
Painting Collection: It is not that printmaking art is universal, but that its decoration is common consumption

author:Calligraphy and painting everyone

Text/Feng Haitao Painting/Lu Jianmin

This is a fan's message: "Printmaking art is universal, and the original work is only treasured, so the cultural and artistic value of printmaking is more practical and higher, and the value of an original work can not be reflected." "There is no problem with the point of view, and I have my own perception. But there is a question that I personally think should be raised, that is, universality and communication, is it a painting that is streotyped or machine-printed to be sold as a work of art? This is clearly not the case. Because, the dissemination of calligraphy and painting works should be the products derived from them, or the published books. And this kind of printmaking is obviously a derivative. I think everyone knows about the simulated printed wall calendars in the eighties and nineties, as well as the printing decorative paintings of some famous paintings. Their dissemination is truly universal. There is also the cultural and artistic value of printmaking, which can be called that after engraving and then rubbing, but how can a reproduced printed print (or even a machine-printed print) come from the artistic theory, at best, the reproduced printmaking has technical value.

Painting Collection: It is not that printmaking art is universal, but that its decoration is common consumption

Works by Lu Jianmin

If it is far-fetched to say that this kind of printed or reproduced paintings are valuable, it can only be printed at any time as long as there are high-definition pictures when machine printing does not appear or the technical level is low. It's, what's artistic. With the development of society, the value of art has evolved from the original nature to the era when the power of the original is the value. And printmaking is only a manifestation of the value conferred by power. The artistic value does not exist at all, but the high imitation of the prints does have the artistic effect of the original. It's just that prints can be issued indefinitely, making them not collectible. Even if the original work is destroyed and the original picture is lost, the prints do not have the value of collecting, because as long as there is a picture or print, it can continue to be published and distributed again. As for the limited edition prints signed by the artist, they are also not collectible. Again, a work without power is a decorative painting. Does the artist's signature turn the print into an original work? The point is that the artist's own original works are not necessarily collectible.

Painting Collection: It is not that printmaking art is universal, but that its decoration is common consumption

Works by Lu Jianmin

As for the fact that the prints signed by the institution and their families and descendants are works of art, that is a big joke. Regarding the cognition and understanding of printmaking, I am talking about my cognition and understanding, and as for people with different opinions to collect, it is also their cognition and understanding. However, printmaking tools do not have artistic value and collection value, and it is necessary to think about it. When you think you think about it and think it is valuable, then you collect it, that is, the collection becomes a joke, and you don't regret it. For those who don't know whether printmaking is valuable, it is recommended that it is best not to listen to fools, but to analyze correctly and make decisions.

Painting Collection: It is not that printmaking art is universal, but that its decoration is common consumption

Works by Lu Jianmin

Painting Collection: It is not that printmaking art is universal, but that its decoration is common consumption

Works by Lu Jianmin

Painting Collection: It is not that printmaking art is universal, but that its decoration is common consumption

Works by Lu Jianmin

Painting Collection: It is not that printmaking art is universal, but that its decoration is common consumption

Works by Lu Jianmin

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