
Solve problems for the community masses with true feelings--Remembering Ma Jing, an outstanding party worker in the country and secretary of the Party Committee of The Qiyi Community in Weidu District, Xuchang City

author:Great River Network

□, Wang Ping, a reporter for Henan Daily, and Wang Xuan, an all-media reporter for Henan Newspaper

This summer, residents of the Lianliyuan Community in the Qiyi Community of Nanguan Street, Weidu District, Xuchang City, are no longer upset. "In the past, the road surface was potholed, the street lights were not bright, especially in the summer, the sewers in the community were not open, and the smell was unpleasant. Now it's good, the road is flat, the lights are on, and the people are comfortable. Resident Zhao Zengliang said, "Watching the old community become beautiful, everyone especially thanked Secretary Ma." ”

The "secretary Ma" in Zhao Zengliang's mouth is Ma Jing, an outstanding party worker in the country and secretary of the party committee of the July 1st community. In order to transform the Lianliyuan community, Ma Jing visited the scene more than ten times, actively reported to the superiors, coordinated the construction funds in many ways, and promoted the "new look" of this old community. Since 2018, 8 old communities in the Qiyi community have been "transformed" into livable homes, which has greatly enhanced the happiness and sense of gain of the masses.

"Big Lady, this is the green vegetables we sent you, this is a homemade pastry..." On July 12, Ma Jing led party member volunteers from the Qiyi community to visit the home of Zhang Xiaomei, a widow and elderly man in the jurisdiction. Some party member volunteers talked with the elderly, some cleaned up, and quickly cleaned up Zhang Daniang's home. Zhang Xiaomei said: "This group of volunteers often comes to my home and treats me with affection! ”

Organizing community party member volunteers to visit the people in need on a regular basis is the "rule" that the July 1st community has adhered to for 15 years. "For special groups such as widows, widows, the elderly, and the disabled in the community, we have a classified information ledger, and we include them in different grids according to their living locations, and visit them regularly to help them solve practical difficulties." Ma Jing said.

"Every resident of the community encounters any difficulties, she takes it as her own business and does her best to help." Wang Junchao, an "old Xuchang" who lives in the Qiyi community, said.

Li Ruiying, who sells vegetables on Sanba Road, has no money to pay the rent of the vegetable stall, Ma Jing asked her sister to borrow 5,000 yuan to help the elderly tide over the difficulties; the 85-year-old Zhang Haijun's old man's home in the West Family Courtyard of the Municipal Party Committee does not have a toilet, and Ma Jing is enthusiastic about Zhang Luo helping the elderly install toilets... Ma Jing, who used her sincerity and sincerity to solve problems for the masses, became a "girl" who was never forgotten in the hearts of many elderly people.

After the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic last year, Ma Jing was both a "commander" and a "combatant", running, publicizing, and groping in the front line of epidemic prevention and control, and slept for less than 9 hours in three days and three nights at the busiest time, and was called "Ma Tieren" by colleagues. Driven by her demonstration, 14 party member pioneer posts were set up in the Qiyi community, and 87 party member volunteers voluntarily participated in the duty work of each non-competent courtyard, and a refined community epidemic prevention and control system of "vertical to the end and horizontal to the edge" was established. Ma Jing also won the honorary title of "National Advanced Individual in Fighting the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic" for her outstanding performance in fighting the "epidemic".

"Community work is full of problems, many things seem to be small, but for the masses, it is a big hurdle, we just broke our legs, worn out our mouths, and we have to help them do a good job!" Ma Jing said that it is necessary to continue to be a good "intimate person" of the people and do a good job in party building to lead the grass-roots social governance.

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