
It's a big deal! Passengers on the high-speed rail to buy 2 yuan mineral water was ridiculed by the flight attendant, staff: she is new

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Mr. Yao was treated indifferently when he asked the flight attendant for 2 yuan of mineral water and vegetarian food on the D3126 train, and the flight attendant also "shared" the incident with his colleagues as a joke and laughed at him.

The foreman of the train restaurant said that he was new and asked Mr. Yao not to mind.

12306 customer service responds that there is 2 yuan of mineral water for sale on the high-speed rail, but it depends on whether it is sold out.

It's a big deal! Passengers on the high-speed rail to buy 2 yuan mineral water was ridiculed by the flight attendant, staff: she is new

Netizens discussed this, and some netizens revealed that due to performance pressure, 2 yuan mineral water will not be placed on the cart, and most of the goods on the high-speed rail are outsourced.

It seems that the regulations on ensuring the continuous supply of the 15 yuan package for high-speed rail have also been canceled, which has aroused everyone's attention and heated discussions.

Goods and Services on High-Speed Rail: Controversy and Reflection

In the era of rapid development of high-speed rail, the train is not only a means of transportation, but also a mobile shopping platform.

When Mr. Yao asked the conductor on the train to buy 2 yuan of mineral water and vegetarian meals, he was treated indifferently and ridiculed, an incident that mirrored the possible problems behind the high-speed rail service.

Mr. Yao's story is not unique.

It's a big deal! Passengers on the high-speed rail to buy 2 yuan mineral water was ridiculed by the flight attendant, staff: she is new

When he asked the flight attendant to make a purchase, he received not warm service, but an indifferent response.

What is even more unacceptable is that the flight attendant whispered to his colleagues around the corner, and the laughter seemed to be mixed with pointing at Mr. Yao.

This kind of disrespect for passengers is undoubtedly a departure from the service purpose of high-speed rail.

In the face of the passengers' complaints, the restaurant foreman quickly responded, saying that the flight attendants involved were new and unfamiliar with the business.

Such an explanation does not completely quell public skepticism.

It's a big deal! Passengers on the high-speed rail to buy 2 yuan mineral water was ridiculed by the flight attendant, staff: she is new

While it takes time for new employees to get used to and get used to their jobs, that doesn't mean that this can be used as an excuse to ignore or even ridicule passengers' needs.

The response of 12306 customer service, although it was confirmed that there was indeed 2 yuan mineral water for sale on the high-speed rail, the premise was to see whether the goods were sold out.

This response reveals another problem with high-speed rail commodity sales: the supply of commodities is not stable.

When passengers buy goods on trains, they often face problems such as limited choice and opaque prices.

This uncertainty has not only affected the shopping experience of passengers, but also raised questions about the rationality of the pricing of high-speed rail products.

It's a big deal! Passengers on the high-speed rail to buy 2 yuan mineral water was ridiculed by the flight attendant, staff: she is new

As the incident fermented, netizens participated in the discussion.

Someone revealed the inside story of commodity prices on the high-speed rail, pointing out that the prices of some commodities are much higher than the market price.

This price difference has raised questions about the rationality of the commodity pricing mechanism for high-speed rail.

Some netizens also pointed out that when the flight attendant sells goods, he should not snub passengers due to performance pressure, let alone laugh at passengers.

This behavior not only damages the image of high-speed rail services, but also infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of passengers.

It's a big deal! Passengers on the high-speed rail to buy 2 yuan mineral water was ridiculed by the flight attendant, staff: she is new

In addition to the problem of commodity sales, the continuous supply of 15 yuan packages on high-speed rail has also attracted widespread attention.

This regulation is intended to ensure the basic food and beverage needs of passengers, but in practice it faces a number of challenges.

On the one hand, due to the limited supply of meals on the train, it is difficult to ensure that every passenger can purchase a set meal in time; On the other hand, some passengers are dissatisfied with the taste and quality of the package, believing that there is a gap compared to the market price.

The sale of goods on high-speed rail requires formal registration and approval from the railway department.

It's a big deal! Passengers on the high-speed rail to buy 2 yuan mineral water was ridiculed by the flight attendant, staff: she is new

This regulation ensures the quality and safety of goods, but it also imposes certain restrictions on the types and prices of goods.

How to meet the diverse needs of passengers while ensuring the quality and safety of goods is an important issue facing the sales of high-speed rail goods.

When there is a quality problem with the purchased goods, passengers can protect their rights and interests in a variety of ways.

For example, you can complain to the train staff, call the 12306 customer service number to report the problem, expose it on social media, etc.

The efficiency and effectiveness of these approaches are not the same.

It's a big deal! Passengers on the high-speed rail to buy 2 yuan mineral water was ridiculed by the flight attendant, staff: she is new

How to establish an efficient and convenient complaint handling mechanism and solve passengers' problems and demands in a timely manner is the place where high-speed rail services need to be continuously improved and perfected.

The high-speed rail crew's promotion of specialty products has also sparked controversy.

On the one hand, the promotion of specialty products can provide more choices and convenience for passengers; On the other hand, excessive sales practices may also affect the rest and travel experience of passengers.

How to reasonably carry out special product promotion activities to ensure passengers' rest and travel experience is a problem that needs to be balanced between high-speed rail services.

In view of the problems existing in the sales and service of high-speed rail, we can learn from the practice of China-Europe freight trains.

It's a big deal! Passengers on the high-speed rail to buy 2 yuan mineral water was ridiculed by the flight attendant, staff: she is new

The China-Europe Railway Express has achieved whole-process supervision and fidelity parity in commodity sales, ensuring the quality and price reasonableness of commodities.

The China-Europe Railway Express also focuses on improving service quality and providing passengers with a more comfortable and convenient travel experience.

These practices have important reference significance for the improvement of high-speed rail commodity sales and service quality.

Experts suggest that high-speed rail should limit the time and frequency of sales in terms of commodity sales, ensure the quality of goods, and change the way of marketing.

For example, special shopping areas can be set up on trains to provide passengers with a more convenient and comfortable shopping environment;

It's a big deal! Passengers on the high-speed rail to buy 2 yuan mineral water was ridiculed by the flight attendant, staff: she is new

Strengthen the training and management of flight attendants, improve their service awareness and professionalism, and ensure that they provide high-quality services to passengers.

High-speed rail services should also focus on improving service quality.

This includes improving train facilities, raising the level of food and beverage service, and enhancing safety and security.

For example, the design of train seats can be optimized to provide a more comfortable riding experience; It can enrich the types of catering services and improve the quality of catering; Safety checks can be strengthened to ensure the safety of passengers.

In the process of improving high-speed rail services, we should also pay attention to balancing the interests of all parties.

It's a big deal! Passengers on the high-speed rail to buy 2 yuan mineral water was ridiculed by the flight attendant, staff: she is new

High-speed rail services are not only about the interests of passengers, but also about the interests of railway authorities, suppliers and other parties.

In the process of improving services, the interests of all parties should be fully considered to ensure that all parties can benefit from them.

The goods and services on the high-speed rail are an important part of the high-speed rail service, and their quality and level directly affect the travel experience of passengers.

We should provide passengers with better and more convenient high-speed rail travel services by strengthening the supervision of commodity sales, improving service quality, and strengthening the training and management of crew members.

We should also pay attention to passengers' feedback and suggestions, and continuously improve and improve high-speed rail services to meet the diverse needs of passengers.

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