
The live broadcast of "Singer 2024" Na Ying's collapse detonated the Internet, netizens: This is the ultimate challenge of the live broadcast industry

author:In White


The truth about Na Ying's live broadcast

In a recent recording program, Na Ying inadvertently revealed her true feelings about the live broadcast system of "Singer 2024" during the discussion session of "Cute Detective 2024". It turns out that the story behind it is far more ups and downs than the wonderful performance that the audience sees. Na Ying shared that in the high-pressure environment of live broadcasting, even a veteran like her will inevitably feel suffocated.

The live broadcast of "Singer 2024" Na Ying's collapse detonated the Internet, netizens: This is the ultimate challenge of the live broadcast industry

Imagine that the sister under the lights, under the gaze of countless audiences, every note may cause a storm of public opinion, such pressure is indeed unimaginable. Huang Zitao and Xu Zhisheng, who were traveling together, also listened carefully on the side, occasionally interjecting, although the words were full of encouragement, it was not difficult to find resonance with this pressure between the eyebrows.

The battlefield of public opinion of netizens

On social media, the topic of "Na Ying's revelation that the singer's live broadcast collapsed" quickly became popular. Netizens had different reactions to Na Ying's confession, with sympathy and encouragement, as well as ridicule and sarcasm. Some people say that Na Ying is the responsibility of the Chinese music scene, carrying not only the songs, but almost the weight of the entire Chinese music.

The live broadcast of "Singer 2024" Na Ying's collapse detonated the Internet, netizens: This is the ultimate challenge of the live broadcast industry

However, some netizens ridiculed that the evaluation of professional singers by passers-by with incomplete tones is indeed laughable, and this battlefield of public opinion is even more intense than the live broadcast scene. In this invisible battle, everyone has the right to speak, but not every comment can be taken as a golden word. The remarks of netizens are like a barrage in the show, colorful, constantly staging the "Shura field" on the Internet.

The pressure is great, but we have to move forward


In the face of various challenges in the live broadcast process, Na Ying showed commendable persistence and courage. She admits that although the live broadcast made her feel unprecedented pressure, it was also this pressure that made her work harder to prepare for each performance.

The live broadcast of "Singer 2024" Na Ying's collapse detonated the Internet, netizens: This is the ultimate challenge of the live broadcast industry

Live broadcast is undoubtedly a double-edged sword, which can not only show the true level of the singer in the first time, but also ruthlessly amplify any slight mistakes, but as Na Ying said, every time you take the stage, it is an opportunity to grow. Huang Zitao and Xu Zhisheng also agreed, in the face of the challenges brought by live broadcasting, only by constantly improving themselves can they stay at the forefront of the tide.

The sheer challenge of live streaming without sound fixing

The most attractive aspect of the live broadcast format of "Singer 2024" is the setting of full open mic and no sound editing. This was undoubtedly a big challenge for the participating singers, because without the post-editing in the studio, every pitch and every breath had to be controlled just right. This naked display compresses the distance between the singer and the audience to the shortest.

The live broadcast of "Singer 2024" Na Ying's collapse detonated the Internet, netizens: This is the ultimate challenge of the live broadcast industry

For Na Ying, although it was the first time to face such a large-scale live broadcast challenge, she also showed her professionalism and courage. Netizens have a lot of discussions about this, some people praise this live broadcast method as pure and real, and some people jokingly call it a live version of the "survival challenge".

The brilliant performance of the singer who saved the scene

When Na Ying was facing a collapse, there were other singers who saved the scene and silently supported them. These singers used their performances not only to stabilize the mood of the scene, but also to ensure the overall quality of the show. In the live broadcast, everyone is an impromptu performer, there is no rehearsal, no second chance, and this instant performance makes every singer have nothing to hide.

The live broadcast of "Singer 2024" Na Ying's collapse detonated the Internet, netizens: This is the ultimate challenge of the live broadcast industry

And in "Singer 2024", those singers who can stand up in times of crisis have undoubtedly won the respect and love of more audiences. Netizens expressed their heartfelt respect for the professionalism of these singers, and at the same time added a lot of highlights to the show.

Na Ying's live broadcast "collapse" triggered thoughts

Na Ying's frank sharing is not only a confiding of her own state, but also a deep reflection on the entire live broadcast culture. In this era of face-watching, live streaming seems to have become the new standard for judging a singer, but is this really fair? That sister's "collapse" is not only a challenge to her own ability, but also a question of the audience's judging standards.

The live broadcast of "Singer 2024" Na Ying's collapse detonated the Internet, netizens: This is the ultimate challenge of the live broadcast industry

Behind her story, we see the struggle and persistence of an artist in modern society, and at the same time, it also reflects the tolerance and understanding that the audience should have when enjoying cultural products. This paragraph sparked a heated discussion on the Internet, and netizens began to put forward their own opinions on live broadcast culture and public evaluation standards. In the comment section, everyone started a discussion about music, art and human nature. This is not only a discussion about Na Ying, but also a deep reflection on public opinion in the era of social media.

The live broadcast of "Singer 2024" Na Ying's collapse detonated the Internet, netizens: This is the ultimate challenge of the live broadcast industry

Through the above detailed description and analysis, we can see that Na Ying's "live broadcast collapse" is not just a simple event, but also contains an in-depth discussion of the modern entertainment industry, the artist's mental journey and the public evaluation system. The article further expanded the influence of this discussion by introducing funny comments from netizens to make the content more vivid, while maintaining the interactivity of the article and encouraging readers to share their opinions in the comment section. The target audience, young social media users, feel a sense of empathy in this light-hearted and witty style, and are more willing to participate in the discussion.

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