
Sixty-year-old couples stir-fry vegetables with bean paste every day, and they haven't changed for more than 20 years, what are the results of the physical examination?

author:Lao Wang's Health Talk
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"Uncle Zhang, the results of your physical examination this time are really amazing!" Dr. Wang, the attending doctor of the newly opened rehabilitation and conditioning center, looked at the old man in front of him with admiration on his face.

Uncle Zhang, who is sixty-eight years old this year, is a retired post office worker.

Since he and his wife, Mrs. Wang, got married, their eating habits have hardly changed: at least one meal a day is stir-fried with bean paste.

Sixty-year-old couples stir-fry vegetables with bean paste every day, and they haven't changed for more than 20 years, what are the results of the physical examination?

In the eyes of many people, such a diet is simply monotonous and boring, but Uncle Zhang and Aunt Wang are tired of it.

That day, when Uncle Zhang was walking downstairs, he happened to encounter the publicity activities of the newly opened rehabilitation and conditioning center, and they offered free initial health check-ups.

Curiosity drove him to decide to give it a try.

The results of the examination were unexpectedly good, especially the function of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, which is simply ten years younger than his peers.

"Your eating habits are very distinctive." Dr. Wang teased, "I guess this bean paste has some secret effect?" ”

Sixty-year-old couples stir-fry vegetables with bean paste every day, and they haven't changed for more than 20 years, what are the results of the physical examination?

This made Uncle Zhang return home and start thinking about how his eating habits over the years have affected their health.

As a traditional condiment, the main ingredients of bean paste include chili, tempeh, salt, etc., which can not only increase the flavor of dishes, but also contain rich vitamin B, protein and trace elements.

In fact, the tempeh in bean paste is made through a fermentation process, and fermented foods have been scientifically proven to be particularly beneficial for gut health.

The gut is known as the "second brain" of the human body, and its health status directly affects the person's immune system and overall health.

Sixty-year-old couples stir-fry vegetables with bean paste every day, and they haven't changed for more than 20 years, what are the results of the physical examination?

Scientific studies have shown that probiotics in fermented foods can help restore the balance of intestinal flora, improve intestinal barrier function, and reduce the growth of harmful bacteria, thereby reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

For example, in a study involving more than 1,000 adults, those who regularly consumed fermented foods performed better in terms of cardiovascular health, weight control, and inflammation levels.

Uncle Zhang and Aunt Wang's eating habits may have involuntarily adopted this healthy lifestyle.

Although there are constant concerns about high salt, they do it just right, and the use of bean paste is not the only element in their diet, but is paired with a variety of other ingredients to form a balanced diet.

Sixty-year-old couples stir-fry vegetables with bean paste every day, and they haven't changed for more than 20 years, what are the results of the physical examination?

In fact, in addition to the benefits of bean paste, Uncle Zhang and Aunt Wang also maintain several other good habits, such as walking for half an hour every day and eating less greasy and sweet foods, which also have a positive impact on their health.

After reading Uncle Zhang's diet records, Dr. Wang said to him, "Although the use of bean paste in your diet is very distinctive, I think that you can maintain such good health, and more importantly, your overall lifestyle.

The right amount of bean paste is the key, along with the combined effects of other healthy habits. ”

Sixty-year-old couples stir-fry vegetables with bean paste every day, and they haven't changed for more than 20 years, what are the results of the physical examination?

Many people may think that the consistent use of the same condiment will lead to nutritional imbalances, but Uncle Zhang's example shows that when this use is embedded in a more scientific and balanced eating pattern, the effect can be completely different.

Moreover, it is undeniable that Uncle Zhang's preference for bean paste has also allowed him to maintain a kind of stability and continuity in his diet, which is particularly rare in the lifestyle of modern people who frequently change their eating habits.

This begs the question, is the frequent change of eating habits of modern people really as good for health as we would expect?

Or, in the pursuit of healthy eating, are we ignoring the stability of eating habits and the potential health benefits over time?

What do you have to say about this? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section!

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