
Don't go out to buy stinky tofu, teach you to make it at home, it's clean, hygienic and delicious, and my family will make it every 2 days

author:Seek good food

If you want to ask me what kind of snacks and dishes I can't make in my own kitchen, I want to tell you that it must be stinky tofu.

Everyone likes to order food in restaurants and restaurants, as the saying goes, the restaurant is the restaurant, and the reason behind this is that the dishes made in the restaurant are delicious, and it is difficult for us to make the taste of the restaurant in our own kitchen.

Home-made braised pork, sweet and sour pork ribs, pork ribs lotus root soup, dry stir-fried lotus root and other dishes, can not make the taste of the restaurant, that is our cooking skills, lack of some experience and cooking skills, not to be able to do, is that we are unwilling to understand the techniques, too troublesome.

Taking Wuhan breakfast as an example, hot dry noodles, heavy oil roasted wheat, xiaolongbao, noodle wo fritters, beef noodles and beef noodles, etc., these snacks are basically not made by everyone, but these snacks can be made in their own kitchen. For example, the preparation of raw materials is more complicated, such as preparing glutinous rice, grinding soybeans and rice into rice milk, and stir-frying diced meat, dried tofu, shiitake mushrooms and other fillings in oil to make dumplings.

After the preparation is done, it is the production process, the rice milk mixed with mung beans and rice is ground into thin slices in the pot, plus a series of subsequent processes, the production process of three fresh bean skin is more complicated, as long as you are not too troublesome, it can still be made at home.

Don't go out to buy stinky tofu, teach you to make it at home, it's clean, hygienic and delicious, and my family will make it every 2 days

Why does it seem to me that stinky tofu can't be made in my own kitchen?

Tofu is sold in supermarkets and vegetable markets, relatively speaking, I prefer to buy in supermarkets, in my mind, the supermarket fresh food is more trustworthy, stinky tofu is also sold, the price is not expensive, there is no need to make it in my own kitchen.

From soaking soybeans, making soybean milk, soy milk coagulated into tofu brain, and then made into tofu, it is a very troublesome and hard thing, and stinky tofu also needs to be fermented, according to different practices, it is also necessary to make the original halogen, anyway, it smells stinky, and it is not so easy to make stinky tofu that tastes fragrant.

Don't go out to buy stinky tofu, teach you to make it at home, it's clean, hygienic and delicious, and my family will make it every 2 days

Since stinky tofu can't be made in your own kitchen, isn't the phrase mentioned in the title about making stinky tofu at home an empty word?

It is not really stinky tofu, it does not need brine or fermentation, but the taste of the stinky tofu is indeed not worse than that sold in the vegetable market.

Are you as curious as I am about whether making stinky tofu at home is also very complicated?

The method of making stinky tofu at home was learned from my friend Jianguo last month, Jianguo made stinky tofu at home, and when he entered his kitchen, it was no exaggeration to say that the house was full of the smell of stinky tofu, and I thought his approach was very complicated. When my friend Jianguo fried the stinky tofu he made and brought it to the table, I saw a bottle of Wang Zhihe's stinky bean curd, and suddenly I suddenly became enlightened, as if I understood something.

Don't go out to buy stinky tofu, teach you to make it at home, clean and delicious, my family will do it every 2 days, the following will tell you about the method I learned last month, I hope you can like it, after frying with dipping sauce, it is that taste, don't believe you can try it?

Don't go out to buy stinky tofu, teach you to make it at home, it's clean, hygienic and delicious, and my family will make it every 2 days

1. How to make stinky tofu at home?

In my opinion, the production method of stinky bean curd should be similar to the production method of stinky bean curd, and it must be very troublesome to make stinky tofu at home according to the traditional method, but we can "lend" the smell of stinky bean curd to the old tofu we bought from the supermarket, so that the stinky tofu made at home is "done".

Stinky tofu and stinky bean curd are also "smelly, fragrant" food, the more well-known is the stinky bean curd produced by Wang Zhihe, the following will tell you about how to make stinky tofu at home, how to lend the "smell of stinky bean curd to old tofu for use".

Ingredients: Boxed old tofu bought from the supermarket, a bottle of Wang Zhihe stinky tofu, cooking oil, garlic paste, salt, coriander, chopped pepper, etc

Here's how:

1. Wang Zhihe's stinky bean curd is bought in a supermarket, bottled, whether you buy it in a big supermarket or a small non-staple food store, look for the brand when buying, carefully check the production date, basically there will be no problem.

Don't go out to buy stinky tofu, teach you to make it at home, it's clean, hygienic and delicious, and my family will make it every 2 days

2. According to the amount of old tofu, prepare a slightly larger bowl, put in 5 pieces of stinky bean curd, add a little marinade in the bottle at the same time, then crush the bean curd in the bowl with a spoon, stir evenly, and finally add a little pure water, stir again, and set aside.

Don't go out to buy stinky tofu, teach you to make it at home, it's clean, hygienic and delicious, and my family will make it every 2 days

3. The water content of old tofu is less, and the raw material for the production of traditional stinky tofu is also old tofu, so I recommend that you buy better quality stinky tofu in the supermarket.

It is very important that the quality of the old tofu is better, the better the taste of the stinky tofu made at home.

After buying the old tofu home, clean it, then change the large pieces of tofu into small pieces, put them in a steamer and steam them on high heat for 6-8 minutes. In fact, you can also cut the old tofu into the size of tofu pieces, blanch them in a pot of clean water, put a little salt in the water, and remove them after boiling, the tofu will be firmer, and at the same time, it can also remove the beany smell.

Blanching and steaming in a pot both play a role in removing the fish, and at the same time, it can also make the texture of the old tofu firmer, and it can only be used after cooling.

Don't go out to buy stinky tofu, teach you to make it at home, it's clean, hygienic and delicious, and my family will make it every 2 days

4. After the steamed old tofu is cooled, change the knife into small pieces, and then put it into the bowl of stinky bean curd one by one, wrap it in the bean curd juice, and marinate it in the bowl for 4-6 hours, it is best to cover it with plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator room, so that it is convenient for the old tofu to marinate and taste.

Don't go out to buy stinky tofu, teach you to make it at home, it's clean, hygienic and delicious, and my family will make it every 2 days

After 5 or 6 hours, the stinky tofu is ready, and then put it in the oil pan and fry it until the color on both sides is golden.

Delicious stinky tofu should have a dipping sauce, put a little garlic, salt, chopped pepper, monosodium glutamate, fresh soy sauce, white sugar, etc. in an empty bowl, boil in clean water, hook the thin thick before coming out of the pot, and then pour the thin sauce on the fried stinky tofu, which is basically the same as the stinky tofu bought at the food stall.

Don't go out to buy stinky tofu, teach you to make it at home, it's clean, hygienic and delicious, and my family will make it every 2 days

Writing here, I still want to say a few words, don't go out to buy stinky tofu, teach you to make it at home, it's clean and delicious, and I make it every 2 days.

There is also a way to use stinky tofu dipping sauce in Wuhan, using chili oil and chopped pepper, and directly dipping this dipping sauce for use, which is the most common way for many friends to eat supper at night in summer.

I like to express love with food, believe that giving love is the best way to make yourself happy, and deeply believe that food is the only way to soothe people's hearts.

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