
Meinian Health South China Region 5.12 International Nurses Day Special Public Welfare Action • White Clothes Feelings Public Welfare Peer

Meinian Health South China Region 5.12 International Nurses Day Special Public Welfare Action • White Clothes Feelings Public Welfare Peer

White-clothed feelings, public welfare peers

Meinian Health South China Region 5.12 International Nurses Day Special Public Welfare Action • White Clothes Feelings Public Welfare Peer

On the occasion of 5.12 International Nurses Day, Meinian Health Group South China Region convened a total of 16 white-clothed nurses from 8 urban agglomerations to Lechang City, Shaoguan, and on April 26-27, together with Shenzhen Jizunma Charity Foundation and the Lechang Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League, caring people from all walks of life, and public welfare volunteers, jointly held a meaningful public welfare activity of visiting students in the countryside to help students realize their dreams, sending warmth and hope to students in difficulty in Lechang City. In just 48 hours, a total of 80 families with de facto unsupported children and orphans were visited.

Meinian Health South China Region 5.12 International Nurses Day Special Public Welfare Action • White Clothes Feelings Public Welfare Peer

On the day of arrival, all the nurses and volunteers in South China who participated in the public welfare activities focused on training for the smooth development of the activities, mainly grouping the visiting teams, assigning the areas to be visited, understanding the situation of the families visited, and distributing the school supplies prepared by the South China Region for the students in advance.

Record of the visit

Meinian Health South China Region 5.12 International Nurses Day Special Public Welfare Action • White Clothes Feelings Public Welfare Peer

During the 48 hours of the stormy journey, the angels and volunteers in white in South China were enthusiastic about public welfare, resisting extreme weather with great love in their hearts, and arriving at the homes of students in difficulty who were waiting for care and help in the storm.

Meinian Health South China Region 5.12 International Nurses Day Special Public Welfare Action • White Clothes Feelings Public Welfare Peer
Meinian Health South China Region 5.12 International Nurses Day Special Public Welfare Action • White Clothes Feelings Public Welfare Peer

Due to the lack of a source of income, and the lack of labor in the family caused by economic difficulties, so that most of the students living in a poor environment, the walls are peeling and cracked, most of the ground is still cement, the house is full of dust or garbage, etc., the furniture and facilities are old, damaged or incomplete, the beds are dilapidated, lack of basic living facilities, and there are many health problems in the poor living environment, the water source is not clean, the room is dark and damp, the smell is unpleasant, it is easy to breed mold and insect pests, the security is weak, there are no anti-theft doors and windows, and the wires are exposed. fire hazards, etc. Living in such an environment has a negative impact on children, who may face social isolation, increased psychological stress and mental health problems.

Meinian Health South China Region 5.12 International Nurses Day Special Public Welfare Action • White Clothes Feelings Public Welfare Peer

Communicate with the children in depth and learn about their families, studies and future dreams. During the visit, the nurses in South China not only brought extracurricular books and school supplies to the children, but also provided them with psychological counseling and guidance on career planning for the older students.

Meinian Health South China Region 5.12 International Nurses Day Special Public Welfare Action • White Clothes Feelings Public Welfare Peer
Meinian Health South China Region 5.12 International Nurses Day Special Public Welfare Action • White Clothes Feelings Public Welfare Peer

In this activity, South China Region provided precise help and support for students in need, and their arrival not only made the children feel the care and warmth of the society, but also inspired their confidence and courage to pursue their dreams.

Student Stories

Meinian Health South China Region 5.12 International Nurses Day Special Public Welfare Action • White Clothes Feelings Public Welfare Peer

During the visit to the students' families, there was a special child whose story we could not help but be moved. Young orphans struggle with the serious disease of aplastic anemia. Due to his poor family, he could only receive conservative Western medicine treatment, and monthly platelet transfusions could only maintain fragile vital signs, and transplantation became the only way for the child to survive, but the high cost of treatment made the elderly in the family fall into deep powerlessness and despair.

Love gathers to light up the light of life

Meinian Health South China Region 5.12 International Nurses Day Special Public Welfare Action • White Clothes Feelings Public Welfare Peer

After the event, the South China Region immediately launched a donation initiative with the theme of "lighting up the light of life" within the branches of each urban agglomeration, calling on employees to lend a hand and dedicate their love to this innocent life.

Charity is not only a simple donation activity, but also a social responsibility and responsibility. It teaches us to care for others, care for society, and make us appreciate what we have more.

Meinian Health always puts social responsibility in the first place, and only by fulfilling social responsibility can it achieve its own sustainable development. The company actively participates in various public welfare activities, practices the public welfare spirit of the enterprise with practical actions, and provides support and assistance to vulnerable groups, including but not limited to education assistance, disaster support, medical assistance, etc. The company hopes that through these efforts, it will create more value for the society, benefit more people, let the vulnerable groups feel the warmth and care of the society, and at the same time enable them to have better life and development opportunities.

Meinian Health South China Region 5.12 International Nurses Day Special Public Welfare Action • White Clothes Feelings Public Welfare Peer

The student assistance activity was successfully completed, and the leaders of Meinian Health South China Region and 16 outstanding nurses and marketing partners from 8 urban agglomerations were specially commended for contributing to this event:

Tang Wei, Medical Management Center of South China

South China Medical Management Center Longgui

Nanning Urban Agglomeration He Jing, Huang Peixian

Zhaoqing Urban Agglomeration Tang Yanlin, Chen Yao

Guangzhou Urban Agglomeration Xie Jinyue, Li Hongshuo

Nanchang Urban Agglomeration Zou Min, Wang Ping

Foshan urban agglomeration Huang Yuying, Lin Xiaoping

Dongguan urban agglomeration Li Jianjing, Li Dandan

Haikou urban agglomeration Qin Xiaotong, Zhan Hengxin

Shenzhen urban agglomeration He Hongna, Xu Huijie

Peng Jiaqi, Marketing Department of Zhaoqing Urban Agglomeration

On this special day, Meinian Health South China Region would like to pay high tribute to all the hard-working angels in white! Thank you for your selfless dedication and day and night protection, and wish you a happy, healthy and safe Nurses' Day!

Special thanks to Shenzhen Jizunma Charity Foundation, Lechang Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League, caring people from all walks of life and public welfare volunteers for their strong support for this public welfare activity!

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