
Taking the high-speed rail is also divided into three, six, nine and so on? Buying 2 yuan mineral water on the high-speed rail was ridiculed by the flight attendant, who taught you

author:Little Red Orange 1218 commented on the article

Oops, that's big news!

Have you ever heard of a passenger being ridiculed by a flight attendant for buying 2 yuan mineral water on a high-speed train?

Recently, such a scene happened on the D3126 train, which is really shocking!


Mr. Yao, a passenger, didn't have breakfast, and when he saw the flight attendant, he asked, "Is there any mineral water and vegetarian food for 2 yuan?" ”

As a result, the flight attendant responded indifferently: "Wait, there is no such cheap mineral water here." ”

A few minutes later, the conductor brought mineral water from another carriage to Mr. Yao, but his attitude was still indifferent.

Mr. Yao asked again, "How much is the lowest lunch box?" ”

The flight attendant replied, "46 yuan." ”

Then Mr. Yao asked, "Is there a vegetarian set menu?" ”

The flight attendant replied impatiently: "No! ”

Then he turned around and walked away.

Taking the high-speed rail is also divided into three, six, nine and so on? Buying 2 yuan mineral water on the high-speed rail was ridiculed by the flight attendant, who taught you

But then, Mr. Yao actually saw the flight attendant talking about this "wonderful" thing with other colleagues, and pointed in Mr. Yao's direction and smiled.

This behavior is so disrespectful to passengers!

Later, the foreman of the train restaurant came to apologize, saying that the conductor was new and asked Mr. Yao not to mind.

But how can you not mind this kind of thing?

Taking the high-speed rail is also divided into three, six, nine and so on? Buying 2 yuan mineral water on the high-speed rail was ridiculed by the flight attendant, who taught you

This matter quickly caused heated discussions on the Internet, and everyone was curious about whether there was 2 yuan mineral water on the high-speed rail.

Some netizens said: "There is mineral water sold for 2 yuan on the high-speed rail?

How come I've never seen one? Some netizens also said: "I take free hot water to drink on the high-speed rail, and I haven't brought water." ”

The 12306 staff responded that there is indeed 2 yuan of mineral water sold on the high-speed rail, but it depends on whether the dining car staff of each train has sold out.

This kind of response is really laughable, it turns out that there is really 2 yuan mineral water on the high-speed rail, but it is limited in supply and not open for sale!

Taking the high-speed rail is also divided into three, six, nine and so on? Buying 2 yuan mineral water on the high-speed rail was ridiculed by the flight attendant, who taught you

Some netizens broke the news that they had worked as flight attendants and knew some insiders.

Due to performance pressure, 2 yuan of cheap mineral water will not be placed on the cart, but will give priority to the sale of high-priced water.

Unless the passenger goes to the restaurant to buy it, it will not be taken out.

Moreover, all the goods sold on the high-speed rail are outsourced, so the flight attendants will tend to sell high-priced goods.

Taking the high-speed rail is also divided into three, six, nine and so on? Buying 2 yuan mineral water on the high-speed rail was ridiculed by the flight attendant, who taught you

This incident has also aroused everyone's attention to the quality of high-speed rail services.

As a member of the service industry, flight attendants should be passenger-centric and provide quality service.

How can you snub passengers who buy 2 yuan mineral water because of performance pressure?

This kind of behavior is so undeserved!

Finally, let's discuss a topic: Do you remember that there was a regulation by the railway bureau in the past?

It is necessary to ensure the continuous supply of the 15 yuan package for high-speed rail.

If the passenger has this request but does not provide it, they can call 12306 to complain.

However, now it is rare to see a 15 yuan box lunch on the high-speed rail.

Has this rule been abolished?

Taking the high-speed rail is also divided into three, six, nine and so on? Buying 2 yuan mineral water on the high-speed rail was ridiculed by the flight attendant, who taught you

Heck, speaking of which, the catering service on the high-speed rail is really confusing.

Prices vary, and sometimes it's hard to find a cheap meal.

It is hoped that the high-speed rail department can pay attention to this issue, improve the quality of service, and let passengers feel more warm and comfortable during the journey~

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