
The construction of ideological and political courses is regarded as the top priority of the party's leadership education work

author:China Social Science Net
The construction of ideological and political courses is regarded as the top priority of the party's leadership education work

  Education is the great plan of the country and the party. As a political, strategic, and basic construction of education, ideological and political courses in schools are the lifeline of implementing the party's education policy, and play an important role in the party's overall leadership over education. In the new era and new journey, it is necessary to comprehensively strengthen the party's leadership over the construction of ideological and political courses, always insist on putting the construction of ideological and political courses in schools in an important position in educational work, and constantly open up a new situation in ideological and political education in the new era. History and practice have proved that the fundamental characteristics and advantages of the construction of ideological and political courses are to adhere to the party's leadership; The understanding of the regularity of the construction of ideological and political courses is an important experience of the party's leadership in education. Properly handling a series of important relationships in promoting the reform and innovation of ideological and political courses is an important path to strengthen the party's leadership over educational work.

The construction of ideological and political courses is regarded as the top priority of the party's leadership education work

The fundamental characteristic and advantage of the construction of ideological and political courses is to uphold the party's overall leadership

  The ideological and political theory course is a socialist ideological and political course under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and guided by Marxist theory. Relying on the leadership system of overseeing the overall situation and coordinating all parties, the Communist Party of China has implemented the ideological leading function and organizational effectiveness of advanced political parties in all aspects of educational work, and has integrated the party's education policy into the entire process of ideological and political course construction and practice, thus achieving the greatest advantage in the construction of ideological and political courses and forming the greatest characteristics based on its own national conditions.

  First, in the direction of education, the construction of ideological and political courses pays more attention to serving the people and serving the socialist modernization drive. The Communist Party of China is a service-oriented political party with the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, and ideological and political education in the new era should adhere to the concept of people-centered education, give play to the basic function of improving students' ideological and moral quality and scientific and cultural quality, and constantly meet the growing spiritual needs of the people, especially the needs of ideological education. At the same time, the party's education policy requires accurate grasp and service of the party's central task in the new era. As a mission-oriented political party, the mission of the Communist Party of China in the new era and new journey is to comprehensively promote the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization, and the construction of ideological and political courses must fully meet the needs of modernization for the cultivation of all kinds of talents, serve the governance of the Communist Party of China, serve the consolidation and development of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and serve the reform, opening up and socialist modernization.

  Second, in terms of educational goals, the construction of ideological and political courses pays more attention to the all-round development of people. The Communist Party of China (CPC) is a learning-oriented and innovative political party that adheres to the principle of building the party ideologically and strengthening the party theoretically, and has always focused its ideological and political education on the people themselves. Striving to cultivate new people of the era who will take on the important task of national rejuvenation and cultivating socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor is a concrete embodiment of inheriting and developing the Marxist thinking on the all-round development of people in the construction of ideological and political courses, and adhering to the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people, and the education policy of giving priority to moral education. On the one hand, in terms of education and training goals, it is necessary to use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to cast souls and educate people, and promote the majority of young students to enhance the "four self-confidences" and work hard with high spirits. On the other hand, ideological and political teachers are required to have high character and strong ability, and have the confidence to teach and devote themselves to educating people.

  Third, in terms of educational approaches, the construction of ideological and political courses pays more attention to the combination of education with production and labor and social practice. Persisting in being problem-oriented is an important ideological method and work method of our party. Taking root in the land of China and combining it with production, labor and social practice is an important part of the party's education policy in the new era. The construction of ideological and political courses with Chinese characteristics particularly emphasizes the unity of ideological and political education and practicality, attaches importance to the practicality of ideological and political courses, combines ideological and political small classes with social classrooms, and educates and guides students to establish lofty ideals and be strivers; Attach importance to proceeding from reality, face all kinds of erroneous views and trends of thought in life, and transmit mainstream ideologies in ideological confrontations; Pay attention to the overall environment of ideological and political course construction, implement the concept of all-round education for all employees, and create a clean and upright ideological and political ecology in daily education management.

The construction of ideological and political courses is regarded as the top priority of the party's leadership education work

Understanding the regularity of the construction of ideological and political courses is an important experience of the party's leadership in educational work

  The party's education policy is a summary of the experience of the party's leadership in education, which not only reflects the purpose and nature of the party's leadership in education, but also reflects the inherent requirements of the party's leadership in education. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the most fundamental thing to do a good job in ideological and political theory courses is to fully implement the party's education policy and solve the fundamental problem of what people to cultivate, how to train people, and for whom to train people. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the party has always insisted on putting the construction of ideological and political courses in schools as the top priority in educational work, comprehensively strengthened the leadership of the construction of ideological and political courses, made great achievements in the construction of ideological and political courses, formed a series of regular understandings on the construction of ideological and political courses, and enriched and developed the experience of the party's leadership in education.

  The first is to adhere to the guiding position of Marxism and study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era Adhere to the simultaneous advancement of the construction of ideological and political courses and the arming of the Party's innovative theories, build a curriculum and textbook system with Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the core content, vigorously promote the construction of a socialist discipline system with Chinese characteristics, and further promote the integration of ideological and political education in primary and secondary schools. Arming innovative theories with integrity and innovation, supported by the world-renowned achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and based on the excellent traditional Chinese culture, revolutionary culture, and advanced socialist culture.

