
Boss Tan's marriage and love were rumored to be mysterious and mysterious, Xiang Ying came to investigate and asked Ge Huimin to write a proof

author:Integrity Gabriel 9q2

Boss Tan's marriage and love were rumored to be mysterious and mysterious, Xiang Ying came to investigate and asked Ge Huimin to write a proof. This episode in the history of the revolution makes us wonder: why did the marriage of a general cause such a big turmoil? Why did Xiang Ying personally intervene in the investigation? What kind of proof did Ge Huimin write? What kind of twists and turns did this marriage bred by revolutionary friendship go through when the war was raging? What's the story behind it? Let's find out.

Boss Tan's marriage and love were rumored to be mysterious and mysterious, Xiang Ying came to investigate and asked Ge Huimin to write a proof

Changes in the marriage policy of the New Fourth Army

Boss Tan's marriage and love were rumored to be mysterious and mysterious, Xiang Ying came to investigate and asked Ge Huimin to write a proof

At the beginning of the establishment of the New Fourth Army, due to the extremely severe war situation, Xiang Ying, as the deputy commander, implemented a strict ban on marriage and love. No matter how young or strong they are or their qualifications are shallow, they are not allowed to fall in love and marry without permission, and even once put forward the radical slogan of "shooting love". This policy was intended to ensure that the soldiers were focused on the battle and on the great cause of victory.

Boss Tan's marriage and love were rumored to be mysterious and mysterious, Xiang Ying came to investigate and asked Ge Huimin to write a proof

However, this move has also caused a lot of controversy and repercussions. Some cadres believe that an overly absolute ban will affect the morale of the military and weaken their fighting spirit. Some people even bluntly said that revolutionary soldiers are also flesh and blood, and it is inevitable that they will harbor the heart of marriage and love, and if they are blindly curbed, it will cause even greater disasters.

Boss Tan's marriage and love were rumored to be mysterious and mysterious, Xiang Ying came to investigate and asked Ge Huimin to write a proof

In 1939, Zhou Enlai came to the military headquarters of the New Fourth Army as a representative of the Central Committee to convey Mao Zedong's instructions on the proper opening of marriage and love. He suggested that Xiang Ying implement the principle of the "285 Regiment", that is, cadres over the age of 28, who have participated in the revolution for more than five years, and who are above the regimental level can freely fall in love and marry. This principle took into account military discipline and military regulations and human nature, and was soon implemented in the New Fourth Army.

Boss Tan's marriage and love were rumored to be mysterious and mysterious, Xiang Ying came to investigate and asked Ge Huimin to write a proof

The implementation of the "285 Regiment" principle has undoubtedly injected new vitality into the New Fourth Army. The once imprisoned freedom of marriage and love was finally legalized, allowing some soldiers who had been lonely for a long time to regain their love and find spiritual solace in the smoke of war. However, no one thought that it would involve a rather bizarre love story and become a good story in the revolutionary era.

Boss Tan's marriage and love were rumored to be mysterious and mysterious, Xiang Ying came to investigate and asked Ge Huimin to write a proof

Tan Zhenlin and Ge Huimin's encounter

Boss Tan's marriage and love were rumored to be mysterious and mysterious, Xiang Ying came to investigate and asked Ge Huimin to write a proof

In 1938, the headquarters of the third detachment of the New Fourth Army was located in Zhongfen Village, in the southwest mountainous area of Fanchang, Anhui Province. This year, 37-year-old Tan Zhenlin is still alone. As the deputy commander of the detachment, he worked day and night to strategize, thinking about the anti-Japanese plan, and had no intention of getting married.

Boss Tan's marriage and love were rumored to be mysterious and mysterious, Xiang Ying came to investigate and asked Ge Huimin to write a proof

Seeing this, the secretary of the local special committee couldn't help but enlighten Tan Zhenlin: "You should also become a family, you can't go on like this for the rest of your life, right?" Tan Zhenlin refused with a smile, saying that he was fighting outside every day, so how could he have spare time to talk about marriage. The secretary of the special committee was enthusiastic about matchmaking for him, and Tan Zhenlin waved his hand again and again, resolutely unwilling to talk more.

Boss Tan's marriage and love were rumored to be mysterious and mysterious, Xiang Ying came to investigate and asked Ge Huimin to write a proof

It turned out that not long ago, Xiang Ying promulgated a strict order prohibiting all officers and men of the New Fourth Army from falling in love and getting married. Regardless of seniority and age, they were treated equally, and the aim was to concentrate the efforts of the whole army on resisting Japan. As a high-level general like Tan Zhenlin, he is naturally among them.

