
Why do elderly people have weak legs and lack of strength? Supplementing with 2 nutrients can enhance physical fitness

author:Positive Yangtze

Grandma Li, a 65-year-old man, has been in the habit of exercising daily for many years, including gymnastics in the early morning and walks in the afternoon. Her annual physical examination report has consistently shown good health. Recently, however, she noticed that she felt weak in her legs when she went upstairs, that it became difficult to carry heavy loads compared to when she was younger, and that her legs were unsteady when she went up stairs and that she felt weak easily.

This loss of muscle strength that occurs with age is medically known as "muscle aging." As we age, the mass and strength of our muscles gradually decrease, which is a normal physiological process. Especially for middle-aged and elderly people, muscle aging may be difficult to avoid completely, even with regular exercise habits.

Why do elderly people have weak legs and lack of strength? Supplementing with 2 nutrients can enhance physical fitness

Why do elderly people have weak legs and lack of strength?

To explore the causes of leg weakness in old age, we must first understand that this is not an isolated symptom, but the result of a combination of physical conditions. For the condition of leg weakness in the elderly, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive analysis to find out the specific underlying causes, and conduct a comprehensive examination and diagnosis according to each person's unique situation. In general, the weakness and weakness of the legs in the elderly are mainly related to the following factors:

Muscle degeneration: As we age, muscles gradually degenerate, and strength and elasticity decrease, which can be caused by factors such as chronic lack of exercise, ongoing chronic diseases, nutritional deficiencies, etc.

Nervous system decline: The deterioration of the nervous system in the elderly may lead to slowing of nerve conduction or abnormal neuromuscular connections, affecting the motor function of the leg muscles. This can stem from neurological disorders, spinal cord injuries, strokes, etc.

Why do elderly people have weak legs and lack of strength? Supplementing with 2 nutrients can enhance physical fitness

Blood circulation disorders: Older people may have vascular problems such as arteriosclerosis and varicose veins, which can lead to obstruction of blood circulation in the legs, which in turn affects the oxygen supply and nutrition to the muscles.

Osteoarticular problems: Common age-related osteoarticular diseases, such as osteoporosis and arthritis, can lead to joint pain and limited movement, which in turn affects leg strength and function.

Medication side effects: Older people may need to take a variety of drugs for a long time, some of which may cause muscle weakness and fatigue, such as blood pressure lowering drugs, tranquilizers, etc.

Other health problems: Older people may have heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, etc., which can also cause leg weakness due to these conditions or their complications.

Why do elderly people have weak legs and lack of strength? Supplementing with 2 nutrients can enhance physical fitness

Doctor's reminder: Supplementing with two nutrients can help enhance physical fitness

Calcium intake and importance

Calcium, as an essential trace element for the human body, plays a vital role in good health. Unfortunately, the vast majority of mainland residents have a calcium intake well below the recommended level. Most people's diet consists mainly of plant-based foods, with a low intake of calcium-rich foods such as dairy products. As we age, calcium supplementation is often neglected, leading to a widespread problem of calcium deficiency in the elderly. Not only does calcium help strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis, but it's also essential for improving overall fitness. Studies have shown that blood calcium concentration is closely related to the rate of human aging, and hypocalcemia is directly related to the occurrence of a variety of diseases. Therefore, it is particularly important to supplement sufficient calcium quality to maintain blood electrolyte balance and enhance physical fitness in the elderly. Standard nutrition guidelines recommend that adults need to consume at least 800mg of calcium per day, but in reality, the per capita intake in mainland China is far from enough. It is recommended that the elderly add calcium-rich foods such as soybeans, black sesame, fish and shrimp to their daily diet, and appropriately supplement high-calcium foods and beverages such as calcium tablets, milk powder, and milk.

Why do elderly people have weak legs and lack of strength? Supplementing with 2 nutrients can enhance physical fitness

Necessity and recommended intake of protein

Protein is the basic substance that maintains the vital activities of the human body. Studies have shown that the daily protein intake of most elderly people in mainland China is much lower than the recommended value of 65g for men and 55g for women. Protein is essential for the growth and development of the human body, not only participating in the construction of genetic material, but also being the core component of the human body. Long-term protein deficiency can seriously affect immunity, muscle mass, and bone density in older adults.

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