
When Li Mei investigated the preparation for the 2024 college entrance examination in Mengzi City, she emphasized: anchor the target task, do a good job in service guarantee, and ensure the smooth progress of the college entrance examination to achieve better results

When Li Mei investigated the preparation for the 2024 college entrance examination in Mengzi City, she emphasized: anchor the target task, do a good job in service guarantee, and ensure the smooth progress of the college entrance examination to achieve better results

On May 17, Li Mei, member of the Standing Committee of the State Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, went to Mengzi No. 1 Middle School to investigate the preparation for the 2024 college entrance examination, visited the teachers and students preparing for the third year of high school, and encouraged everyone to face the college entrance examination with firm confidence and a normal attitude, and strive to play the best level in the examination room. All functional departments should do a rigorous and meticulous job in preparing for the college entrance examination to ensure the safe and stable conduct of the college entrance examination.

When Li Mei investigated the preparation for the 2024 college entrance examination in Mengzi City, she emphasized: anchor the target task, do a good job in service guarantee, and ensure the smooth progress of the college entrance examination to achieve better results
When Li Mei investigated the preparation for the 2024 college entrance examination in Mengzi City, she emphasized: anchor the target task, do a good job in service guarantee, and ensure the smooth progress of the college entrance examination to achieve better results
When Li Mei investigated the preparation for the 2024 college entrance examination in Mengzi City, she emphasized: anchor the target task, do a good job in service guarantee, and ensure the smooth progress of the college entrance examination to achieve better results

Li Mei and her entourage successively came to some classes, teachers' offices and teaching and research groups in the third grade of high school, visited the students' cultural and art corridor, visited and condoled the teachers and students preparing for the third year of high school, talked cordially with the teachers and students, learned more about the mental state of the teachers and students preparing for the school, service guarantee, etc., and extended sincere greetings and best wishes to the majority of senior high school teachers and students who are working hard to prepare for the front line. Senior high school students should strengthen their confidence, make persistent efforts, pay attention to the combination of work and rest, and transform more than ten years of hard work into heavy gains with the best attitude and the fullest state.

When Li Mei investigated the preparation for the 2024 college entrance examination in Mengzi City, she emphasized: anchor the target task, do a good job in service guarantee, and ensure the smooth progress of the college entrance examination to achieve better results

At the subsequent symposium, the relevant person in charge introduced in detail the school's teaching management, teachers, students' mental health and college entrance examination preparation. After listening to everyone's speeches, Li Mei fully affirmed the preparation work of teachers and students of Mengzi No. 1 Middle School, and she emphasized that it is necessary to seize the policy opportunity to take education as a basic, leading and overall livelihood project, pay attention to improving the quality of teaching, strengthen the construction of teachers, and make every effort to create quality education; It is necessary to focus on Mengzi education, develop education based on the position of the whole province and the whole state, enhance its own hematopoietic ability, actively cultivate backbone teachers, focus on the old to lead the new, and the city to lead the countryside, always maintain the attitude of "fighting" and the momentum of "grabbing", expand the scale of the teacher team, and truly combine examination-oriented education with quality education; It is necessary to work steadily and steadily, always pay attention to the mental health of teachers and students, and the school team should put pressure on itself, play a leading role in teaching, further strengthen the teacher's ethics and teaching style and the construction of the teacher team, and effectively establish a good image of teachers. At the same time, education departments at all levels should pay close attention to all aspects of the college entrance examination, coordinate and solve all kinds of difficulties and problems that arise in the process of preparing for the college entrance examination through scientific preparation and fine management, and strive to achieve a new high in the quality of the college entrance examination this year.

Xiong Bo, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and director of the Municipal Party Committee Office, and responsible comrades of relevant units accompanied the investigation.

Reporter: Tu Wenmei, Yin Fanyi

Editor: Ma Qiuju

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