
After the "Jingri" remarks were exposed, they didn't respond to the cold treatment, and nothing happened if they deleted the remarks?

author:Goo doesn't get lost

In recent years, with the rise of social platforms, the growing group of Internet celebrities such as "influencers" has also brought some offensive problems. A typical case is the Internet celebrity Wang Yueyi, who became popular through the online platform, but after becoming popular, she was exposed to have a vivid "Jingri" remarks.

After the "Jingri" remarks were exposed, they didn't respond to the cold treatment, and nothing happened if they deleted the remarks?

The "Jingri molecule" under the tide of Internet celebrities is exposed

With her outstanding appearance and talent, Wang Yueyi quickly gained a certain popularity on the online platform and became a successful "Internet celebrity". After successfully stepping into the showbiz, when her career was about to take off, some netizens dug up all kinds of "Jingri" remarks on the Internet that she used a certain ID to make on the Internet.

These remarks, which are based on the debasement of her own environment and the excessive glorification of Japanese culture, are extremely insulting and divisive about national unity, and completely run counter to the positive image she has had since become famous. This exposes a serious problem: in today's prevalence of the Internet, it is difficult to avoid the phenomenon of "two-faced" public figures.

After the "Jingri" remarks were exposed, they didn't respond to the cold treatment, and nothing happened if they deleted the remarks?
After the "Jingri" remarks were exposed, they didn't respond to the cold treatment, and nothing happened if they deleted the remarks?
After the "Jingri" remarks were exposed, they didn't respond to the cold treatment, and nothing happened if they deleted the remarks?

In the face of such exposure, Wang Yueyi did not stand up for sincere explanation and reflection, but instead adopted the method of deleting evidence and condemning the attack, in an attempt to cover up the truth and rebuild a perfect image. This behavior shows that, in the eyes of some, public opinion is a race, and the winner can remake the rules, and only the result is the last word.

The field of public opinion should not nurture such an arrogant mentality. Truth and the public interest should be the guiding principles. While the Internet has brought us convenience, it has also exposed a crisis in the information environment: the lack of regulation has allowed "two-faced people" to take advantage of it, and public opinion has easily become a tool for some people.

After the "Jingri" remarks were exposed, they didn't respond to the cold treatment, and nothing happened if they deleted the remarks?

Internet celebrity culture and public opinion

In fact, as a new public figure, influencers deserve to re-examine the influencer culture itself. Influencers' success depends heavily on charisma and online interactions, but that doesn't excuse them for their recklessness. Influencers should also be socially responsible for their words and actions.

More importantly, the public should also be vigilant, often confused by the superficial glossy form, and not be tempted by the speech and behavior of individual Internet celebrities. It is also necessary for platforms to strengthen identity authentication and information supervision to prevent "two-faced people" from violating the law or misleading the public by pretending to be Internet celebrities.

After the "Jingri" remarks were exposed, they didn't respond to the cold treatment, and nothing happened if they deleted the remarks?

Wang Yueyi's case is a reminder that there is still a lack of rules to effectively restrain "two-faced people" and misinformation in the online public opinion space. It is necessary to build a fair and orderly public opinion environment from the two levels of laws and regulations and social morality. For example, consider developing a code of conduct for influencers and public figures that must match their words and actions.

Strictly enforce the real-name system and identity verification, encourage self-discipline and self-correction mechanisms, and punish disruptive conduct such as erasing the truth and spreading rumors. Only through joint participation and supervision can we build a benign networked society.

After the "Jingri" remarks were exposed, they didn't respond to the cold treatment, and nothing happened if they deleted the remarks?

With the continuous emergence of new technologies, the ability to respond to online public opinion will be a long-term issue. Only by making joint efforts to take advantage of the advantages of new media while taking into account risks and maintaining a fair and open information environment can we build a convenient and orderly network society.

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