
【Sanrio Element DIY Bracelet Blind Box】49.9 yuan! 24 holes in a box! Decorative pendants with various blings ~ You can DIY two unique bracelets!

author:SOHO Guangzhou






【Sanrio Element DIY Bracelet Blind Box】49.9 yuan! 24 holes in a box! Decorative pendants with various blings ~ You can DIY two unique bracelets!

【Sanrio Element DIY Bracelet Blind Box】49.9 yuan! 24 holes in a box! Decorative pendants with various blings ~ You can DIY two unique bracelets!
【Sanrio Element DIY Bracelet Blind Box】49.9 yuan! 24 holes in a box! Decorative pendants with various blings ~ You can DIY two unique bracelets!
相信很多的小女孩都偷穿妈妈的裙子、偷用妈妈的化妆品🤭 🤭 ……

💅 💅 爱美是一件好事 ,尤其对于家里有小公主的父母来说,教会小女儿如何正确的对待美😊 

让自己越来越美,真的是一件非常重要的事情呢~😉 😉 





【Sanrio Element DIY Bracelet Blind Box】49.9 yuan! 24 holes in a box! Decorative pendants with various blings ~ You can DIY two unique bracelets!
【Sanrio Element DIY Bracelet Blind Box】49.9 yuan! 24 holes in a box! Decorative pendants with various blings ~ You can DIY two unique bracelets!
【Sanrio Element DIY Bracelet Blind Box】49.9 yuan! 24 holes in a box! Decorative pendants with various blings ~ You can DIY two unique bracelets!
😆 大家应该都会看过戚薇女儿Luc*ky的短视频叭~

Lucky 超级爱口红,立志长大后搞化妆品事业👄 👄 平时说起口红眼睛发光,甚至被妈妈在节目上爆料睡觉一定要拿一个美妆蛋~🤭 🤭 🤭 

如果说小朋友化妆你还觉得有点为时过早,那么饰品应该是最好的选择吧!🤗 🤗 

💅 今天给大家推荐的是这款三丽鸥正版授权的儿童首饰DIY,每一个配件不仅做工精致,还能培养孩子的动手能力、提升审美~这样的儿童游戏玩具,真的非常有意义!💋 💋 💋
【Sanrio Element DIY Bracelet Blind Box】49.9 yuan! 24 holes in a box! Decorative pendants with various blings ~ You can DIY two unique bracelets!
【Sanrio Element DIY Bracelet Blind Box】49.9 yuan! 24 holes in a box! Decorative pendants with various blings ~ You can DIY two unique bracelets!
【Sanrio Element DIY Bracelet Blind Box】49.9 yuan! 24 holes in a box! Decorative pendants with various blings ~ You can DIY two unique bracelets!
【Sanrio Element DIY Bracelet Blind Box】49.9 yuan! 24 holes in a box! Decorative pendants with various blings ~ You can DIY two unique bracelets!
【Sanrio Element DIY Bracelet Blind Box】49.9 yuan! 24 holes in a box! Decorative pendants with various blings ~ You can DIY two unique bracelets!
团长带你走进充满创意的美丽世界🧚♀️ 🧚♀️ 🧚♀️ 

💁 💁 这是一款富有独特的浪漫与时尚气质,充分调动女孩与生俱来的美感与想象力🙆 🙆 

它让小公主们更加具有创造力与审美力,拥有非凡的气质与魅力!👸 👸 👸 

【Sanrio Element DIY Bracelet Blind Box】49.9 yuan! 24 holes in a box! Decorative pendants with various blings ~ You can DIY two unique bracelets!
【Sanrio Element DIY Bracelet Blind Box】49.9 yuan! 24 holes in a box! Decorative pendants with various blings ~ You can DIY two unique bracelets!
【Sanrio Element DIY Bracelet Blind Box】49.9 yuan! 24 holes in a box! Decorative pendants with various blings ~ You can DIY two unique bracelets!
【Sanrio Element DIY Bracelet Blind Box】49.9 yuan! 24 holes in a box! Decorative pendants with various blings ~ You can DIY two unique bracelets!

🔔 每一颗珠珠都做的超级精细✨ ✨ 

三丽鸥的搭配美到令人窒息😍 😍 

大家控制好,千万别舔屏💋 💋 

📸 📸 实拍细节图来一波😍 😍
【Sanrio Element DIY Bracelet Blind Box】49.9 yuan! 24 holes in a box! Decorative pendants with various blings ~ You can DIY two unique bracelets!
【Sanrio Element DIY Bracelet Blind Box】49.9 yuan! 24 holes in a box! Decorative pendants with various blings ~ You can DIY two unique bracelets!
哈哈我家宝贝也超喜欢的!小男孩能有什么坏心思额?不就是想趁着这个特别的日子送给好朋友一条手链嘛 搞起!哈哈哈

【Sanrio Element DIY Bracelet Blind Box】49.9 yuan! 24 holes in a box! Decorative pendants with various blings ~ You can DIY two unique bracelets!
【Sanrio Element DIY Bracelet Blind Box】49.9 yuan! 24 holes in a box! Decorative pendants with various blings ~ You can DIY two unique bracelets!







