
The assembled Batmobile with a detachable Batmobile is finally here!

author:Tao Ge Assessment

After the launch of the "Batman: The Dark Knight" series of assembled Batman, MODOKING finally brought this Batman Chariot Tumbler and Batmobile vehicle set, so what are the fun points of this product, let's take a look at the official picture!

Official picture appreciation

The assembled Batmobile with a detachable Batmobile is finally here!

This product is an assembled model at 1/12 scale

At the same time, according to the introduction, this time it is still pre-painted

The assembled Batmobile with a detachable Batmobile is finally here!

This is the case with the Tumbler, the assembled Batmobile

The total length is about 37cm, and the size is really not small

The assembled Batmobile with a detachable Batmobile is finally here!

And the appearance aspect is not bad

There is no big problem with the overall degree of restoration

The assembled Batmobile with a detachable Batmobile is finally here!

The tires are made of rubber

The assembled Batmobile with a detachable Batmobile is finally here!

At the same time, the hatch can be opened

The inside side not only has details that restore the cockpit

And the grip part can be moved

The assembled Batmobile with a detachable Batmobile is finally here!

In addition, the assembled version of the Bell Batman that their family launched before

Of course, you can also sit completely in the cockpit

The assembled Batmobile with a detachable Batmobile is finally here!

This Batmobile also has 6 built-in light clusters

The lights can be turned on by magnetron

The assembled Batmobile with a detachable Batmobile is finally here!

In addition to this, a jet effect piece was also given

The assembled Batmobile with a detachable Batmobile is finally here!

And then the kit included a batmobile

It is also 1/12 proportion, and the total length is about 28.8cm

The assembled Batmobile with a detachable Batmobile is finally here!

The styling details are okay

You can also ride a Batman puppet

The assembled Batmobile with a detachable Batmobile is finally here!

And the biggest selling point of this product is that it can be used for bat motorcycles

Disassembled and stored in the chassis of the Batmobile

Although it is not a one-piece deformation, and the mechanism is also different from the movie

But it's really good that the manufacturer can make this play

The assembled Batmobile with a detachable Batmobile is finally here!

In addition, according to the official version

The wheels of the chariot and the motorcycle are in separate sets

Therefore, it does not affect their individual placement

The assembled Batmobile with a detachable Batmobile is finally here!

The spot price of this product is 549 yuan, and the current pre-pricing is 499 yuan

As a 1/12th scale compact

Do you think it's expensive to sell at this price? You can talk about it in the comment area

Product Information

Product Name: MODOKING

1:12 Batman vehicle set from the Dark Knight trilogy series

Reservation price: 499 yuan

(Spot price 549 yuan)

Shipment Date: Q3 2024

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