
Female college students work part-time as "purchasing agents" in shopping malls and become accomplices in money laundering

author:The first scene

For college student Xiaomei (pseudonym).

If she is given another chance to choose

She's never going to do that

"Easy" and quick part-time work......

Female college students do part-time jobs in shopping malls

but became an accomplice in money laundering

On April 6, Xiaomei, a college student in Ningbo, Zhejiang, saw a part-time advertisement for a "shopping mall buyer" on a job search and recruitment official account. The work content is also quite simple, you only need to do "purchasing agents" in the mall, purchase some cosmetics and skin care products, you can get a daily salary of 300 yuan, and you can also include brunch.

After seeing these attractive conditions, Xiaomei immediately added the other party as a friend according to the WeChat account provided on the job advertisement to understand the specific work content.

Female college students work part-time as "purchasing agents" in shopping malls and become accomplices in money laundering

Seemingly tempting "part-time advertisement"

The "Manager Zhou" who posted the part-time advertisement told Xiaomei that they were a "purchasing" company, and the purchase money would be paid to Xiaomei's account in advance, and Xiaomei needed to bring her bank card and ID card to the bank to withdraw cash and then go to the mall to purchase as required.

Early the next morning, Xiaomei came to meet at the door of the hotel agreed with "Manager Zhang" as required, and the other party said that the purchase funds had been transferred to Xiaomei's bank account. Xiaomei helped the other party withdraw a total of 150,000 yuan through the counter and ATM.

Female college students work part-time as "purchasing agents" in shopping malls and become accomplices in money laundering

Xiaomei's chat history with "Manager Zhou".

When Xiaomei handed over the "purchase money" to "Manager Zhang", the other party "generously" gave her 1,500 yuan, which was much higher than the daily salary agreed before. Subsequently, the other party asked her to go back and wait for the purchase notice on the grounds of "out of stock today", but in fact, the other party disappeared.

Xiaomei didn't wait for the notice of "Manager Zhang", but waited for the police.

Female college students work part-time as "purchasing agents" in shopping malls and become accomplices in money laundering

Xiaomei's chat history with "Manager Zhou".

This is a scammer who advertises false part-time information about recruiting shopping mall buyers in the part-time group of colleges and universities, and attracts college students with employment needs under the guise of a considerable daily remuneration, but in fact, they trick college students into providing bank cards and ID cards for "running points" to launder money.

"I also suspected that the other party used my bank card to withdraw cash for purchases, but the other party said that they were legitimate, so I believed them." Xiaomei said.

Female college students work part-time as "purchasing agents" in shopping malls and become accomplices in money laundering

In just two days from April 9 to April 10, the Yinzhou Public Security Department has imposed fines and confiscated illegal gains on Xiaomei and three other college students who participated in part-time purchasing agents and provided "two cards" information to criminals for "money laundering" in accordance with the law. The police are arresting "Manager Zhang" and other suspected fraudsters, and the case is being further handled.

Click on the part-time job advertisement in the circle of friends

However, he is suspected of participating in aiding information network criminal activities

In recent years, under the vigorous popularization of the law by the public security organs, the traditional behavior of renting "two cards" has been reduced day by day, but the "money laundering" methods of criminals are constantly changing, which makes it difficult to prevent it.

They use legal clothes such as daigou to disguise and disguise, and behind the "legitimate part-time job" but want to withdraw large amounts of cash often hides the conspiracy of money laundering gangs.

If you are not vigilant enough, you will be easily tempted by this kind of part-time job that seems to have an easy job and a high daily salary, and unknowingly become a "tool man" of the "running score" gang and embark on the road of breaking the law and committing crimes.

In January this year, Zheng in Huadu District, Guangzhou, saw a part-time job advertisement in the WeChat circle of friends, so he scanned the code to add WeChat and understand the situation. Subsequently, according to the other party's requirements, Zheng took his ID card and bank card to the agreed place, gave his mobile phone and bank card to the other party, and cooperated with the other party to withdraw 45,000 yuan from his multiple bank accounts. Recently, the Guangzhou police arrested Zheng and detained him on suspicion of aiding information network criminal activities.

Female college students work part-time as "purchasing agents" in shopping malls and become accomplices in money laundering

Anti-Fraud Center Reminder:

It's dangerous! These part-time jobs can't be done!

01 The work of helping fraudsters withdraw cash

In order to quickly transfer stolen money, criminals will hire people to help them withdraw cash and transfer funds offline, or buy precious metals, and even attract people to participate in the name of doing tasks and swiping orders in exchange for remuneration, and require participants to use their own bank accounts, Alipay accounts and other channels in an attempt to "launder" illegal and criminal funds.

Female college students work part-time as "purchasing agents" in shopping malls and become accomplices in money laundering

02 Buying and selling phone cards and bank cards

Leasing and lending phone cards, bank cards, WeChat, QQ, Alipay, etc., or acting as offline "card heads" and "card sellers", has become an accomplice of fraudsters for temporary profits.

Female college students work part-time as "purchasing agents" in shopping malls and become accomplices in money laundering

Source: Shanghai Anti-Fraud Center

03 Build GOIP and VOIP

"GOIP" and "VOIP" are fraudulent devices that use mobile phone numbers and landline numbers for virtual dialing, respectively. Most of the fraudsters are hiding abroad, and they will use "high-paying recruitment" as a bait to lure job seekers to rent a house in China to build a virtual dial-up device to remotely control mobile phone cards, make fraudulent calls to domestic victims, and send fraudulent text messages to commit fraud. The use of these virtual dialing devices to convert overseas calls into domestic calls increases the confusion and makes victims more likely to be deceived.

Female college students work part-time as "purchasing agents" in shopping malls and become accomplices in money laundering

Source: Shanghai Anti-Fraud Center

04 Pretending to be a customer service phone to attract traffic

Criminals will post part-time information on the Internet that "call and give money", and ask the recruited "operators" to make calls or send text messages according to the list of illegally obtained citizen information with a set language, claiming to be the "customer service" of various platforms, and guiding the victims to add the contact information of upstream fraudsters.

Female college students work part-time as "purchasing agents" in shopping malls and become accomplices in money laundering

Source: Shanghai Anti-Fraud Center

05 Offline promotion and drainage work

Offline promotion and drainage mostly use small gifts as bait, requiring the victim to scan the QR code or use people to build a group or send false advertisements to receive small gifts for free. And these so-called part-time jobs are actually helping fraudsters to carry out push-type drainage and prepare for the fraudsters' next step of fraud.

Female college students work part-time as "purchasing agents" in shopping malls and become accomplices in money laundering

Source: Shanghai Anti-Fraud Center

Don't believe in well-paid part-time jobs

It is likely to fall into the trap of "money laundering".

Don't be a "small profit"

Touching the legal red line!

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