
Marxism's guiding position in the fields of philosophy and social sciences has been increasingly consolidated

author:China Social Science Net
Marxism's guiding position in the fields of philosophy and social sciences has been increasingly consolidated

  General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his important speech at the Symposium on Philosophy and Social Sciences: "There are also some vague and even erroneous understandings in society. Some people think that Marxism is outdated, and that what China is doing now is not Marxism; Some people say that Marxism is only an ideological preaching, and that it has no academic rationality and systematization. In practice, in some fields, Marxism has been marginalized, generalized, and labeled, and it has been 'speechless' in some disciplines, 'missing' in textbooks, and 'voiceless' in forums. This situation must be taken seriously by our attention. "Eight years ago, especially before the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, whether in the field of philosophy and social sciences, or in some other fields of ideological propaganda, the problem of "three losses" was still quite prominent. Over the past eight years, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has taken resolute and forceful measures to fundamentally change this situation.

  First, General Secretary Xi Jinping has always emphasized the truth and scientific nature of Marxism, so that the majority of philosophical and social science workers have a deeper understanding of the truth of Marxism and a firmer belief in Marxism. In recent years, General Secretary Xi Jinping has emphasized the scientific nature of Marxism from multiple dimensions: in the history of human thought, in terms of scientificity, truth, influence, and dissemination, no ideological theory can reach the height of Marxism, and no theory can have such a huge impact on the world as Marxism; Marxism is the foundation of the towering tree of the continuous development of the cause of our party and the people, and the source of the long river of our party and people that are constantly forging ahead. If we deviate from or abandon Marxism, our party will lose its soul and lose its direction. The reason why the Communist Party of China is able and why socialism with Chinese characteristics is good is, in the final analysis, because of Marxism, and because of Marxism in the Chinese era; For more than 100 years, the scientific nature and truth of Marxism have been fully tested in China, the people's nature and practical nature of Marxism have been fully implemented in China, and the openness and contemporary nature of Marxism have been fully demonstrated in China.

  These important expositions of General Secretary Xi Jinping have strengthened the ideals and beliefs of philosophical and social science workers, "the belief in Marxism, socialism and communism is the political soul of the Communists and the spiritual pillar for the Communists to withstand any test." The broad masses of philosophical and social science workers have come to realize that Marxism is the banner and soul of philosophical and social sciences, and to do a good job in this regard, it is necessary to have a belief in Marxism. Marxism solves the intrinsic relationship between scientific beliefs and everyone's practical activities, and Marxism believes that by striving for the cause of human progress and dedicating to the lofty ideals of communism, individuals can transcend themselves and obtain the immortal value of limited life. This enables the vast number of philosophical and social science workers to organically integrate their own work with the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, to organically integrate their profession with the cause for which they are fighting, and to base their ideals and beliefs on the basis of reality, so that they have the motivation and direction to struggle. As early as 1992, Comrade Deng Xiaoping said with great foresight: "There will be more people in the world who approve of Marxism, because Marxism is a science." The famous British scholar David McClellan wrote in his Biography of Marx: "Marx's social theory became one of the greatest intellectual achievements of the 19th century because of its powerful synthesis of history, philosophy, sociology, and economics." In his 2018 book, Italian scholar Marcelo Mursto said: "Reducing Marx to an immortal classic that is only suitable for academic discussion...... It would be a grave mistake, because in reality his analysis is more realistic than ever. ”

