
There is no metaphysics in the college entrance examination, but a good attitude and good expectations are powerful

There is no metaphysics in the college entrance examination, but a good attitude and good expectations are powerful

Ning Ma Wuyu

2024-05-26 19:29Posted in Shandong Parenting Creator

Text: Ning Ma Wuyu

It's so cute to see a parent of a senior high school child.

There is no metaphysics in the college entrance examination, but a good attitude and good expectations are powerful

The child is about to take the college entrance examination, and he contacted Zhang Xuefeng, not to consult and volunteer to fill in, but to have special requirements.

I just heard him say, took out the wrong question book, pointed to the screen like a little tiger on the cover and said three times: You will definitely be able to pass the test, you will definitely be able to be admitted, you will definitely be able to be admitted.

Zhang Xuefeng looked confused, but then he was happy, and asked him which master he consulted, and his parents said "metaphysics", and Zhang Xuefeng did it.

After this was over, the parents asked Zhang Xuefeng what brand of cigarettes he smoked, and he actually wanted to use screenshots and cigarettes to make a pious prayer for three consecutive days.

It made the people at the scene laugh.

But after calming down, I have to feel sorry for the current parents, in order for their children to win the college entrance examination in one fell swoop, it is really a hollow way to think about it.

There is no metaphysics in the college entrance examination, but a good attitude and good expectations are powerful

There are still a lot of things that use metaphysics to treat the college entrance examination. Like what:

I went to Wutai Mountain, Putuo Mountain and other famous mountains to pray for my children, and when I went to Niushou Mountain in Nanjing that year, I also saw a lot of traces of praying for blessings in the college entrance examination.

In the days of the college entrance examination, wearing a cheongsam means "winning the flag", holding a sunflower to "win the championship in one fell swoop", and holding a zongzi on the head to take the meaning of "a high dumpling in one fell swoop". Every year in the college entrance examination, there are related reports.

Eat a fritter before going to the exam, two eggs represent 100 points, this practice is a big test and a small test, and many parents have experienced it.

These practices are the good expectations of parents for their children, just like we always give our children good wishes, and saying some auspicious words before doing things is also a tradition that has been passed down for thousands of years.

There is no metaphysics in the college entrance examination, but a good attitude and good expectations are powerful


However, blessings are blessings, what kind of results are achieved, it is a probabilistic event, the so-called do your best to know the destiny of heaven, you must dare to accept all kinds of reality, and you can't have unrealistic illusions. If you can do well in the exam as long as you pray for blessings, you still have to work hard to learn what to do. There are so many schools, how can there be so many children who have been blessed!

Some children have not worked hard for three years in high school, the foundation is not strong, no matter how many blessings, they can't have an extraordinary performance in the examination room, don't expect him to be admitted to a top school with a junior college or worse strength.

Some children have been working hard for three years in high school, but sometimes they have a bad mentality, resulting in their grades going up and down, and when they get to the college entrance examination, they can stabilize their emotions and answer calmly, and maybe they will leave the best results for the college entrance examination. This is actually not the result of prayer, but the result of the child's hard work, and the hard work has finally paid off.

Therefore, you must have a correct understanding of your child, have realistic expectations, and don't think about turning the situation around your child in one fell swoop in the college entrance examination through some effortless means.

Parents who do not have any rituals can breathe a sigh of relief, do not have to follow the trend, and just do their own parental duties.

All the practices are just for parents to feel at ease, if you are already stable in the core, why force yourself to do something you don't want to do!

All in all, there is no metaphysics in the college entrance examination, don't expect metaphysics, a good attitude and good expectations are powerful.

There is no metaphysics in the college entrance examination, but a good attitude and good expectations are powerful


There is a Festinger's law in psychology, 10% of the final outcome of an event is determined by the event itself, and the remaining 90% is determined by our reactions, attitudes, and solutions.

As long as you calm down, it is not difficult to succeed.

Wang Yangming discussed with the students that "the heart is the truth", and the students were puzzled. Wang Yangming took a copy of "Warring States Policy" in his hand, tore off the map in it and shredded it, and asked the students to put together a complete map from the shredded paper. The students fought for most of the day, and they didn't fight well because they were sweating profusely.

Wang Yangming shuffled the order of these shredded papers again and asked the scholar to spell them, and the scholar quickly put them together.