Boss Tan's marriage and love were rumored to be mysterious and mysterious, Xiang Ying came to investigate and asked Ge Huimin to write a proof

In the blink of an eye, Zhou Enlai came to the military headquarters and announced the relaxation of the marriage and love policy on behalf of the central government. As long as they comply with the principle of the "285 Regiment", that is, cadres over 28 years old, with more than 5 years of revolutionary experience, and at or above the regimental level, can freely fall in love and get married. Tan Zhenlin's identity goes without saying, and he has already reached the standard.

Boss Tan's marriage and love were rumored to be mysterious and mysterious, Xiang Ying came to investigate and asked Ge Huimin to write a proof

At this time, a political work meeting gradually unfolded the fate of the future. At the meeting, a 19-year-old girl caught Tan Zhenlin's attention - she was Tian Bingxiu, who was later renamed Ge Huimin. Tan Zhenlin was immediately fascinated by this young and beautiful girl.

Boss Tan's marriage and love were rumored to be mysterious and mysterious, Xiang Ying came to investigate and asked Ge Huimin to write a proof

After the meeting, Tan Zhenlin held an unprecedented banquet, and Ge Huimin was also present. During the banquet, a joke of "fiancée" made the shy Ge Huimin cry and flee on the spot. She mistakenly thought that Tan Zhenlin was bullying the little girl, and she was forced to be helpless.

Boss Tan's marriage and love were rumored to be mysterious and mysterious, Xiang Ying came to investigate and asked Ge Huimin to write a proof

Afterwards, Tan Zhenlin explained again and again, and finally opened Ge Huimin's defense. Tan Zhenlin officially proposed to her, and Ge Huimin said that it would take some time to think about it. The two thus kicked off a dirty entanglement.

Boss Tan's marriage and love were rumored to be mysterious and mysterious, Xiang Ying came to investigate and asked Ge Huimin to write a proof

Revolutionary feelings condense love

Boss Tan's marriage and love were rumored to be mysterious and mysterious, Xiang Ying came to investigate and asked Ge Huimin to write a proof

Tan Zhenlin and Ge Huimin's love did not happen overnight. The initial vow was just a late encounter, and the two needed to go through more trials and tribulations in the common revolutionary cause before they could unite their love.

Boss Tan's marriage and love were rumored to be mysterious and mysterious, Xiang Ying came to investigate and asked Ge Huimin to write a proof

In November 1939, the Japanese army launched a frenzied attack on Fanchang City. As the main force of the New Fourth Army, Tan Zhenlin led the troops to fight back. In the past few days, they have fought with more than 2,000 Japanese puppet soldiers and fought to the death.

Boss Tan's marriage and love were rumored to be mysterious and mysterious, Xiang Ying came to investigate and asked Ge Huimin to write a proof

It was during the arduous years of defending Fanchang that Ge Huimin was fortunate to witness the extraordinary talent of Tan Zhenlin, a commander. Whenever he was fighting, Tan Zhenlin always carried forward military democracy, summoned cadres to study the enemy's situation, personally went to the front line to observe the situation, and enthusiastically boosted morale. He flexibly applied Mao Zedong's tactical thinking in actual combat, skillfully combined positional warfare with guerrilla warfare, and finally defeated more with less, killing more than 500 enemies, and made outstanding contributions to the liberation of Fanchang City.

Boss Tan's marriage and love were rumored to be mysterious and mysterious, Xiang Ying came to investigate and asked Ge Huimin to write a proof

Under the baptism of the fiery battlefield, Ge Huimin sincerely developed infinite reverence and admiration for Tan Zhenlin. And Tan Zhenlin regards this "red hero"-like girl as a life-saving benefactor, and the revolutionary feelings of the two are condensed with each other in the rain of bullets.

Boss Tan's marriage and love were rumored to be mysterious and mysterious, Xiang Ying came to investigate and asked Ge Huimin to write a proof

The years of the Anti-Japanese War gave Tan Zhenlin a unique charm. Although he had only attended private school for three years, he was able to memorize the theoretical essence of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought. He was well versed in military command, good at commanding soldiers, and was praised as an excellent commander who was "keen in observation and good at analysis". It was this outstanding military talent and unwavering belief that finally melted Ge Huimin's last line of defense against him.

Boss Tan's marriage and love were rumored to be mysterious and mysterious, Xiang Ying came to investigate and asked Ge Huimin to write a proof

In the spring of 1940, under the auspices of Zhou Enlai, Tan Zhenlin and Ge Huimin finally held hands and became husband and wife. This pair of newcomers interpreted the great truth of "power comes out of the barrel of a gun" with practical actions, and forged an immortal revolutionary story with their blood.

