
Is the baby the "feng shui" of the family? It's not superstition, it's still traceable

author:The starting point of the baby's story


Hello everyone, I'm Xiaoli~

The baby is the feng shui of the family, and there are traces to follow

Some people say that after having a child, the happiness index of the family becomes lower, and the quality of life also decreases. Moreover, the baby is frail and sickly, which causes a burden on the family.

Some people say: After giving birth to a child, my husband and mother-in-law have changed, and they are no longer as harmonious as before, and they always have quarrels because of their children.

Some people say: After giving birth to a child, everything went well, the money owed was repaid, and in two or three years, I had my own house and car.

Therefore, the baby is the feng shui of the family, which is also traceable. Having a baby has a great impact on the family, and it can also unravel the original veil of the family.

Is the baby the "feng shui" of the family? It's not superstition, it's still traceable

Many families around me have changed their quality of life after giving birth. There are those who are getting happier and those who are getting worse. Of course, every mother hopes that her child will repay the favor and not affect the family.

However, whether the family happiness index rises or falls also reflects the advantages and disadvantages of the family, as well as the quality of the baby's future happiness.

Is the baby the "feng shui" of the family? It's not superstition, it's still traceable

After giving birth to a baby, the family becomes better, and the baby is likely to be very happy

After giving birth, the family becomes better, which also means that the baby is likely to be very happy.

When a child is born, the financial burden on the family will also increase, and parents will also feel the burden and sense of responsibility, and they will work harder to earn money at this time.

When the parents' pursuit is high, the natural family will get better and better, and growing up in such a family, the baby will probably be very happy.

Is the baby the "feng shui" of the family? It's not superstition, it's still traceable

After giving birth to a baby, if the family deteriorates, there is a high probability that the original family has defects

After some families give birth, the family becomes worse, which is also some defects of the original family.

There may be some parents who gnaw at the elderly, and there is no pressure at all after giving birth, and they feel that they are born to the elderly, so the family happiness index will decline in all aspects.

Some parents may be more content with the status quo and do not have excessive pursuits, and the natural happiness index will decline after giving birth to a child, because one more child will give you more economic expenses, including manpower, energy, etc.

Therefore, the baby is not only the feng shui of the family, but also a mirror, whether the original family is good or not, giving birth to a baby can reflect the happiness index of the original family.

After giving birth, do you find that your family has changed for the better?

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