
The 51-year-old eldest sister likes to put oyster sauce in stir-fry to improve freshness, and when she went for a physical examination half a year later, the doctor was furious: she didn't eat it right

author:Lao Wang's Health Talk
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In a bright and clean hospital consultation room, Dr. Wang looked at the examination report in front of him, frowned and said to the middle-aged lady in front of him: "Sister Liu, your eating habits in the past six months are really wrong, you put too much oyster sauce in it!" ”

Liu Jing, a 51-year-old librarian, is usually optimistic and cheerful, and loves cooking.

However, she has a habit of using oyster sauce in large quantities to enhance the freshness of her dishes.

The 51-year-old eldest sister likes to put oyster sauce in stir-fry to improve freshness, and when she went for a physical examination half a year later, the doctor was furious: she didn't eat it right

Although her dishes have won praise from family and friends for their delicious taste, she has recently begun to feel poor appetite and often feel tired.

Worried about her health, Liu Jing decided to go to the hospital for a comprehensive physical examination.

The results of the physical examination made her uneasy: her cholesterol levels were unexpectedly high and her liver function was abnormal.

Dr. Wang explained that the oyster sauce that Liu Jing uses frequently in her diet is rich in sodium and fat, and long-term intake will cause a serious burden on the heart and liver.

Oyster sauce, as a common seasoning to enhance the umami of Chinese cuisine, is especially unsuitable for middle-aged and elderly groups due to its high sodium and high-fat properties.

The 51-year-old eldest sister likes to put oyster sauce in stir-fry to improve freshness, and when she went for a physical examination half a year later, the doctor was furious: she didn't eat it right

In a conversation with Liu Jing, Dr. Wang gave a detailed account of the composition of oyster sauce and its potential health effects.

He pointed out that the sodium in oyster sauce can cause high blood pressure, while its high fat content may lead to high cholesterol and liver problems.

In explaining this medical knowledge, Dr. Wang also mentioned other similar cases to demonstrate the potential health hazards of fuel consumption.

He mentioned a case of an elderly gentleman who had been using oyster sauce for many years, and because of his long-term excessive intake of oyster sauce, he not only had high cholesterol levels, but also suffered from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

The 51-year-old eldest sister likes to put oyster sauce in stir-fry to improve freshness, and when she went for a physical examination half a year later, the doctor was furious: she didn't eat it right

The example of this old gentleman further confirms the adverse health effects of oyster sauce.

Together, Dr. Wang and Liu Jing developed a new diet plan that emphasised reducing the use of oyster sauce and adding more vegetables and whole grains to help her improve her health.

He also advised Liu Jing to have regular check-ups and liver function monitoring to ensure that she could manage her health effectively.

After listening to the doctor's advice, Liu Jing began to actively adjust her eating habits.

She cut back on her use of oyster sauce and began experimenting with other natural spices such as ginger, garlic and coriander to enhance the taste of her food.

The 51-year-old eldest sister likes to put oyster sauce in stir-fry to improve freshness, and when she went for a physical examination half a year later, the doctor was furious: she didn't eat it right

She also gradually felt that her physical condition had improved, her appetite had picked up, and her physical strength had become more abundant.

With the change in lifestyle, Liu Jing has not only benefited herself, but also inspired her friends and family to value healthy eating through her own example.

Her experience became a positive transformation story that was reverberated in her community.

At the end of the story, instead of concluding, the question is raised: "How do we find the balance of seasoning in our daily diet that both satisfies the taste buds and is good for health?" ”

The 51-year-old eldest sister likes to put oyster sauce in stir-fry to improve freshness, and when she went for a physical examination half a year later, the doctor was furious: she didn't eat it right

When analyzing this issue, we should recognize that a healthy diet is not simply about removing a certain ingredient or seasoning, but about making intelligent decisions about the choice of ingredients and the method of seasoning.

For example, people can choose low-sodium or sodium-free alternatives to lower their sodium intake, or replace high-fat condiments with a variety of herbs and spices to preserve the flavor of the food while also helping to control the fat and sodium content of the food.

Such dietary changes not only help prevent cardiovascular and liver diseases, but also improve overall quality of life.

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