
Reviewing the 4 "alkaline foods" that cancer cells are afraid of, it is recommended to eat more, which is good for your health

author:Doctor Sanqin


Miao Xiaoli,Jing Yanyang,Jing Zhiyong. Dietary Therapy for Cancer Patients[C]//Business School, Chinese Academy of Management Sciences,


Zhou Changming, Feng Xiaoshuang, Shen Jie, et al. Shanghai Medicine,2021,42(22):3-8.

CAO Junhua. Daily diet and health care of cancer patients[J].Health Care Medical Garden,2020,(10):36-37.)

Cancer, also known as malignant tumor, is an important risk factor for human health. It is usually caused by the malignant proliferation of cells in the body due to chemical, physical, genetic and other factors. According to the location of the cancer, it can be divided into liver cancer, lung cancer, and breast cancer.

Wang Tao, a 43-year-old renovation worker, likes to drink alcohol after work, and every time he drinks, he never gets drunk. At a dinner party in July 2018, Wang Tao found that he had no interest in the dishes on the table, and he didn't want to eat anything.

Reviewing the 4 "alkaline foods" that cancer cells are afraid of, it is recommended to eat more, which is good for your health

Wang Tao thought it was summer, but he was too busy with work recently and his body was so tired that he had no appetite, and he continued to live his own small life every day. By August 9, 2018, Chen Tao was surprised to find that his skin had spider-like lines during the bath, with red spots in the middle, surrounded by small red blood vessels. It was as if the face and body had been dyed yellow.

Wang Tao immediately called his wife, looked at Wang Tao's yellowing appearance, and immediately left for the hospital. Through B-ultrasound examination and liver biopsy, it was found that B-ultrasound showed a large area of shadows, and liver biopsy showed that liver fibrosis index was increased and inflammatory cells were infiltrated, indicating liver cirrhosis.

Cirrhosis is developed from a variety of chronic liver diseases, and obesity and diabetes are the predisposing factors of liver cirrhosis. Patients in the early stage of liver cirrhosis do not experience any discomfort, so it is not easy to be noticed, and it is only in the middle and late stages that they may go to the hospital because they cannot eat, their skin is yellow, and their stomach is swollen.

Reviewing the 4 "alkaline foods" that cancer cells are afraid of, it is recommended to eat more, which is good for your health

Looking at the results of liver cirrhosis, Wang Tao and his wife were shocked, there has been no other change in life for so many years, they eat and use the same food every day, why did they suddenly have cirrhosis. With the help of doctors, Wang Tao conducted a complete review of the details of his daily life, and it turned out that alcohol had harmed him.

It turned out that Wang Tao had to drink alcohol every day, and alcohol needed to be metabolized in the liver, and the metabolized products had a direct toxic effect on liver cells, directly leading to liver damage. At this time, the liver tissue is gradually replaced by fibrous tissue (abnormal tissue), forming a hardened pimple, causing cirrhosis.

The doctor prescribed Wang Tao dicyclic alcohol and reducing glutathione, and told him, "Although your liver indicators such as aminotransferase and alpha-fetoprotein are within the normal range, you can not be hospitalized, but you must take the medicine on time every day and go to the hospital for reexamination every 3 months." Dicyclic alcohol and reducing glutathione drugs have anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective effects, which can reduce liver tissue damage and promote liver tissue repair.

Reviewing the 4 "alkaline foods" that cancer cells are afraid of, it is recommended to eat more, which is good for your health

When he first learned of his condition, Wang Tao was worried every day, looking up information about liver cirrhosis on the Internet all day long, and joined the local patient group. But as the days passed, I found that my life was not affected at all. After learning that alcoholic cirrhosis is a common disease among middle-aged men, Wang Tao began to relax his vigilance. After the results of the two re-examinations were not too problematic, Wang Tao never had a re-examination, and he confidently believed that there was no abnormality in his body, and it was a waste of money to go to the hospital.

Since March 2020, Wang Tao began to have pain in the upper right area of his stomach every night before going to bed. By April, the pain was getting worse and worse, and sometimes I felt like I was being pricked with a needle in my stomach while I was working.