【Sanrio Element DIY Bracelet Blind Box】49.9 yuan! 24 holes in a box! Decorative pendants with various blings ~ You can DIY two unique bracelets!
【Sanrio Element DIY Bracelet Blind Box】49.9 yuan! 24 holes in a box! Decorative pendants with various blings ~ You can DIY two unique bracelets!
【Sanrio Element DIY Bracelet Blind Box】49.9 yuan! 24 holes in a box! Decorative pendants with various blings ~ You can DIY two unique bracelets!
🎄 🎄 这款六一喜庆礼盒 DIY 手链,搭配各种 blingbling 的装饰吊坠,显得无比闪耀~✨ ✨ ✨ 

🌟 🌟 搭配有bling bling的三丽鸥梦幻挂饰哦;美乐蒂。库洛米。云桂狗。哈哈哈可可爱爱都有

就问你的小公主甜不甜!💖 💖 

【Sanrio Element DIY Bracelet Blind Box】49.9 yuan! 24 holes in a box! Decorative pendants with various blings ~ You can DIY two unique bracelets!
【Sanrio Element DIY Bracelet Blind Box】49.9 yuan! 24 holes in a box! Decorative pendants with various blings ~ You can DIY two unique bracelets!
😍 😍 😍 爱了 爱了😍 😍 😍      
🎄 DIY 亲子活动,DIY 手工套件可以有效地激发孩子的想象力🔔 🔔 

✨ 训练孩子的判断和耐心,培养孩子的手眼协调能力,解决问题。最最理想的圣诞礼物🎁 🎁 

👸 👸 完美的六一降临节日历,送给您的女孩、母亲、孙女、女朋友等的特殊礼物🎁 

在玩耍过程中,享受家庭幸福的快乐😍 😍
【Sanrio Element DIY Bracelet Blind Box】49.9 yuan! 24 holes in a box! Decorative pendants with various blings ~ You can DIY two unique bracelets!
【Sanrio Element DIY Bracelet Blind Box】49.9 yuan! 24 holes in a box! Decorative pendants with various blings ~ You can DIY two unique bracelets!
7.盲盒开拆不退不换!因为盲洞是有做切割的 运输过车过程中难免会有轻微压损不影响玩耍不做售后要求      
【Sanrio Element DIY Bracelet Blind Box】49.9 yuan! 24 holes in a box! Decorative pendants with various blings ~ You can DIY two unique bracelets!

Group purchase service details shipping address: Jinhua, Zhejiang

Delivery express: Zhongtong

Delivery time: Sent within 1-5 days after the order is paid, and the cancellation of the order in the middle does not guarantee success

Return and exchange commitment: 7 days from the date of receipt to support no reason to return (Note: cosmetics, underwear, food unpacking, clothes and shoes have been worn and washed, clearance special products, do not support 7 days no reason to return.)

Return and exchange freight problems: (quality problems, we subsidize 8 yuan, non-quality problems deduct 5 yuan from the delivery freight)

Main tip: In order to avoid unnecessary arguments, be sure to check as soon as possible after signing, and attach express bags/boxes + product pictures to customer service if there is a problem

About returns: Be sure to ensure that the secondary sales will not be affected (shoes must be guaranteed to be in the shoe box) background application, return according to the address provided in the background, and the wrong address will not be processed. The address will be returned within 72 hours after it is given, and it will not be processed after the deadline

Intimate tips: Indicate that the channel goods do not support counter inspection, mind not shooting, all products do not accept remarks to place orders


Customer service tips

【Sanrio Element DIY Bracelet Blind Box】49.9 yuan! 24 holes in a box! Decorative pendants with various blings ~ You can DIY two unique bracelets!

※Customer service information

Customer service hours: Monday to Friday 10:00-18:30, closed on weekends and holidays

※ Checking skills

• Contact customer service on the order

•Pull down the WeChat homepage and click on the Kuaituan Tuan Mini Program - Personal Center in the lower right corner - My Orders - Pending Delivery - View My Order, and you can check the logistics status by yourself

※Delivery time

At the end of the details of each group item, the delivery time limit will be indicated (the delivery will be delayed due to other reasons such as liquidation)

※ Return procedure

• Contact customer service on the order to explain the reason for the return


【Sanrio Element DIY Bracelet Blind Box】49.9 yuan! 24 holes in a box! Decorative pendants with various blings ~ You can DIY two unique bracelets!

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