
After eating a few slices of stinky tofu, the young man actually went to the emergency room! Please be cautious when entering food

author:Hunan medical chat

#长沙头条 ##湖南省中西医结合医院#

During the long holiday, Xiao Li from Jiangxi Province came to Changsha in the star city to travel, and after climbing Yuelu Mountain, how could he not eat stinky tofu!

Xiao Li feasted and was addicted, who expected that in less than half an hour, there would be a rash, red and itchy, accompanied by dizziness, chest tightness, throat tightness, and the symptoms were not relieved after vomiting stomach contents once.

After eating a few slices of stinky tofu, the young man actually went to the emergency room! Please be cautious when entering food

His companions rushed him to the emergency department of the nearby Hunan Provincial Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine (Affiliated Hospital of the Hunan Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine).

After receiving the consultation, the attending physician Wu Yongsheng preliminarily judged that it was an acute anaphylaxis. This is a severe, rapid-onset, immediate allergic reaction that accumulates 2 or more organs, and in severe cases, can lead to complete airway obstruction, respiratory and circulatory failure, and death. Xiao Li was quickly arranged by the nurse to go to the emergency room for ECG and blood oxygen saturation monitoring and treatment.

Sudden anaphylactic shock, emergency first aid

Only then did he connect to the ECG monitor, Xiao Li suddenly became restless, vomited stomach contents again, and then fell into a coma. The ECG monitor showed that the heart rate was 108 beats per minute, the blood pressure was 69/36mmHg, and the oxygen saturation was 60%. The patient is in anaphylactic shock!

Wu Yongsheng's attending physician instructed the nurse to give 0.5mg of epinephrine injection intramuscularly, combined with oxygen inhalation, methylprednisolone intravenous push, fluid expansion and other treatments, a few minutes later, Xiao Li woke up slowly, saying that he had just fallen asleep and had a dream.

The ECG monitoring showed that the heart rate was 86 points, the blood pressure was 95/60mmHg, and the blood oxygen saturation was 96%. Xiao Li was discharged from the emergency department after an overnight observation. Because Xiao Li was allergic in the past, when he was discharged from the hospital, the doctor specially instructed Xiao Li to return to the local area to improve the allergen screening as soon as possible to avoid further allergies.

What are some other common symptoms of allergic reactions in life?

According to Chief Physician Long Huajun, the head of the emergency department, allergies may occur when eating shrimp, crab, seafood, nuts, stinky tofu, crayfish and other foods, or inhaling pollen and dust, and being bitten by insects.

The symptoms of allergic reactions are often manifested as itchy skin, red rash, tightness in the throat, difficulty breathing, nausea and vomiting, chest tightness and palpitations. Once an allergic reaction occurs, it can develop into life-threatening conditions such as anaphylactic shock or laryngeal edema.

After eating a few slices of stinky tofu, the young man actually went to the emergency room! Please be cautious when entering food

What are the warning signs of anaphylactic shock?

If you have itching, wheal-like lesions on the skin scratches, herpes, dizziness and fatigue, fear, palpitation, irritability, nausea and vomiting, abnormal sweating, abnormal breathing, diarrhea, and a drop in blood pressure, it is likely to be a precursor to anaphylactic shock and require urgent medical attention.

After eating a few slices of stinky tofu, the young man actually went to the emergency room! Please be cautious when entering food

What is laryngeal edema?

Laryngeal edema is a phenomenon of exudation of tissue fluid from the submucosa of the larynx, which can manifest as a feeling of tightness or pain in the throat, hoarseness, dyspnea, and in severe cases, complete obstruction of the airway can cause asphyxia, and upper respiratory tract infections are common causes in addition to food and drug allergies.

Patients with severe airway obstruction require emergency endotracheal intubation or tracheostomy. Prompt treatment is key to the prognosis of laryngeal edema.

Experts remind: If you are allergic and have been allergic to soy products, you are likely to cause allergies after eating stinky tofu.

Prevention of acute allergic reactions is more important than treatment, friends who are known to be allergic to a certain ingredient should try to avoid contact, friends with repeated unexplained allergies can go to the hospital to improve allergen screening, and patients who have had acute allergic reactions should seek medical attention in time to avoid delaying the condition.

Hunan Medical Chat Special Author: Wu Yongsheng, Emergency Department, Hunan Provincial Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine (Affiliated Hospital of Hunan Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine).

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(Editor YH)

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