It turned out that the reason why the scholar was able to put it together quickly was because he found that there was a portrait of the author on the back, which was easier to put together, and he took a shortcut. The reason why students didn't spell it well was that they focused on the complex names of countries and terrain, which were difficult to spell well.

Only then do students understand what "the heart is reason", and if a person's inner world changes, the external world will also change. The better the angle of looking at the problem, the better the mentality, the easier it is to succeed.

There is no metaphysics in the college entrance examination, but a good attitude and good expectations are powerful

It's the same in the college entrance examination room, where mentality affects the success or failure of the exam.

If you are always worried that you will not do well in the exam, sorry for yourself who has worked hard for three years, sorry for the teacher's teachings and parents' expectations, you are anxious, you are nervous when you see the test papers, and you have diarrhea when you hear the bell, your brain will not make a sober judgment, resulting in mistakes and mistakes.

If you travel lightly, you think that the college entrance examination is no different from the usual exams, and even simpler than usual, as long as you do everything you can, you won't try to think about how much you can do. If you play at your own level, you will be very likely to beat other students and achieve a good ranking, and you will have hope of going to university.

Therefore, before the college entrance examination, it is very important to give your child a good attitude.

Let the child see beautiful things every day, hear warm words, and maintain a happy mood.

Tell the children that the college entrance examination is more difficult than the children of the province, and everyone finds it difficult, so don't be afraid that you won't do it and fall behind, as long as you answer the knowledge points correctly and complete the task.

There is no metaphysics in the college entrance examination, but a good attitude and good expectations are powerful


There is a Rosenthal effect in psychology, which refers to the phenomenon that people's expectations of others can influence the behavior of that object, so as to achieve people's expectations.

This psychological effect comes from a future trend test. Rosenthal, an American psychologist, led a research team, tested some students, and made a list of the most promising ones and handed them to the teacher. After a year, the students on the list have all improved their grades.

It turned out that the list was a random selection of students, and it wasn't sure if they really had potential. However, the teacher placed good expectations on the children on the list, and showed his love for the children through words, eyes, and body movements in teaching. The children felt the expectation and gained the motivation to study hard, which led to a significant improvement in their grades.

There is no metaphysics in the college entrance examination, but a good attitude and good expectations are powerful

It can be seen how important it is for children to be recognized.

Therefore, instead of being keen on metaphysics, it is better to give children some good expectations, so that children can feel the power of being recognized, so as to be full of motivation to learn, and use the fullest enthusiasm to check and fill in the gaps in the days before the college entrance examination, and there will be beautiful things happening.

Of course, the child is approaching the college entrance examination, the time is urgent, and the pressure is huge, so we can't say to the child "You must take the exam well" and other words to exert pressure, but let the child feel our trust and recognition for him.

We can tell our children to "believe that you will be able to play your own level, believe that you can arrange your own things, we will do the logistics for you, and if you need anything, just say".

Let children feel trusted and recognized in their hearts, and have a strong sense of autonomy, and things will develop in a good direction.

There is no metaphysics in the college entrance examination, but a good attitude and good expectations are powerful

Written at the end: approaching the college entrance examination, parents may be more nervous than their children, and will think of various ways to do something for their children, no matter which method is understandable, but don't be overly enthusiastic and superstitious, but also seek truth from facts, and give children practical help.

The children have been working hard for three years, and they have mastered the basics, and the most important thing is the adjustment of their mentality. A good attitude and good expectations give children unlimited strength, so that children can have a stable performance in the college entrance examination.

I'm @Ning Ma Wuyu

Mother of two boys, more than 10 years of parenting experience

Accompany children to read, English and science

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Reference book: Murphy's Law - Youth Edition

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  • There is no metaphysics in the college entrance examination, but a good attitude and good expectations are powerful
  • There is no metaphysics in the college entrance examination, but a good attitude and good expectations are powerful
  • There is no metaphysics in the college entrance examination, but a good attitude and good expectations are powerful
  • There is no metaphysics in the college entrance examination, but a good attitude and good expectations are powerful
  • There is no metaphysics in the college entrance examination, but a good attitude and good expectations are powerful
  • There is no metaphysics in the college entrance examination, but a good attitude and good expectations are powerful
  • There is no metaphysics in the college entrance examination, but a good attitude and good expectations are powerful
  • There is no metaphysics in the college entrance examination, but a good attitude and good expectations are powerful

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