
"Life and Death" exposed the "Bloody Fight" version of the trailer to reproduce the little-known heroic epic


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"Life and Death" exposed the "Bloody Fight" version of the trailer to reproduce the little-known heroic epic

As a film celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the movie "Life and Death Stick" is directed by Yao Lan'er, chief producer and director, starring Zheng Qi, Wang Yichan and Gu Wei, and invited by Wang Xia, Guo Weihua and Wang Wufu. A few days ago, the film exposed the "bloody struggle" version of the trailer, which truly presented the blood and tears story of the Red Army's left Red Army in the process of the Long March to cover the retreat of the large troops and swore to defend the position to the death, taking the audience to look back at the unforgettable history and the spirit of the Long March from a modern perspective, and continuing to struggle with Shi Mingzhi.

"Life and Death" exposed the "Bloody Fight" version of the trailer to reproduce the little-known heroic epic

Life and death stick

105 minutes - Drama / War / History released in China on April 23, 2021

The trailer for the "Bloody Fight" version is shocking

The "Left Behind Red Army" kept the last bullet to themselves

The latest exposure of the "bloody battle" version of the trailer is very touching, the trailer has both cannon fire hardcore war scenes, but also tragic telling, hardcore and tenderness in parallel, high combustion and lyrical juxtaposition, such a relaxed, tight and slow narrative, let people see the blood and hardships in the process of the Red Army's Long March. In the trailer, the first thing that catches the eye is the corpses of the sacrificed Red Army lying on the sand dunes, and their comrades can not care about burying their bodies and continue to fight the enemy.

These "leftover Red Army" gave the hope of life to the large troops that had been transferred, and kept to themselves the deadly contest with the enemy, and whether they won or not was directly related to whether the Red Army could win the twenty-five thousand miles game.

As the trailer says, "Every one of us who remains in the Red Army should be prepared to die generously... Keep the last bullet to yourself", such a fearless spirit still seems very shocking and breathless today. In addition, the history of the "left-behind Red Army" to cover the withdrawal of large red army troops from the main battlefield is little known, but it has achieved a great historical turning point.

The movie "Life and Death" not only focuses the lens on this important history, the film is also based on real people, it is reported that the film is based on the revolutionary martyrs Luo Pinghan and Zhang Jinyu and his wife as the prototype, reproducing the couple's common persistence and generosity in front of the national righteousness, and their heroic deeds are touching.

"Life and Death" exposed the "Bloody Fight" version of the trailer to reproduce the little-known heroic epic

Ordinary heroes of the war years shouldered the heavy responsibilities of the times

In times of peace, we should pay tribute to Chinese soldiers

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. The movie "Life and Death Persistence" focuses on the blood and tears historical facts and touching stories of "staying behind in the Red Army" during the Long March of the Red Army, aiming to remember history and carry forward the spirit of the Long March in retrospect, and to know the way to learn the future. The Long March of the Red Army was a great expedition of ideals and convictions, and it was also a great expedition to open up a new situation, and such a special group as "staying behind in the Red Army" was an important manifestation of the spirit of the Long March. They are heroes, but they are also the "little people" of the times.

In the film, Luo Pinghan (Zheng Qi) is an important leader of the revolutionary organization, and he is also a husband and father, he and his wife Zhang Jinyu met and fell in love during the war years, they gave up their small family to fight for the country, and stepped out of the pace of the era of settling eggs under the nest step by step. The film's director Yao Lan'er uses the art form of film to bring people back to the era of the Red Army's Long March, appreciate the tenacious struggle and bloody struggle of the "little people" of these eras, and inspire people to carry forward the spirit of the Long March and compose their own chapter of struggle in the new era. It can be seen that the movie "Life and Death Stick" has lofty intentions and profound significance.

Although the movie "Life and Death Stick" tells the story of the Red Army's Long March, it once again makes people look at the special group of Chinese soldiers. During the war years, they used their bodies to build a new Great Wall, not to give way to land, and to defend their homeland. In the era of peace, they also defended the frontiers of the motherland and the great rivers and mountains, and it is precisely because of their day and night protection that the people can live and work in peace and contentment, and have enough food and clothing. In fact, no matter what era, there are people who carry the weight for us, and the Chinese soldiers deserve tribute!

"Life and Death" exposed the "Bloody Fight" version of the trailer to reproduce the little-known heroic epic

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