Boss Tan's marriage and love were rumored to be mysterious and mysterious, Xiang Ying came to investigate and asked Ge Huimin to write a proof

The marriage encountered a storm of criticism

Boss Tan's marriage and love were rumored to be mysterious and mysterious, Xiang Ying came to investigate and asked Ge Huimin to write a proof

Although the marriage between Tan Zhenlin and Ge Huimin has been decided, there have been sharp twists and turns in the slow progress, which has attracted criticism and suspicion from the outside world. A turbulent storm began.

Boss Tan's marriage and love were rumored to be mysterious and mysterious, Xiang Ying came to investigate and asked Ge Huimin to write a proof

It is rumored that someone reported to Xiang Ying with his real name at that time, condemning Tan Zhenlin for taking advantage of his position to attempt to overlord the bow and wantonly poison Ge Huimin. Tan Zhenlin was suspected of being suspicious for a while, and was suspected of having bad intentions and unscrupulous means to achieve his selfish desires.

Boss Tan's marriage and love were rumored to be mysterious and mysterious, Xiang Ying came to investigate and asked Ge Huimin to write a proof

As soon as the news spread, it immediately caused an uproar throughout the New Fourth Army. Some people have a lot of complaints about Tan Zhenlin, thinking that he is taking advantage of the danger of others and forcing him to become a prostitute. Others felt that it was not a sin for an older person to pursue a girl.

Faced with such a chaotic situation, Xiang Ying was personally ordered to intervene in the investigation. He led a working group to Fanchang to carefully examine the facts and events to determine the merits. Xiang Ying asked Ge Huimin face-to-face whether he had been coerced and lured by Tan Zhenlin. Ge Huimin denied the accusation and clarified the truth of the case.

In a written certificate, Ge Huimin truthfully explained the entire process of her acquaintance with Tan Zhenlin. The certificate wrote that she fell in love with Tan Zhenlin at first sight, out of physical and mental will, and was not threatened or pressured. As for the misunderstanding of the banquet, it is purely the unintentional fault of those who have no mouth to hide.

With Ge Huimin's autographed testimony and other investigations and evidence collection, Xiang Ying quickly recovered the facts. In the end, he admitted that the marriage of Tan Zhenlin and his wife was out of free love, and there was no suspicion of reluctance and pressure. After this battle, Tan Zhenlin and Ge Huimin also defended their reputation and dignity for their beloved.

Although this turmoil brought a lot of unhappiness to both sides, in the end, the lovers finally became married, and it also made the outside world have a more open and rational understanding of the issue of the freedom of marriage and love among the leading cadres of the New Fourth Army.

Loyal love after the storm

Although Tan Zhenlin and Ge Huimin's marriage has gone through many tests, they finally used courage and faith to overcome many doubts and criticisms. After the storm, the love between the two became more loyal and added new strength to the revolutionary cause.

After this battle, Tan Zhenlin and Ge Huimin cherish each other's love even more. They remembered the oath they had made in the smoke of gunfire and the purity of their sentiments and the traditional virtues of the revolution that they had unswervingly adhered to.

In the subsequent years of the Anti-Japanese War, the two were always inseparable and fought side by side. Whether it was camping in the field or guerrilla warfare, Ge Huimin sacrificed his life and did not complain. With the courage and tenacity of a soldier, she went hand in hand with Tan Zhenlin and became the "big sister" of the New Fourth Army.

In 1941, the New Fourth Army launched the Battle of 100 Regiments in the Hubei-Henan-Anhui base area. As the deputy commander of the three detachments, Tan Zhenlin personally commanded the famous Battle of Feiduojing County. During the fierce battle, the two guides escaped, and Tan Zhenlin had to lead the way himself, and finally annihilated hundreds of defenders. After this battle, he was commended and commended by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and was named one of the "Top Ten Famous Generals". And Ge Huimin won the honorary title of "Heroic Warrior" for his heroic performance in defying difficulties and fighting bloody battles with the enemy.

It can be said that it was this revolutionary couple who tempered their incomparably tenacious revolutionary will with their blood and lives. Their love for each other stems from their common ideals, and it is also strengthened by fighting together.

In the blink of an eye, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression was won, and the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party finally ended. Although Tan Zhenlin encountered injustice in his later work and was rejected by Zhulian and rejection, he and Ge Huimin still kept their original intentions and supported each other through the last years with love and piety. Until their deaths, the two always adhered to the steadfast nature of revolutionary soldiers and composed a touching love swan song.

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