
The real culprit of shoulder pain has been found? Doctor: Don't just think about frozen shoulder, watch out for several serious diseases

author:Director Xu Health said

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Zhang Ming went to the hospital today to visit his old friend Li Wei, who had just undergone surgery for a herniated disc in his waist. Walking into the ward, he heard an angel in white talking: "Actually, shoulder pain is not necessarily frozen shoulder. Zhang Ming's heart moved, remembering that his wife had often complained of shoulder pain recently, so he stepped forward and planned to ask the doctor about it.

Zhang Ming is a busy middle school teacher, in addition to grading homework, he also has to prepare for classes, and often needs to use the computer for a long time, so he is still quite interested in various physical pain problems. He said to the doctor: "Doctor, my wife has been complaining a lot of shoulder pain lately, and we thought it was just ordinary frozen shoulder. ”

The real culprit of shoulder pain has been found? Doctor: Don't just think about frozen shoulder, watch out for several serious diseases

The doctor named Liu Tao smiled, put down the medical record in his hand, and began to tell Zhang Ming: "In fact, there are many causes of shoulder pain, and frozen shoulder is just one of them. There are also conditions you may not have thought of, such as shoulder bursitis, rotator cuff tears, and even heart disease and cervical spondylosis. ”

"According to a study that included more than 30,000 patients, about 15% of people with a history of heart disease will experience shoulder pain related to heart problems. This pain is usually caused by poor blood flow due to heart disease, which affects the blood supply to the shoulder. ”

The real culprit of shoulder pain has been found? Doctor: Don't just think about frozen shoulder, watch out for several serious diseases

Zhang Ming listened with relish, and he realized that the problem was more complicated than he thought. Dr. Liu Tao also mentions cervical spondylosis, saying, "The pain caused by cervical spondylosis usually radiates from the neck to the shoulders and even extends to the arms and fingers. In fact, cervical spine problems are very common in modern society, and it is estimated that more than 50% of adults have some degree of cervical spine degeneration. ”

Zhang Ming suddenly realized that he might also need to pay attention to this aspect of the problem. He asked Liu Tao: "Then how do you distinguish what is the cause of shoulder pain?" ”

The real culprit of shoulder pain has been found? Doctor: Don't just think about frozen shoulder, watch out for several serious diseases

Liu Tao replied: "First of all, if the pain is accompanied by arm weakness or numbness in the fingers, it is likely to be a cervical spine problem. However, if the pain is concentrated in the shoulder, especially if it is exacerbated by activity, it may be a rotator cuff tear. As for the pain caused by heart problems, it is usually accompanied by symptoms such as chest tightness and difficulty breathing. ”

Towards the end of the conversation, Mr. Zhang's cell phone rang from his wife, saying that the pain in his shoulder seemed to have worsened a little. Zhang Ming hurriedly asked Liu Tao: "What should we do if my wife's pain is getting worse now?" ”

The real culprit of shoulder pain has been found? Doctor: Don't just think about frozen shoulder, watch out for several serious diseases

Liu Tao replied seriously: "First of all, it is recommended that she do some simple hot compresses and rest to reduce the movement of her shoulders. If there is no significant relief from the pain, it is advisable to go to the hospital as soon as possible for a detailed examination, including X-rays or MRI, to determine the specific cause of the pain. ”

Zhang Ming thanked Liu Tao and left the hospital in a hurry, but he had more understanding and attention to shoulder pain in his heart. Zhang Ming hurried home and saw his wife lying on the sofa with a painful expression on her face. He immediately shared the information he had heard in the hospital with his wife and suggested that she use a hot water bottle for the time being.

The real culprit of shoulder pain has been found? Doctor: Don't just think about frozen shoulder, watch out for several serious diseases

Although the wife did as advised, after a while, the pain did not significantly relieve. Zhang Ming decided to accompany his wife to the hospital for a check-up the next day. At the hospital, after a detailed examination, the doctor found that her symptoms were not the same as ordinary frozen shoulder, but there were tiny bone spurs inside the shoulder joint, which is a rare shoulder disease - shoulder bone spurs.

Dr. Liu Tao explained to them: "Your situation may be caused by your wife making handicrafts at home for a long time and reusing her shoulders. ”

The real culprit of shoulder pain has been found? Doctor: Don't just think about frozen shoulder, watch out for several serious diseases

He went on to point out that while shoulder bone spurs are not as common as frozen shoulder, they are not uncommon in middle-aged and older adults, especially those with a history of repetitive shoulder movements. He explained in detail how bone spurs affect the normal movement of the shoulder joint and can irritate the surrounding soft tissues, causing pain.

"In such cases, in addition to the usual treatment of inflammation, we may need to consider physical therapy to improve the range of motion of the shoulder, and even in some cases, if the pain persists severely, surgery may be needed to remove the bone spur to reduce the pain." Dr. Liu Tao said.

The real culprit of shoulder pain has been found? Doctor: Don't just think about frozen shoulder, watch out for several serious diseases

When she returned to the hospital a few months later, Zhang Ming's wife's pain had been greatly relieved. She asked Dr. Liu Tao curiously: "Doctor, why does the bone spur in the shoulder joint you mentioned earlier, why does it cause so much pain?" ”

The doctor patiently explained: "The shoulder joint is a very complex joint, and it has a large range of motion, so it is very susceptible. Bone spurs form like a small stone in a joint, small enough to rub and irritate the surrounding soft tissues when the joint moves. Timely detection and treatment of bone spurs in the shoulder joint is very important to restore a normal quality of life. ”

The real culprit of shoulder pain has been found? Doctor: Don't just think about frozen shoulder, watch out for several serious diseases

Through this experience, Zhang Ming and his wife have a deeper understanding of shoulder pain and cherish every day of healthy life.

What do you think about shoulder pain? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The real culprit of shoulder pain has been found? Doctor: Don't just think about frozen shoulder, watch out for several serious diseases

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