I also felt hot like a cold, and after turning out the thermometer, I found that my body temperature was 38.5 °C, thinking that I would go to sleep after taking amoxicillin and cefixime like I had a cold before, and I thought that my body temperature would drop when I got up.

Reviewing the 4 "alkaline foods" that cancer cells are afraid of, it is recommended to eat more, which is good for your health

After taking the medicine for two days, not only did the body temperature not drop, but there was a tendency to get higher and higher, Wang Tao still chose to go to the hospital to have a look. Through B-ultrasound and CT examinations, it was found that there were abnormal space-occupying lesions in the liver, and the result of blood sampling for alpha-fetoprotein was 567ng/ml. The doctor frowned at the results and told him that the worst outcome was a liver malignancy.

Hearing this result, Wang Tao was stunned for a moment, and he leaned against the wall to stabilize his body. The doctor recommended a liver biopsy, and the results of the examination also showed that hepatocyte atypia was obvious with focal vacuolar changes, and nuclear division was common, indicating intermediate-stage liver cancer and surgery was needed as soon as possible.

According to Wang Tao's condition, the doctor arranged a treatment plan of surgery + postoperative chemotherapy, which surgically removed the liver cancer lump and inhibited the growth of cancer cells after postoperative chemotherapy. However, after the operation, Wang Tao's vitality was greatly damaged, and the drug stimulation during chemotherapy made Wang Tao suffer a lot, often running to the toilet to vomit in the middle of the meal, and his hands and feet often did not feel it, or he was numb, and sometimes there was stomach pain and bleeding gums.

Reviewing the 4 "alkaline foods" that cancer cells are afraid of, it is recommended to eat more, which is good for your health

Wang Tao was so tormented by the side effects of chemotherapy drugs that he couldn't sleep at night, thinking that there were countless courses of treatment, and he felt that if he was so painful every time, there would be no hope in his life. When discussing with his family to give up chemotherapy, his family did not support it at first, but seeing that Wang Tao was tortured to the point of vomiting in the toilet every time, he still found a doctor.

The doctor respected Wang Tao's idea and wrote a detailed note to Wang Tao when he was discharged from the hospital, and emphasized that he should pay attention to the dietary precautions, "The above four foods can inhibit the growth of cancer cells, and I hope that the cancer cells will be controlled when I see you next time." ”

When the doctor re-examined 3 months later, the doctor found that the cancer cells had indeed not progressed further. After 6 months, the cancer cells were under control and there was no trend of development. Wang Tao excitedly shared the good news with the patient group. In the patient's inquiry, Wang Tao confidently said that his method "is actually nothing special, that is, according to the doctor's introduction, eat more of these four alkaline foods." ”

Reviewing the 4 "alkaline foods" that cancer cells are afraid of, it is recommended to eat more, which is good for your health

1. Garlic

Garlic is rich in allicin and selenium. Allicin can play an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, enhance immunity, and inhibit the carcinogenesis of cells in the body to a certain extent; Selenium can improve the body's immunity and have an auxiliary anti-cancer effect.

2. Carrots

Carrots contain carotene and vitamin A, which can maintain the normal differentiation of epithelial tissue, as well as the activity of anti-priming genes that prevent tumor formation, and lignin can improve the body's immunity. When these two elements work together, they can control the growth of cancer cells.

Reviewing the 4 "alkaline foods" that cancer cells are afraid of, it is recommended to eat more, which is good for your health

3. Red dates

In addition to vitamin A, jujube also contains polyphenols and flavonoids. Polyphenolic compounds can inhibit the release of inflammatory factors, remove excess free radicals in the body, and inhibit the growth and metastasis of cancer cells. Ketones can improve the body's immunity and induce apoptosis of cancer cells.

4. Onions

Onions contain quercetin and thiophenolic compounds. Quercetinin inhibits the growth of cancer cells. Sulfur phenols are antioxidants that fight free radical damage and reduce chronic inflammation.

Reviewing the 4 "alkaline foods" that cancer cells are afraid of, it is recommended to eat more, which is good for your health

After all, the role of food is limited, and liver cancer patients should not forget to take their medications according to the doctor's instructions when choosing food for treatment. It is also necessary to eat more vegetables and fruits in life, regularly review the recovery of liver cancer, and treat it in time when the condition changes.

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