
In 2024, the Xiong'an special event of Sino-foreign engineering and technology exchange projects was successfully held

author:The window of Yan Zhao

On May 17, the 2024 Sino-foreign engineering and technology exchange project Xiong'an special session was held in Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park, Xiong'an New Area. This event is one of the special activities of the second Science and Technology, Talent and Innovation Week in Xiong'an New Area, guided by the Beijing Municipal Talent Work Bureau, hosted by the Beijing Overseas Scholars Center and the Party and Mass Work Department of Xiong'an New Area, and undertaken by Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park in Xiong'an New Area. The event aims to focus on the industrial technology needs of Xiong'an New Area, invite Chinese and foreign experts in the field of engineering technology to exchange and discuss and enhance cooperation.

In 2024, the Xiong'an special event of Sino-foreign engineering and technology exchange projects was successfully held

At the exchange meeting, the relevant persons in charge of the Beijing Overseas Scholars Center and the Party and Mass Work Department of Xiong'an New Area delivered speeches respectively. Shamim A. Sheikh, academician of the Canadian Academy of Engineering and professor of the University of Toronto, introduced the engineering and technical issues involved in the construction of Xiong'an smart city with the theme of smart city; Cui Fanxiu, Chief Engineer of Subjective Evaluation of BAIC New Energy, focused on the current international development trend of intelligent networked vehicle technology, and shared his skills with the title of "Technical Status of New Energy Vehicles and BAIC's Advantages"; Meng Xiangyu, member of the Energy System Engineering Professional Committee of the China Energy Research Society and core expert of the Carbon Neutrality Technology Strategy Expert Group of the Ministry of Science and Technology, emphasized the necessity and feasibility of down-to-earth carbon reduction and effective development of hydrogen energy with the theme of "Hydrogen Energy Strategy in China under the Dual Carbon Goal: Building a Domestic and International Dual-Cycle Hydrogen Economy", combined with the new energy (green, energy conservation and environmental protection) technology in the construction of Xiong'an New Area. Zeng Yushu, Director of the BIM Division of Xiong'an New Area Xiongchuang Digital Technology Co., Ltd., introduced a new example of applying the BIM master control management system and continuously optimizing the model in the construction process of Xiong'an with the theme of "Practical Exploration of the Implementation of BIM General Control Management Consulting in the Whole Process".

In 2024, the Xiong'an special event of Sino-foreign engineering and technology exchange projects was successfully held

In the demand docking link, representatives of various technical demand units in Xiong'an New Area carried out warm exchanges and discussions with Chinese and foreign experts and scholars. Chinese and foreign experts and scholars have expressed their hope to further strengthen their understanding through this event, actively carry out cooperation with relevant enterprises and institutions in Xiong'an New Area, participate in the construction and development of Xiong'an New Area, and jointly promote the development of global urban construction in a more intelligent and safer direction.

More than 60 people from the Party and Mass Work Department of Xiong'an New Area, Beijing Overseas Scholars Center, Zhongguancun Overseas Science and Technology Park, and key enterprises and institutions in Xiong'an New Area participated in the event.

Report: Reporter Peng Haifeng

Source: Voice of Xiong'an

In 2024, the Xiong'an special event of Sino-foreign engineering and technology exchange projects was successfully held

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