyu's late years of the collection of masterpieces, such as ginger, old and spicy, the book also has Yu Qiuyu's handwriting handwriting, flowing clouds, flowing water, free and vivid, want to appreciate the traditional Chinese culture and Yu Qiuyu's profound knowledge of friends hurry up to start a set of it, click the link below to buy directly.

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Lao Tzu Tongshi + Zhou Yi Jianshi ((Yu Qiuyu speaks of the Tao Te Ching) ¥68 purchase

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