  Second, General Secretary Xi Jinping has always insisted on applying and developing the Marxist world outlook and methodology, so that the vast number of philosophical and social science workers have continuously improved their ability to use Marxism to understand, observe and solve problems. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that the scientific and revolutionary nature of Marxist theory stems from the scientific world outlook and methodology of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, which provides us with a powerful ideological weapon for understanding and transforming the world, and points out the correct direction for world socialism. He pointed out that the whole party should be urged to study the basic principles and methodology of historical materialism, better understand the national conditions, better understand the general trend of the development of the cause of the party and the country, better understand the laws of historical development, and promote various tasks more actively; More consciously adhere to and apply the dialectical materialist world outlook and methodology, enhance the ability of dialectical thinking and strategic thinking, and strive to improve the ability to solve the basic problems of the mainland's reform and development; Studying the basic principles and methodology of Marxist political economy will help us master the scientific methods of economic analysis, understand the process of economic movement, grasp the laws of social and economic development, enhance our ability to control the socialist market economy, better answer the theoretical and practical questions of the mainland's economic development, and enhance our ability and level of leading the mainland's economic development. We have applied the Marxist world outlook and methodology to promote the comprehensive deepening of reform, highlighting the systematic, holistic and coordinated nature of reform, so that reform will continue to develop in depth. Adhering to the methodology of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, we have understood and grasped the characteristics of the stages of social development on the mainland, and proposed that the initial stage of socialism is a dynamic, promising, and always vigorous process, and a process of quantitative accumulation and development and change that is progressive, constantly developing and progressing, and approaching a qualitative leap. Using the Marxist world view and methodology, he put forward a Chinese plan for defining civilization and identifying it as a civilized society, and made original contributions to the study of the origin of world civilization. Adhering to the methodology of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, we have a deep understanding of the changes in the main contradictions in society, strengthened the systematization of solving the problem of unbalanced and insufficient development, and greatly promoted the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Using the Marxist world outlook and methodology, this paper focuses on the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization and provides a foundation for the construction of modern civilization of the Chinese nation. We should adhere to the methodology of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, apply the basic principles and methodology of Marxist political economy, and realize that capital has a positive role in promoting the development of social productive forces, and at the same time has the nature of pursuing profits, and if it is not regulated and restrained, it will bring immeasurable harm to economic and social development, thus providing theoretical guidance for us to improve our ability to control the socialist market economy. It is on the basis of these systematic scientific understandings that the worldview and methodology of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era have been formed, and the direction has also been pointed out for all aspects of work in various fields of philosophy and social sciences. The vast number of philosophical and social science workers can consciously establish the value concept of doing scholarship for the people, and can take China as a mirror and the times as a mirror, and systematically and comprehensively construct China's independent knowledge system in the process of solving China's problems.

  Third, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized the institutional construction of Marxism's guiding position in the ideological field, and used the system to consolidate the foundation of Marxist ideals for the vast number of philosophical and social science workers. In December 2016, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the National Conference on Ideological and Political Work in Colleges and Universities that it is necessary to unremittingly disseminate Marxist scientific theories, do a good job in Marxist theory education, and lay a scientific ideological foundation for students' lifelong growth. In recent years, the discipline of Marxist theory has continued to grow and expand. In March 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his speech at the symposium of teachers of ideological and political theory courses in schools that ideological and political courses should use the weapon of criticism on the basis of disseminating Marxist positions, views and methods, face various erroneous views and trends of thought, and analyze and criticize them with a clear banner. The space for public opinion on erroneous trends of thought, such as "universal values," "historical nihilism," and "constitutional democracy," has been greatly compressed, and the red front has been effectively consolidated. In October 2019, the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China adopted the "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Several Major Issues Concerning Upholding and Improving the System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Promoting the Modernization of the National Governance System and Governance Capacity", which clearly stated that "adhere to the fundamental system of Marxism's guiding position in the ideological field", requiring the in-depth implementation of Marxist theoretical research and construction projects, and the comprehensive implementation of adhering to Marxism as the guidance in all aspects of ideological and theoretical construction, philosophical and social science research, education and teaching; Strengthen and improve ideological and political education in schools, and establish a system and mechanism for educating people in all aspects, in the whole process, and in all aspects; Implement a responsibility system for ideological work. The responsibility system for ideological work is a basic system. In 2015, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China promulgated the "Implementation Measures for the Responsibility System for the Ideological Work of Party Committees (Party Groups)", which was revised by the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee in 2021 and re-issued, clarifying the responsibilities of all aspects. The Regulations on the Accountability of the Communist Party of China promulgated in 2016 clearly pointed out that "Party spirit education, especially education on ideals, beliefs and purposes, is weak" and must be held accountable. In December 2023, the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" revised and issued by the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee for the third time clearly requires that those who publicly publish articles, speeches, declarations, statements, etc., that adhere to the position of bourgeois liberalization, oppose the four cardinal principles, and oppose the party's reform and opening up decision-making through the Internet, radio, television, newspapers, leaflets, books, etc., or through lectures, forums, reports, symposiums, etc., shall be expelled from the party. All these systems have effectively guaranteed the implementation of the important system of upholding the guiding position of Marxism in the ideological field.

  (The author is president of the Institute of Marxism, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

Source: "China Social Sciences Daily" May 17, 2024 Issue 2893 Author: Xin Xiangyang

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