
Buying 2 yuan of mineral water on the high-speed rail was ridiculed by the flight attendant? Flight Attendant Foreman: The newcomer doesn't know the rules!

author:Apple Garer 821 Review

Recently, a news about buying 2 yuan mineral water on the high-speed rail and being ridiculed by the flight attendants has attracted widespread attention. Mr. Yao, a passenger, bought a bottle of ordinary mineral water on the D3126 train, but was treated indifferently and ridiculed by the flight attendants. This incident not only caused dissatisfaction among passengers, but also sparked heated discussions about the quality of high-speed rail service and the professionalism of the crew.

Buying 2 yuan of mineral water on the high-speed rail was ridiculed by the flight attendant? Flight Attendant Foreman: The newcomer doesn't know the rules!

Event review: Passengers who bought 2 yuan of mineral water were blinded by the flight attendant

Mr. Yao said that he took the D3126 train from Shenzhen North Railway Station that day, and since he did not have breakfast in the morning, he wanted to buy some food and drinks on the train. When he asked the flight attendant if he had 2 yuan of mineral water, although the flight attendant promised to help him find it, his attitude was very indifferent. When the flight attendant handed the mineral water to Mr. Yao, his face was even more expressionless, as if Mr. Yao had done something that made her unhappy.

Later, Mr. Yao asked the flight attendant about the price of the boxed lunch and whether there was a vegetarian option. However, the flight attendant apparently did not have much patience for these questions, and simply answered the price and told Mr. Yao that there was no vegetarian meal. As he was leaving, Mr. Yao noticed the flight attendant and other colleagues talking around the corner ahead, pointing in his direction and smiling. This made him feel very angry and dissatisfied.

Buying 2 yuan of mineral water on the high-speed rail was ridiculed by the flight attendant? Flight Attendant Foreman: The newcomer doesn't know the rules!

Passengers' voices: Feeling humiliated by being ridiculed

Mr. Yao said that it was not that he could not afford more expensive mineral water or boxed lunches, but that he did not feel the need to spend more. He believes that buying 2 yuan of mineral water is a reasonable consumption choice, and should not be ridiculed and discriminated against by the flight attendants. He feels that this behavior not only disrespects consumers' right to choose, but also damages the image of high-speed rail services.

Mr. Yao also said that he had tried to ask the flight attendant why he was laughing at him, but the other person seemed very nervous and did not give a clear response. This made him even more determined to defend his rights.

Buying 2 yuan of mineral water on the high-speed rail was ridiculed by the flight attendant? Flight Attendant Foreman: The newcomer doesn't know the rules!

The flight attendant responded: She is new and ignorant of the rules

In response to the incident, the foreman of the train restaurant said that the crew involved was a new employee and was not familiar enough with some of the regulations and procedures of the high-speed rail service. She explained that there is indeed a service for selling 2 yuan mineral water on the high-speed rail, but sometimes it is temporarily unavailable due to inventory and other reasons. At the same time, she said that she was sorry for what happened to Mr. Yao, and promised to strengthen the training and management of new employees to avoid similar incidents from happening again.

Buying 2 yuan of mineral water on the high-speed rail was ridiculed by the flight attendant? Flight Attendant Foreman: The newcomer doesn't know the rules!

Netizens are hotly discussed: high-speed rail services need to be improved

The incident sparked heated discussions among netizens on social media. Many netizens said that high-speed rail, as a modern means of transportation, should provide high-quality services and a comfortable travel environment. However, in the actual experience, we often encounter problems such as poor service attitude and unreasonable price. They believe that high-speed rail services should be more humane and standardized, respecting the needs and choices of consumers.

At the same time, some netizens expressed their understanding of the flight attendant's behavior. They believe that flight attendants may simply misbehave out of a misunderstanding of the new hire or a lack of understanding of the service regulations. However, this is not an excuse for flight attendants to shirk their responsibilities. As service personnel, they should have basic professionalism and service awareness, and respect the rights and feelings of every passenger.

High-speed rail services need to be improved: improving professionalism is the key

Although this incident is an isolated case, it has exposed some problems in high-speed rail services. First, high-speed rail services should be more regulated and transparent. Information such as the price and type of goods should be publicized and explained, so that passengers can make clear purchases. Secondly, flight attendants should have basic professionalism and service awareness. They should respect the needs and choices of each passenger and provide warm and attentive service. For new employees, training and management should be strengthened to ensure that they can adapt to the working environment and become familiar with the service process as soon as possible.

Buying 2 yuan of mineral water on the high-speed rail was ridiculed by the flight attendant? Flight Attendant Foreman: The newcomer doesn't know the rules!

In addition, the high-speed rail company should also strengthen the supervision and management of service quality. Problems reported by passengers should be dealt with and resolved in a timely manner, and employees with problems should be educated and punished. Only in this way can the overall level and image of high-speed rail services be improved, so that passengers can feel a more comfortable and enjoyable experience during the journey.

In short, although the incident of being ridiculed by the attendants for buying 2 yuan mineral water on the high-speed rail is an individual case, it has aroused people's attention and thinking about the service quality of the high-speed rail and the professionalism of the crew. It is hoped that the high-speed rail company can take these problems seriously and take effective measures to improve and upgrade, so as to provide passengers with a better and more comfortable service experience.

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