
Is it possible that egg prices will rise significantly in the short term?

author:Lao Zhou said three farmers
Is it possible that egg prices will rise significantly in the short term?

Now the eggs on the market, whether it is local eggs or chicken eggs sales prices have begun to rise slowly, in our place per plate of eggs (30), the market sales of chicken eggs prices have risen from 16-18 yuan to 17-19 yuan. Free-range eggs are 1-1.5 yuan each. At present, the price is relatively stable, and I think that the price of eggs cannot rise significantly in the short term, and it is possible to rise slowly. There are two reasons for the increase in egg prices.

One is the climatic factors, the rise and fall of egg prices throughout the year is a certain regularity, the temperature gradually rises after the Spring Festival, the light is gradually extended, the light is longer day by day, and the summer solstice is the longest day of the year. Light is one of the main factors affecting the egg production of free-range chickens. In addition to the influence of breed and feed, the influence of the external environment is very large, especially the influence of light and temperature. With the increase of temperature and the extension of sunshine hours, the egg production of free-range chickens gradually increases. Light has the effect of promoting the growth and development of hens and enhancing reproductive function.

In spring, with the rise of temperature, the extension of light time, the egg production of rural free-range hens gradually increases, and the hens lay eggs before and after the summer solstice festival every year is the most season of the year, and it is also the cheapest season of the year when the egg sales price is cheapest, so it is now the lowest point of the egg price in the year. In summer, the climate is hot and dry, and due to the influence of high temperature and humidity, the egg production of rural free-range chickens has begun to decrease again. In summer, the climate is hot and humid, and due to the lack of sweat glands, chickens have thick feathers and mainly rely on breathing, evaporation, and drinking water excretion to dissipate body temperature. If the ambient temperature is too high, the dissipation of body heat will be blocked, breathing will be accelerated, drinking water will increase, and appetite will be reduced, resulting in insufficient nutrition and reduced egg production and egg weight.

In the hot summer, due to the large reduction in the egg production of free-range chickens in rural areas, the number of eggs on the market has decreased significantly, and the eggs are in short supply, and the price continues to rise, and the price of eggs after the ambush has reached the highest price of the year. In order for hens to produce more eggs in the hot summer, it is necessary to take appropriate measures to raise and manage the hens so that they can reach their maximum egg production potential. Entering the summer, the temperature is getting higher and higher, the summer temperature is high, the farm free-range chickens are laying fewer and fewer eggs, and the market egg price is getting higher and higher.

Is it possible that egg prices will rise significantly in the short term?

Second, the increase in consumption: the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival is an important traditional festival in China, the Dragon Boat Festival has little impact on the consumption of eggs, and the price of eggs in the market is still stable. The Mid-Autumn Festival has the greatest impact on egg consumption and prices, and the consumption of eggs begins to increase a lot every year to about a month before the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival is the season when egg consumption is relatively large, because most of the moon cakes are made with egg yolks as fillings, 1-2 egg yolks for a month of cakes every month, under normal circumstances, the egg price will reach the highest price in the year every month before the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the highest egg price season in a year is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Eggs in the market are in short supply, the price continues to rise, and the price of eggs will slowly decline after the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Therefore, I think that the price of eggs is unlikely to rise sharply in the short term, and it will begin to rise slowly around the Dragon Boat Festival, and the price will reach the highest value of the year about a month before the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Is it possible that egg prices will rise significantly in the short term?

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