
The leaves are like bamboo leaves, the roots are like wheat winter, people are called "pheasant rice", the value is precious, and it is indispensable in herbal tea

author:Dietitian Ho Haizhen

Hello everyone, I'm nutritionist He Haizhen. The author is a native of the countryside and a lover of Chinese herbal medicine. Follow me and share with you all kinds of wild plants common in the countryside every day to learn more about plants.

Today, the plant shared by the author, at first glance, many people think it is bamboo leaves, because its leaves are very similar to the shape of our common bamboo leaves, so we all call it bamboo leaf grass, and in some places it is also called bamboo leaves, ground bamboo, understory bamboo, small bamboo grass, long bamboo leaves, golden bamboo leaves, etc.

The leaves are like bamboo leaves, the roots are like wheat winter, people are called "pheasant rice", the value is precious, and it is indispensable in herbal tea

In fact, its botanical name is light bamboo leaves, which are named because of their light taste. Light bamboo leaf is a perennial erect herbaceous plant of the Poaceae family Light bamboo leaf, about 50 cm high, mostly born in rural slopes, hills, shrubs, woodlands, forest edges, valleys, roadsides, etc., is a very common plant in rural areas.

Although the leaves of the light bamboo leaf are similar to the bamboo leaves we are familiar with, the plants of the light bamboo leaf grow relatively short, and the leaves are also longer, broad-lanceolate, 5 to 22 cm long, 1 to 3 cm wide, with obvious small transverse veins, the texture is very smooth, the color is emerald green, fresh and natural, which makes people feel refreshed.

This kind of verdant green leaves can be of great benefit, it is a good helper used by the people to wrap zongzi, the leaves are wide, the wrapping effect is good, the softness is also strong, the most important thing is that the zongzi wrapped in light bamboo leaves smells a faint fragrance of bamboo leaves, and it tastes more delicious.

The leaves are like bamboo leaves, the roots are like wheat winter, people are called "pheasant rice", the value is precious, and it is indispensable in herbal tea

The inflorescence of the light bamboo leaf is panicle-like apical, spike-lanceolate, about 5 to 10 cm long, the flowers are very small, the small flowers are pale yellow and pale green, September to October every year is its flowering season, the flowers are small, but it is rare to see it blooming.

The seeds of light bamboo leaves are also very peculiar, it is dark brown, very similar to the shape of millet, and it is also the food that pheasants love to eat in the mountains, so there are other names for pheasant rice, pheasant valley and golden chicken rice, and the names are different in many regions.

The biggest feature of the whole plant is its underground tuber roots, which appear to be thick and spindle-shaped, which looks very similar to the health care herb Mai Dong that we often use to make soup in our lives, so it has the title of Soil Wheat Winter, Mountain Winter, Wild Wheat Winter, and Bamboo Leaf Wheat Winter.

Whether it is the leaves of light bamboo leaves, or its underground roots are commonly used in folk Chinese medicinal materials, which have the effects of clearing heat and removing troubles, diluting water and drenching, and nourishing yin and nourishing Jin. Friends in the countryside know that the leaves of light bamboo leaves are commonly used as raw materials for herbal teas, and it is indispensable in many herbal teas.

The leaves are like bamboo leaves, the roots are like wheat winter, people are called "pheasant rice", the value is precious, and it is indispensable in herbal tea

From April to June every year, it is the season to pick light bamboo leaves, people who understand it will pick some back to dry it to make tea, especially in summer, it is essential to drink some often, not only to prevent heat stroke, colds, etc., but also to clear the heart, so as to prevent the occurrence of diseases.

In addition, the tuber roots of light bamboo leaves not only grow like Ophiopogon vulgaris, but also have certain health effects like Ophiopogon vulgaris. It can be dug all year round, can be used fresh or dried for later use, is often used to make soup in life, the soup is sweet and fresh, and has good health value.

Dear friends, do you have this kind of light bamboo leaf in your hometown? Its leaves are like bamboo leaves, the roots are like wheat winter, people are called "pheasant rice", the value is precious, the whole plant is a treasure, and it is indispensable in herbal tea. If you meet in your hometown, please pay attention to it in time.


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