
My aunt loves to cook with bean paste, and was diagnosed with stomach cancer after 2 years! Doctor: If you emphasize it too many times, you can't change it

author:Dr. Chua's health talks

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Aunt Huang has been passionate about cooking all her life, and her signature dish is the kind of braised pork with attractive color and aroma, and every time she makes this dish, she always likes to add a lot of bean paste, thinking that this can make it more flavorful.

On a sunny morning two years ago, Aunt Huang was busy in the kitchen as usual, but she didn't expect this day to be a turning point in her life. During a routine health check-up, Aunt Huang was diagnosed with stomach cancer in the early stages.

My aunt loves to cook with bean paste, and was diagnosed with stomach cancer after 2 years! Doctor: If you emphasize it too many times, you can't change it

Dr. Zhang Ligang, an experienced gastroenterologist, tried to maintain a gentle tone when he informed Huang of the diagnosis.

He pointed out that although it is impossible to determine the exact cause of Huang's stomach cancer, her long-term high-oil and high-salt diet may be a factor that cannot be ignored. The salt and other additives in bean paste may cause irritation to the stomach lining and thus increase the risk of stomach cancer.

My aunt loves to cook with bean paste, and was diagnosed with stomach cancer after 2 years! Doctor: If you emphasize it too many times, you can't change it

Dr. Zhang explained in detail the process of stomach cancer formation. Long-term intake of high-salt, high-fat foods will lead to continuous damage to the gastric mucosa, and over time, these subtle damages may gradually evolve into cancerous cells.

He specifically mentioned that not only Aunt Huang, but also many people ignore the potential threat to health caused by such a lifestyle. In many conversations with Aunt Wong, Dr. Cheung tried his best to make her understand the importance of changing her eating habits. He also shared several similar cases, including an elderly gentleman who had been eating salted fish for a long time and was eventually diagnosed with stomach cancer as well.

My aunt loves to cook with bean paste, and was diagnosed with stomach cancer after 2 years! Doctor: If you emphasize it too many times, you can't change it

Through these stories, he hopes to make Aunt Huang realize the seriousness of the problem and inspire her to change. However, changing a life's eating habits is not easy for Aunt Huang.

Whenever she tries to reduce the use of bean paste, she always feels like the dishes have lost their soul. This dilemma makes her very conflicted, wanting to pursue health while not wanting to give up the traditional flavors that bring her happiness. During the treatment, Dr. Zhang advised Huang to try some new cooking methods, such as using fresh herbs and spices to enhance the flavor of the food while reducing salt intake.

My aunt loves to cook with bean paste, and was diagnosed with stomach cancer after 2 years! Doctor: If you emphasize it too many times, you can't change it

He also recommends several healthy cooking classes, specifically designed for patients who want to improve their eating habits. Although Huang was initially resistant to this change, after trying it a few times, she gradually discovered that these new seasonings also brought different flavors and were more friendly to her body.

As the days passed, Aunt Huang's health improved significantly with her new eating habits and regular medical follow-up. She began to realize that there were many new things in her life that she had not yet touched, which gave her hope for the future.

My aunt loves to cook with bean paste, and was diagnosed with stomach cancer after 2 years! Doctor: If you emphasize it too many times, you can't change it

At the same time, her small grocery store has also begun to introduce some healthy food, and it has gradually become a small position in the community to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Auntie Huang's story spread in the community, and many neighbors were inspired by her change and began to pay attention to their eating habits. Aunt Huang is happy to share her experience, and she tells everyone that change is not easy, but for the sake of health, every small step is worth trying.

My aunt loves to cook with bean paste, and was diagnosed with stomach cancer after 2 years! Doctor: If you emphasize it too many times, you can't change it

During this process, Dr. Zhang noticed that in addition to the change in her diet, her attitude towards life also changed. He realizes that for many patients, treatment is more about more than just medications and surgeries, but more about overall lifestyle adjustments.

However, even with so many positive changes in her life, Aunt Huang occasionally misses traditional dishes with bean paste. By chance, she experimented with combining bean paste with her newly learned healthy cooking skills to create a new way of seasoning that preserves the traditional taste without being overly taxing on the body.

My aunt loves to cook with bean paste, and was diagnosed with stomach cancer after 2 years! Doctor: If you emphasize it too many times, you can't change it

This new culinary attempt not only satisfied Aunt Huang, but also became a new topic for her to share her healthy eating philosophy with others. Health and tradition are not incompatible, as long as you explore carefully, you can always find a balance between the two.

Now, when people ask Aunt Huang how she finds a balance between health and deliciousness in her life, she always smiles and says that sometimes, a small step can make a big step forward. This story is not only about the life transformation of an aunt, but also about the exploration of how to find a lifestyle that blends with tradition in modern society.

My aunt loves to cook with bean paste, and was diagnosed with stomach cancer after 2 years! Doctor: If you emphasize it too many times, you can't change it

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My aunt loves to cook with bean paste, and was diagnosed with stomach cancer after 2 years! Doctor: If you emphasize it too many times, you can't change it

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