
The fire station at the door of the house guards the world cultural heritage of Yunbian

author:Pu'er Release

There is an ancient tea mountain, the mountain is steep and inserts the sea of clouds, the village is in the sky, the magnificent landscape makes people linger, the forest is full of tea, the tea surrounds the village, people grow tea, tea raises people, and man and nature are in harmony and harmony, endlessly. This is the World Cultural Heritage Site - Jingmai Mountain, Huimin Town, Lancang Lahu Autonomous County, Pu'er City, Yunnan Province.

There is a fire station, hidden in the fragrant tea rhyme and the sea of clouds, the red and blue colors and the buildings in the thousand-year-old village complement each other, this is the Pu'er City Fire Rescue Detachment Jingmai Mountain Fire Workstation.

Jingmai Mountain has gone to the world with the fragrance of tea, and the Jingmai Mountain Fire Workstation has been guarding the harmony and tranquility of this side by the clouds.

A fire station was built in front of the house

"In the past, there were no roads and no water on the mountain, and the most feared thing was a fire, but now there is a fire station at the door of my house, and I have also become a firefighter......" Wu Jinliang is a native of the Brown nationality on Jingmai Mountain, in addition, he has another identity, that is, a full-time firefighter.

The fire station at the door of the house guards the world cultural heritage of Yunbian

In the heritage area, 9 traditional villages of ethnic minorities are located, and the houses are all dry-column buildings, of which 364 are listed as national key protected cultural relics, and fire safety problems should not be underestimated.

In this regard, the Pu'er City Fire and Rescue Detachment changed "passive defense" to "front defense", and established a fire station in Jingmai Mountain, where the strength entered the point, the equipment was allocated to the village, the training was covered to each group, and the propaganda entered every household, and the practical problems of "fire prevention, disaster rescue, and strength are difficult to gather" have been effectively resolved. "Now, we can extinguish small fires ourselves, and the fire brigade can come in five minutes in the event of a big fire." Villager Yan Wendan said.

Measure Jingmai Mountain with footsteps

15,216 steps, which is the number of patrol steps of full-time firefighter Wu Jinliang in a day. Wu Jinliang and the remaining 10 full-time firefighters carry out patrols and inspections every day, and they all need to walk more than 10,000 steps. They are familiar with the general situation of 1,636 villagers in the core area and the location of more than 300 outdoor fire hydrants.

The fire station at the door of the house guards the world cultural heritage of Yunbian

"There are a lot of tourists, so you should pay attention to fire safety at all times when you run a restaurant, and check the fire pit several times." "The water tank at home should be filled with water at all times, and children should be told not to play with fire." "When you fry tea at home, you have to manage the fire source." "Parking a vehicle can't block the safety lane." …… While patrolling, Wu Jinliang and his team members will go into the homes of villagers to popularize fire safety knowledge and urge everyone to implement fire prevention measures.

They are not only fire "supervisors" and "propagandists", but also "combatants", every holiday, the team members will patrol in the village, maintain the fire hydrants and other equipment in the village, and organize and carry out fire fighting drills to ensure that emergencies can be dealt with in a timely manner.

Everyone is a firefighter

The Pu'er City Fire and Rescue Detachment vigorously carried out the project of "everyone is a firefighter and every family has a fire extinguisher" in Jingmai Mountain, and successively equipped more than 500 villagers with fire extinguishers and fire water tanks, and taught the villagers how to use them.

"The fire water tank should be placed in a convenient location for water access, and it should be filled with water at ordinary times, and should not be diverted for other purposes, in case of emergency." Nowadays, every household in the village is equipped with a fire water tank, and the team members will also remind the villagers of the precautions for use when they enter the village to inspect the household. The large-capacity, simple and practical fire water tank is placed in the villagers' homes, which can directly and effectively solve the problem of water shortage in the event of a fire, extinguish the initial fire at the first time, and control the spread of the fire.

The fire station at the door of the house guards the world cultural heritage of Yunbian

At the same time, the Jingmai Mountain Fire Workstation organized and carried out the training and learning of "bilingual" fire night school and fire protection by the fire pond in combination with the characteristics of Jingmai Mountain's production rules, and more and more villagers realized the importance of fire safety and participated in fire prevention work more actively.

"We have also set up 160 'Solidarity and Mutual Assistance' linkage groups in the villages, and 10 neighboring households have been organized into one linkage group, so that neighborhood watch can be realized. A family defense is not as good as a family defense, only everyone pays attention to it, and every family participates, in order to protect our Jingmai Mountain. Wu Jinliang said.

Source: "Yunnan Fire" WeChat public account

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