
"Progesterone" food, women should eat more after the age of 30, beauty and beauty, better than skin care products

author:Recipes to relieve worries

When we talk about soybeans, we're not just talking about one common legume. Known as the "meat of plants", this little bean is actually a super treasure trove of nutrition and beauty. Soybeans are rich in protein, covering almost all the essential amino acids needed by the human body, and their content and quality are comparable to meat, and they are a rare source of protein for vegetarians.

"Progesterone" food, women should eat more after the age of 30, beauty and beauty, better than skin care products

Not only that, but soybeans are also a great source of isoflavones, phytoestrogens that are excellent for fighting aging and maintaining skin elasticity, while also regulating hormone levels to help alleviate menopausal symptoms. In addition, soybeans are also rich in vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from free radical damage and slows down the aging process.

"Progesterone" food, women should eat more after the age of 30, beauty and beauty, better than skin care products

Incorporating soybeans into your daily diet is easy and convenient. Whether it is made into soybean milk, a glass in the morning can quickly replenish energy and moisturize the skin; Soybeans are also added to the soup to increase the taste and nutrition of the dish; Or make a variety of delicious snacks and snacks from soybeans, each of which allows you to enjoy your food while achieving health and beauty. Next, I will introduce you to four easy-to-make and delicious soybean recipes that will make this "brain champion" a regular guest at your table.

Recommended recipe 1: Stewed pork ribs with soybeans

"Progesterone" food, women should eat more after the age of 30, beauty and beauty, better than skin care products

The combination of soybeans and pork ribs is not only delicious, but also high in protein and rich in minerals, especially iron and zinc, which are especially good for improving memory and boosting brain function. The plant-based protein in soybeans provides long-lasting energy, while the collagen in pork ribs is converted into gelatin during cooking, which contributes to gut health.

Main ingredients: soybeans, pork ribs, ginger slices, cooking wine.

Here's how:

"Progesterone" food, women should eat more after the age of 30, beauty and beauty, better than skin care products

The soybeans are soaked for several hours in advance and then drained, the ribs are washed and cut into cubes, and marinated in cooking wine and ginger slices.

Heat the pan and sauté the ribs until they change color, then add enough water to cover the ingredients.

After the water boils, add the soybeans, turn to low heat and simmer for 1-2 hours, until the pork ribs are soft and the soybeans are ripe.

Season with salt to taste, and when the soup is rich, you can enjoy it out of the pot.

Recommended recipe 2: soybean and vegetable salad

"Progesterone" food, women should eat more after the age of 30, beauty and beauty, better than skin care products

Soybean and vegetable salad is a nutritious light meal rich in dietary fiber and antioxidants, which can help boost the body's immunity and reduce chronic inflammation. The high protein of soybeans is perfectly combined with the vitamins of fresh vegetables and can be used as a major source of protein in a meal.

Main ingredients: soybeans, lettuce, cherry tomatoes, yellow peppers, homemade salad dressing.

Here's how:

"Progesterone" food, women should eat more after the age of 30, beauty and beauty, better than skin care products

Soak and cook the soybeans in advance and rinse them with cold water for later use.

Wash and tear the lettuce, cut the cherry tomatoes in half, and remove the seeds and shred the yellow peppers.

Mix all the vegetables and soybeans and mix with the homemade salad dressing (olive oil, lemon juice, honey, salt and pepper).

Recommended recipe 3: soybean soy milk

"Progesterone" food, women should eat more after the age of 30, beauty and beauty, better than skin care products

Homemade soy milk is a healthy drink that contains high-quality plant-based protein and low saturated fat, which is extremely good for heart health. The isoflavones in soybeans can also help regulate hormones in the body, making it suitable for daily consumption by all ages.

Main ingredients: soybeans, water, (optional) a pinch of sugar or honey to taste.

Here's how:

"Progesterone" food, women should eat more after the age of 30, beauty and beauty, better than skin care products

Soak the soybeans overnight in advance and wash them well.

Put the soybeans and water in a 1:4 ratio into the soymilk maker.

Select the "Five Grains Soy Milk" mode of the soymilk machine, and wait for the soymilk to be made after starting.

After the production is completed, sugar or honey can be added according to personal taste.

Recommended recipe 4: Spicy fried soybeans

"Progesterone" food, women should eat more after the age of 30, beauty and beauty, better than skin care products

It's a simple accompaniment to a meal where the chewiness of soybeans is perfectly combined with the stimulation of chili peppers to stimulate the taste buds while providing a rich source of plant-based protein and essential fatty acids. This dish is simple and quick, making it suitable for a busy workday.

Main ingredients: soybeans, dried chilies, minced garlic, salt.

Here's how:

"Progesterone" food, women should eat more after the age of 30, beauty and beauty, better than skin care products

Soybeans are cooked in advance and set aside.

Heat a pan with cold oil, add minced garlic and dried chili and sauté until fragrant.

Add the cooked soybeans, stir-fry quickly and evenly, and season with salt.

Fry until the surface of the soybeans is slightly charred, and sprinkle a little sesame seeds to enhance the flavor before cooking.

"Progesterone" food, women should eat more after the age of 30, beauty and beauty, better than skin care products

Through these delicious recipes, we can not only enjoy the delicious taste brought by soybeans, but also get rich nutritional value from them. Try these simple recipes and make soybeans a healthy star on your table!

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