
Obesity may be that you eat less of these two types of food

author:Qingbaijiang Business

Source: CCTV Life Circle

2024 National Nutrition Week

Milk beans add nutrients, less oil is healthier

Today is the fourth installment

Obesity in childhood can affect lifelong health!

If you don't act, it's too late

Eat more of these two types of foods

Eat less of these two types of food

Help children get rid of "chubby mounds"

Are the "healthy snacks" you think are really healthy?

If you want your child to be tall, these 3 points are very important

Let's take a look~

Obesity may be that you eat less of these two types of food

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Obesity in childhood

Will it affect lifelong health?

Obesity is a chronic metabolic disease of excessive accumulation of body fat, and it is also one of the important risk factors for many diseases.

At present, more and more children are developing dyslipidemia, abnormal blood glucose, or hyperuricemia. In addition, scientific data show that 70% of obese children will become obese in adulthood, which will also increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases and tumors in adulthood.

Obesity may be that you eat less of these two types of food

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It may be that you are eating less of these two types of food

Eat less of both types of food

1. Eat less vegetables and fruits:

According to the "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022)", school-age children (from 6 years old to minors under 18 years old) should consume 300~500 grams of fresh vegetables per day. But in fact, at present, the daily intake of fresh vegetables for school-age children is less than 200 grams, and the gap between the two is still relatively large.

Fresh vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals, and can also provide a strong sense of satiety, and there are vegetables in the meal, especially for breakfast, you can't forget to eat vegetables, such as cucumbers and tomatoes that can be eaten after washing, are better choices.

2. Eat less coarse grains:

Including whole grains, grains, and beans, they are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and should be matched with refined white rice and refined white noodles, and coarse grains can account for about one-third.

The systematic survey and application of children aged 0~18 in our country has also analyzed the relationship between the intake of children's coarse grains and the proportion of body fat.

When steaming rice, add some millet or mixed beans to make two rice or mixed bean rice, or you can choose to cook eight-treasure porridge when cooking porridge.

I ate too much of both types of food

1. Eating too much meat:

The meat referred to here is meat with a high fat content, such as braised pork, fried chicken wings, etc., which can be eaten at most once a week.

For low-fat, high-protein meats, such as fish, chicken, and duck, it is recommended, but you can't choose to cook them in deep oil.

2. Eating too much sugar:

In addition to the sugar ingested directly, there are also some sugars that are invisible sugars, such as a bottle of Coke that contains about 53 grams of sugar, which provides about the same amount of energy as two small bowls of rice.

Daily sugar intake: no more than 50 grams, preferably no more than 25 grams.

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What you think is a "healthy snack"

It doesn't have to be really healthy

"Healthy snacks" aren't all healthy, and some snacks just sound healthy.

For example, zero-sugar drinks seem to have 0 sugar, 0 fat, and 0 energy, but in fact, sweeteners are added, such as xylitol, oligosaccharides, etc., which are very sweet to drink, and will also raise the threshold of sweetness, so that when you eat ordinary food, you will not feel sweet.

Compared with dried vegetables, compared with fresh fruits and vegetables, in the process of processing, vitamins are lost to a certain extent, and oils, food additives, etc. may be added.

How to choose healthy snacks:

● A small glass of fresh milk or a small glass of low-fat milk.

● Fresh fruits and vegetables, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, etc.

● No more than 15 grams of plain nuts (calculated in kernel terms).

Snacks should provide about 10% of your energy needs throughout the day.

Pay attention to the time of snacking:

● Don't eat snacks half an hour before or half an hour after a meal.

● You can eat some fruits and nuts in the middle of the meal.

● You can drink a small half glass of warm milk two hours before bedtime.

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Children want to grow taller

These 3 points are important

1. Rational Food:

The food that makes children grow taller is actually the most basic food.

High-quality protein:

For example, low-fat and high-protein meats such as fish, chicken, duck, eggs, soybeans and soy products.


● Milk and dairy products are relatively rich in calcium, according to the "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022)", school-age children should consume 300 ml or more of milk and dairy products per day, and it is best to drink 500 ml.

If you are worried about eating too much fat, you can also choose low-fat milk.

● Peanuts and sesame seeds are also rich in calcium.

● The calcium content of soybeans and soybean products is also relatively rich.

● Fresh green vegetables, such as shepherd's cabbage, bok choy, etc., are also rich in calcium.

2. Bask in the sun:

The food sources of vitamin D are limited, mainly from seafood and egg yolks, and it is recommended to help the body synthesize vitamin D by basking in the sun.

For children, adding half an hour of outdoor exercise every day can not only get in the sun, help synthesize vitamin D, but also speed up blood circulation and keep calcium in the bones, killing two birds with one stone.

3. Exercise:

For example, basketball, volleyball, skipping rope, etc., are all helpful for growing taller.

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Calcium supplementation doesn't have to make you taller?

Are dietary supplements an IQ tax?

A series of dietary supplements, such as calcium tablets, vitamin D, lysine, γ-aminobutyric acid, etc., are actually to ensure normal nutrition, which is helpful for growth, but it cannot directly help grow taller.

Secondly, these nutrients can be obtained directly from food or rely on the body's own production, and there is no need to supplement them under normal circumstances, otherwise it may cause a burden on metabolism.

If you want your child to grow taller, you still have to rely on a reasonable diet, reasonable exercise, and reasonable sleep, rather than relying on dietary supplements.


If you feel that your child needs additional dietary supplements, be sure to take them after a visit to the hospital and under the guidance of a medical professional.

Obesity may be that you eat less of these two types of food

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