
Cucumber watering is very particular, don't water it randomly, how to water cucumbers?

author:Holy Ran


In the vast farmland, green cucumber vines are entwined and full of life. Cucumbers, this home-cooked vegetable, have a lot of tricks in it if you want to grow it well. Ordinary people often say: "Watering for three years, not shallow learning." It can be seen that watering cucumbers is not as simple as picking up the water pipe and watering it casually. Did you know that the time and method of watering cucumbers are related to the harvest and quality of cucumbers? So, what kind of watering method is scientific?

Cucumber watering is very particular, don't water it randomly, how to water cucumbers?


In our countryside, before the sun rises, you can hear the sound of water rushing in the fields, which is the industrious farmer watering the cucumbers. Why do you need to water before the sun comes out? There's something special about that. In the morning, when the temperature is relatively low and the soil and plants are still in a state of "sleepy eyes", watering the cucumber at this time is like gently brushing away the fatigue of the night and awakening its vitality with cool water. Moreover, watering in the morning also prevents water evaporation during hot periods, allowing every drop to do its job.

Cucumber watering is very particular, don't water it randomly, how to water cucumbers?

Of course, watering isn't something that can be done anytime and anywhere. Did you know that from 8 a.m. to 1 a.m., this time is the golden time for cucumbers to photosynthesize and accumulate nutrients? At this time, if you go to water the cucumber, it is equivalent to interrupting its "work rhythm". Not to mention letting it grow well, it may backfire and make the cucumber "cold"!

Cucumber watering is very particular, don't water it randomly, how to water cucumbers?

When it comes to watering techniques, it's a real science. You have to touch the moisture of the soil from time to time, and you have to feed the cucumber the right amount of water, so that it can neither be "thirsty" nor "hold on". Just like taking care of a child, you have to pay close attention to its needs and give them just right. Moreover, when watering, you have to pay attention to evenness, not "water flooding the golden mountain" here, but "not dripping water" there.

Cucumber watering is very particular, don't water it randomly, how to water cucumbers?

Under the careful care of day after day, the cucumbers also live up to expectations, growing green and straight, and the thick cucumbers hang on the vines, like elves in the field, which is endearing. When it's harvest time, the smiles on the faces of the farmers are the best reward. They joked to each other, "These cucumbers, but let's 'feed' them with one hand, see how well they grow!" ”

Cucumber watering is very particular, don't water it randomly, how to water cucumbers?


Although growing cucumbers is a technical job, it is more of a love of life and awe of nature. The process of watering a cucumber is like having a conversation with nature, listening to its voice and understanding its needs. And this patience and carefulness is not only the care of cucumbers, but also the cherishing of life.

Cucumber watering is very particular, don't water it randomly, how to water cucumbers?

When we taste the tender cucumbers, we may feel the gift from nature and the sweet fruits of the farmers' hard work. As the old saying goes, "Plant melons and get melons, and sow beans and get beans." "In the process of watering, we also watered our own lives and reaped full of happiness and satisfaction.

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