
Behind "Another Blue": Liu Mintao's eyes penetrate the screen, and the makeup artist says that there is a unemployment crisis!

author:In White


Behind Xu Man's smile

In "Another Blue", Xu Man's role is played by Liu Mintao, and her performance in the play is impressive. In the plot, Xu Man was still talking cordially with the people around her a moment ago, with a generous and decent smile on her face, as if everything was under her control.

Behind "Another Blue": Liu Mintao's eyes penetrate the screen, and the makeup artist says that there is a unemployment crisis!

When she learned that her niece Xiaoman had taken a stake in the company, her expression and mood quickly changed. This transformation is not achieved through makeup, but completely relies on Liu Mintao's superb acting skills. Her eyes changed from gentle to sharp, as if she could perceive people's hearts, and make people feel the anger and dissatisfaction in her heart. This change of mood allows the audience to clearly feel the inner fluctuations of the characters, which increases the tension of the plot and the audience's sense of substitution.

The power of the eyes

Liu Mintao's eye performance in the play is particularly prominent. When Xu Man learned the news of her niece's shareholding, her eyes immediately became cold and hard, as if she could penetrate the screen and directly produce a sense of oppression on the audience.

Behind "Another Blue": Liu Mintao's eyes penetrate the screen, and the makeup artist says that there is a unemployment crisis!

This change in the eyes is not only a simple expression of emotion, but also a display of psychological tactics. Through subtle changes in his eyes, Liu Mintao successfully created a complex and multi-faceted character image. The audience can feel Xu Man's inner struggles and contradictions, and this deep emotional expression makes the character more three-dimensional and real.

Behind "Another Blue": Liu Mintao's eyes penetrate the screen, and the makeup artist says that there is a unemployment crisis!

Netizens are also hotly discussing this, and some people commented: "Liu Mintao's eyes can be used as a weapon!" This kind of humorous and apt comment undoubtedly increased the discussion heat of the series.

The art of changing faces


In the play, Xu Man's emotional changes are not limited to her eyes, her facial expressions are also extremely rich. From the initial smile to the later angry face, and then to the final pretending to be fine, Liu Mintao perfectly shows the psychological changes of the character through subtle facial expression changes. This art of changing faces not only requires the actor to have extremely high acting skills, but also needs to have a deep understanding and grasp of the role.

Behind "Another Blue": Liu Mintao's eyes penetrate the screen, and the makeup artist says that there is a unemployment crisis!

In the process of watching, the audience can clearly feel every emotional change, and this delicate performance makes people have to admire Liu Mintao's acting skills. Netizens are also full of praise for this, some people say: "Watching Liu Mintao act is like watching magic, there are new surprises every time!" This kind of light-hearted and witty commentary undoubtedly increases the audience's viewing pleasure.

A contest between acting and makeup

In film and television dramas, the emotional changes of the characters often need to be assisted by makeup. However, in "Another Blue", Liu Mintao used her acting skills to prove that a really good actor does not need to rely on makeup to express emotions. Her every look and expression is so natural and real that people completely forget that she is acting.

Behind "Another Blue": Liu Mintao's eyes penetrate the screen, and the makeup artist says that there is a unemployment crisis!

This way of purely relying on acting skills to shape the role not only shows Liu Mintao's superb acting skills, but also gives other actors a good demonstration. Netizens also discussed this, some said: "Liu Mintao's acting skills are simply a nightmare in the makeup industry, and makeup artists can be laid off in the future!" This kind of humorous and sharp comment undoubtedly adds to the controversy of the topic.

Argumentative summary

Liu Mintao's performance in "Another Blue" is undoubtedly a feast of acting. With her acting skills, she proves that the highest level of an actor is not to rely on external assistance, but to impress the audience through inner emotions and skills.

Behind "Another Blue": Liu Mintao's eyes penetrate the screen, and the makeup artist says that there is a unemployment crisis!

This kind of performance not only allows the audience to see a real, three-dimensional character, but also makes people re-examine the relationship between acting skills and makeup. In this era of looking at faces, Liu Mintao uses her strength to tell us that true beauty comes from the light of the heart.

Behind "Another Blue": Liu Mintao's eyes penetrate the screen, and the makeup artist says that there is a unemployment crisis!

Netizens also expressed their opinions on this, and some said: "Liu Mintao's acting skills let us see what a real actor should look like." And some people joked: "When you watch dramas in the future, you can watch less makeup and more acting skills!" This kind of controversial discussion will undoubtedly allow more audiences to participate in this contest of acting and makeup.

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