
Urgent reminder! 3 cases have been reported!

author:Haimen release
Urgent reminder! 3 cases have been reported!


According to the official account of Guangzhou CDC

"Guangzhou CDC i Health" news

Since the year

As of May 9

Three local cases of dengue fever have been reported in Guangzhou

It is the earliest local cluster outbreak in the past years

Urgent reminder! 3 cases have been reported!

From May

Dengue fever enters the epidemic season

It is mainly popular in the mainland

Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Fujian, Zhejiang and other regions

It is typical of input and suddenness

The disease spreads rapidly and has a high incidence

The population is generally susceptible

Urgent reminder! 3 cases have been reported!

Why do I get dengue fever?

dengue fever

is caused by dengue virus

Transmitted by the bite of Aedes mosquitoes

Acute infectious diseases

Dengue virus

Generally not "human-to-human" transmission


Dengue fever can occur in everyone

Urgent reminder! 3 cases have been reported!

1~14 days after infection (5~9 days common)

Symptoms may occur

Symptoms are mainly sudden onset of high fever

Headache, generalized muscle and bone and joint pain

Fatigue, rash, etc

Urgent reminder! 3 cases have been reported!

After infection with dengue fever

Severe pain may occur throughout the body

Therefore, it is also called "broken bone fever"

A small number of patients will develop severe disease

Or even death

Most people are infected with dengue fever

Symptoms are mild or asymptomatic and can be cured

There is no specific medicine yet!

Symptomatic treatment is the mainstay!

If you have symptoms such as high fever

It is necessary to go to a regular hospital for medical treatment in time

Take medication as prescribed

Do not take fever-reducing medicine on your own

Urgent reminder! 3 cases have been reported!

It is important to note that there is currently no specific drug treatment for dengue fever, which focuses on pain control, timely hydration, prevention of bleeding, and early mosquito prevention

At present, mosquitoes have entered the active stage

Avoiding mosquito bites is key to prevention

Please take precautions scientifically

Source: Guangdong TV Today's Attention, Guangzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Guangdong News Channel

Editor: Zhang Liujiao

Editor in charge: Wu Jing

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