
Social Science Popularization Week - Xinhua South Road Street, "Party Flag Pilot, Secretary Leads", I will talk about learning and exchange activities

author:Tianshan District Rong Media Center

On the afternoon of May 18th, the special activity of the Social Science Popularization Week organized by the Propaganda Department of the Tianshan District Party Committee and the Xinhua South Road Street - Xinhua South Road Street "Party Flag Pilot, Secretary Leading" Idiom Golden Sentence I Talk About Learning Exchange Activities kicked off in Shenwan Hongyuan Securities Investor Education Base.

Social Science Popularization Week - Xinhua South Road Street, "Party Flag Pilot, Secretary Leads", I will talk about learning and exchange activities

At the event site, the Tuanjie West Road Community Party Committee, as the star community of Xinhua South Road Street, took the lead, closely focused on cultural revitalization, and made every effort to build a cultural volunteer service team to enrich the cultural life of residents; The general party branch of Xiheba Qianjie Community used the "red gang" to broaden the zero distance of serving the people; The General Party Branch of Xiheba Houjie Community has created a "convenient and beneficial service circle" with a radius of 15 minutes, optimized service methods, and improved service quality; Although the community is small, the masses are big, and putting the needs of the elderly in mind has always been the focus of the work of the Sanqiao Community Party Committee; The general party branch of the Siqiao community has always been guided by the leadership of party building, extending the "last meter" of convenient service to the hearts of the masses; In line with the work idea of "serving the grassroots and benefiting the people's livelihood", the General Party Branch of Hetan South Ludong Community strives to build a community that satisfies residents; Wuqiao Community closely focuses on the overall goal of social stability and long-term stability, and integrates all kinds of work; The General Party Branch of Beiguo Chuncheng Community continues to explore effective practical methods of grassroots governance, innovate work models, and improve work efficiency.

Social Science Popularization Week - Xinhua South Road Street, "Party Flag Pilot, Secretary Leads", I will talk about learning and exchange activities
Social Science Popularization Week - Xinhua South Road Street, "Party Flag Pilot, Secretary Leads", I will talk about learning and exchange activities

The event was also interspersed with the sharing of golden sentences between guests and the audience. Song Yuxiu, a resident of Tuanjie West Road Community, shared the golden sentence "Security is the foundation of development, stability is the premise of strength", she said that the reason why Xinjiang has such an excellent situation of ethnic unity, social stability and economic prosperity today is that under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, the people of all ethnic groups have always hugged each other tightly like "pomegranate seeds".

Social Science Popularization Week - Xinhua South Road Street, "Party Flag Pilot, Secretary Leads", I will talk about learning and exchange activities

Only by watching and helping each other can the "concentric circles" of national unity become bigger and bigger. I believe that our life will get better and better, and the beautiful Xinjiang will become more and more prosperous.

In the next step, Xinhua South Street will be guided by the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, closely focus on the central work, continue to carry out various social science popularization work, and hold social science lectures and other activities from time to time in combination with Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and the theme of cultural revitalization of Xinjiang, so as to meet the needs of residents in the jurisdiction for social science knowledge.

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