  The second is to adhere to the socialist direction of running schools and implement the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people. The ideological and political theory course is the key course to implement the fundamental task of cultivating morality and cultivating people, and it is necessary to use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to cast the soul and educate people, guide students to enhance the "four self-confidences", cultivate patriotic feelings, and consciously integrate patriotism, national aspirations, and dedication to the country into the struggle to uphold and develop the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, build a modern socialist power, and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and become the newcomers of the times, socialist builders and successors who take on the great task of national rejuvenation.

  The third is to insist on building a team of ideological and political teachers who are politically strong, have deep feelings, have new thinking, have a broad vision, are strict in self-discipline, and have a positive personality. The key to running ideological and political theory courses well lies in teachers, and the key lies in bringing into play teachers' enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity. Teachers of ideological and political courses should be good at looking at problems from a political point of view, maintaining the feelings of the family and the country, learning dialectical materialism and historical materialism, having a knowledge, international and historical vision, consciously carrying forward the main theme, and having an upright personality, so as to guide students to "buckle the first button in life".

  Fourth, we should insist on taking root in the land of China to run education. In the long-term process of revolution, construction and reform, the Communist Party of China has continuously deepened its understanding of the laws governing the Communist Party, the laws of socialist construction, and the laws of the development of human society, forged a rich revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culture, and made great achievements in the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

  Fifth, we should persist in establishing a work pattern in which the party committees exercise unified leadership, the party and the government work together, the relevant departments assume their respective responsibilities, and the whole society coordinates and cooperates. Party committees at all levels should put the building of ideological and political theory courses on the important agenda, grasp the conspicuous problems restricting the construction of ideological and political courses, adopt effective measures in the work pattern, team building, support and guarantees, and promote the formation of a good atmosphere in which the whole party and the whole society work hard to run ideological and political courses well, teachers conscientiously teach ideological and political courses well, and students actively study ideological and political courses.

The construction of ideological and political courses is regarded as the top priority of the party's leadership education work

Promoting the reform and innovation of ideological and political courses is an important way to strengthen the party's leadership over education work

  Strengthening the party's leadership is the fundamental guarantee for doing a good job in the construction of ideological and political courses. Deepening the reform and innovation of ideological and political courses is an important path to strengthen the party's leadership. Only by firmly grasping the lifeline of ideological and political education can we ensure that the party's banner flutters high in every position on the education front. General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed to promote the reform and innovation of ideological and political theory courses by adhering to the methodological principle of "eight unifications". Continuously enhance the ideological, theoretical, affinity, and pertinence of ideological and political courses, and then continuously consolidate the ideological and political foundation of the party's leadership over educational work.

  The first is to adhere to the unity of politics and academic rationality, and turn rationality into virtue. Noble virtue does not arise in a vacuum, but comes from a thoroughly theoretical nature. It is necessary to respond to students with thorough academic analysis, persuade students with thorough ideological theories, and guide students with the powerful power of truth.

  The second is to adhere to the unity of value and knowledge, and use knowledge to cultivate righteousness. There is no completely abstract concept and ideal, and people's positions and views are only the concentrated embodiment of the overall knowledge system, and values should be guided in the knowledge impartation.

  The third is to adhere to the unity of constructiveness and criticism, be problem-oriented, have the courage to struggle, and be good at struggle. The truth is not clear, and real gold is not afraid of fire. To transmit the mainstream ideology, it is necessary to face up to all kinds of erroneous viewpoints and trends of thought.

  Fourth, adhere to the unity of theory and practice, and the unity of knowledge and action. It is necessary to expand the new pattern of comprehensive education with the "big ideological and political courses", combine the "small classrooms" of ideological and political courses with the "big classrooms" of society, attach importance to the practicality of ideological and political courses, give full play to the educational and stimulating role of the great achievements of the new era, enrich the teaching content of ideological and political courses, tell the stories of the new era, and educate and guide students to be ambitious and strivers.

  Fifth, we should adhere to the unity of unity and diversity, and seek truth from facts. Specific problems are analyzed on a case-by-case basis. Implement the unified requirements of teaching objectives, curriculum setting, use of teaching materials, teaching management, etc., and at the same time teach according to local conditions, time conditions, and aptitude.

  Sixth, adhere to the unity of dominance and subjectivity, and be self-confident and self-reliant. The teaching of ideological and political courses is inseparable from the leadership of teachers, and at the same time, it is necessary to increase the study of students' cognitive laws and acceptance characteristics, give full play to the role of students' subjectivity, and realize self-establishment and self-transcendence in ideological understanding.

  Seventh, adhere to the unity of indoctrination and inspiration, and maintain a sincere and respectful heart. It is necessary not only to educate students to accept knowledge with an honest attitude, but also to pay attention to enlightening education, guide students to discover, analyze, and think about problems, and let students draw conclusions naturally in continuous inspiration.

  Eighth, we should persist in the unity of explicit and implicit education, and establish a systematic concept. Ideological and political education does not exist independently, but is inseparable from all kinds of educational content and even from the overall educational work. It is necessary to tap the ideological and political education resources contained in other courses and teaching methods, so as to realize the all-round education of all employees.

  [The author is a full-time deputy secretary and researcher of the School of Marxism of the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (National Academy of Administration), and secretary-general of the China Marxist Research Foundation]

Author: Xue Weijiang Source: China Social Science Network

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