
Ma Jing visited the frontline staff who insisted on the epidemic prevention and control card point

author:Henan Nanyang Health Era Observation

Ma Jing visited the frontline staff who insisted on the epidemic prevention and control card point

China Medical Herald Henan Nanyang News:

Ma Jing visited the frontline staff who insisted on the epidemic prevention and control card point


Traditional Chinese medicine decoctions are sent to the front line, and the affection is thick and warm. On the afternoon of August 5, Ma Jing, deputy governor of Zhenping County People's Government, accompanied by Liu Chong, deputy director of the county policy research office, Wu Peng, secretary of the party group and director of the Health Commission, Yang Xiaozhen, director of the Center for the Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Xu Zhifeng, president of the Chinese Medicine Hospital, went deep into the Shanghai-Shaanxi Expressway Zhenping Station, Shashan Station, Chaopi Station and Railway Station Card Point to cordially visit and comfort the staff who stood on the front line in the hot summer, and sent them the traditional Chinese medicine soup for the prevention of new crown pneumonia carefully boiled by the county traditional Chinese medicine hospital.

Ma Jing visited the frontline staff who insisted on the epidemic prevention and control card point
Ma Jing visited the frontline staff who insisted on the epidemic prevention and control card point
Ma Jing visited the frontline staff who insisted on the epidemic prevention and control card point
Ma Jing visited the frontline staff who insisted on the epidemic prevention and control card point

The sudden outbreak of the epidemic has struck again, and the Zhenping County Party Committee and the county government have taken the political responsibility of putting the people first and life first, conscientiously implemented the requirements of the provincial and municipal epidemic prevention and control work, and "solidly done a good job in external prevention of import, internal prevention and rebound" and other epidemic prevention and control work. Party members and cadres and medical personnel at all levels in the county heeded the call and braved the high temperature and heat to go to the epidemic prevention and control work posts, making positive contributions to protecting the life safety and physical health of the people in the county.

Ma Jing visited the frontline staff who insisted on the epidemic prevention and control card point
Ma Jing visited the frontline staff who insisted on the epidemic prevention and control card point
Ma Jing visited the frontline staff who insisted on the epidemic prevention and control card point
Ma Jing visited the frontline staff who insisted on the epidemic prevention and control card point

Ma Jing and his party cordially talked with the frontline staff at the scene everywhere they went, and expressed their sincere respect and heartfelt thanks for their dedication to the frontline and tireless work! He also pointed out that the epidemic situation is still severe and complex, the big test is still continuing, and doing a good job in the investigation and persuasion of people from medium- and high-risk areas to return to the town is the key to defeating the current round of the epidemic, and hopes that the majority of party members and cadres, medical workers and relevant staff will conscientiously implement the decision-making and deployment of the party Central Committee and provinces, cities and counties, with the political responsibility and sacred mission of being responsible to the people, carry forward the spirit of continuous combat that is not afraid of suffering and heat, strictly control the pass, check every car, check every person, strictly control, resolutely block the channels of epidemic import and transmission, and guard the prison The bottom line of "external defense input, internal defense rebound". It is necessary to complete and strengthen the strength of personnel, do a good job of rotating duty; strengthen humanistic care, do a good job of heat prevention and cooling, pay attention to the combination of work and leisure, so that comrades have sufficient energy to devote themselves to work, resolutely fight and win this epidemic prevention and control sniper battle, block the new crown pneumonia virus like an iron wall, ensure zero infection, zero transmission, zero import, zero output in our county, and effectively safeguard the life safety of the people in the county and the stability of the overall social situation.

Ma Jing visited the frontline staff who insisted on the epidemic prevention and control card point
Ma Jing visited the frontline staff who insisted on the epidemic prevention and control card point
Ma Jing visited the frontline staff who insisted on the epidemic prevention and control card point
Ma Jing visited the frontline staff who insisted on the epidemic prevention and control card point

Zhenping County Health Commission

Ma Jing visited the frontline staff who insisted on the epidemic prevention and control card point
Ma Jing visited the frontline staff who insisted on the epidemic prevention and control card point
Ma Jing visited the frontline staff who insisted on the epidemic prevention and control card point
Ma Jing visited the frontline staff who insisted on the epidemic prevention and control card point
Ma Jing visited the frontline staff who insisted on the epidemic prevention and control card point

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