
Scrambled eggs with tomatoes, don't make a mistake in the order, otherwise the eggs will not be fragrant and the tomatoes will not be fresh!

author:Three-point moment

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes, this brightly coloured, home-cooked dish has a place in almost every Chinese kitchen, and its simplicity and deliciousness have won the hearts of countless diners. Serving quickly and satisfying the taste buds, the freshness of the tomatoes blends perfectly with the aroma of the eggs, creating a moisturizing and comforting taste that will leave you with an endless aftertaste.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes, don't make a mistake in the order, otherwise the eggs will not be fragrant and the tomatoes will not be fresh!

Tomatoes themselves are a treasure trove of vitamin C and antioxidants that are effective in anti-aging and promote cardiovascular health, and their low-calorie properties make them a regular on weight loss menus. At the same time, the lycopene in tomatoes not only gives it its bright red color, but is also a recognized antioxidant that helps prevent several diseases.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes, don't make a mistake in the order, otherwise the eggs will not be fragrant and the tomatoes will not be fresh!

Eggs, on the other hand, are known as the "perfect package of nutrition", containing high-quality protein and rich in essential amino acids, which are essential for maintaining physical function and muscle health. In addition to this, eggs are a great source of vitamin D, B vitamins (especially vitamin B12 and folic acid), and minerals such as selenium and phosphorus.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes, don't make a mistake in the order, otherwise the eggs will not be fragrant and the tomatoes will not be fresh!

Combining these two nutrient-rich ingredients not only enhances the taste of the dish, but also brings double nutritional benefits to our body. However, as simple as the dish may seem, the right way to cook it is the final taste of the dish. One of the common mistakes many people make in cooking is to ignore the order in which ingredients are added and the control of the heat, which not only affects the taste of the dish, but also allows the loss of nutrients.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes, don't make a mistake in the order, otherwise the eggs will not be fragrant and the tomatoes will not be fresh!

For example, some people pour raw eggs directly into undercooked tomatoes, and as a result, the eggs are unable to fully absorb the umami flavor of the tomatoes, and the tomatoes become loose due to excessive moisture. The right order and technique will ensure that your scrambled eggs with tomatoes are fragrant and fresh, and every bite is a treat. Next, let's find out how to cook the perfect scrambled egg with tomatoes.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes, don't make a mistake in the order, otherwise the eggs will not be fragrant and the tomatoes will not be fresh!

The correct order in which scrambled eggs with tomatoes are cooked is critical to ensure that the taste of the dish is optimal while maintaining the nutrition and flavor of the ingredients. Here are the suggested cooking steps for scrambled eggs with tomatoes:

Prepare the eggs: Start by cracking the eggs into a bowl with a pinch of salt and perhaps a little water or milk (this will help make the scrambled eggs fluffier). Stir well with chopsticks or whisk until the egg mixture and egg whites are completely combined.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes, don't make a mistake in the order, otherwise the eggs will not be fragrant and the tomatoes will not be fresh!

Scrambled eggs: Heat the pan with cold oil, when the oil is warm to 50% hot (i.e. the egg wash will not bubble immediately), pour in the egg mixture. When the egg mixture is slightly solidified on the edge of the pan, gently push it with a spatula to heat it evenly, and stir-fry until the egg mixture is completely solidified into tender egg pieces, and then quickly serve it for later use. This step should not be overdone to avoid the egg being too old and affecting the taste.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes, don't make a mistake in the order, otherwise the eggs will not be fragrant and the tomatoes will not be fresh!

Handling tomatoes: Tomatoes are washed and cut into small pieces or slices, and the thickness of the slices can be adjusted according to personal preference. Some people prefer tomatoes that are fully ripe and can be cut slightly thinner; If you like to eat the original flavor and texture of tomatoes, you can cut them thicker.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes, don't make a mistake in the order, otherwise the eggs will not be fragrant and the tomatoes will not be fresh!

Sauté the tomatoes: Wash the pot, heat the oil again, add the tomato pieces, and add salt to taste (salt helps the tomatoes get out of the water). Sauté until the tomatoes are juicy and slightly crispy on the edges.

Combine ingredients: When the tomatoes are fried until the juice comes out, pour the previously scrambled eggs back into the pan, gently stir-fry the eggs and tomatoes to mix evenly, and adjust the heat to fully integrate all the ingredients.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes, don't make a mistake in the order, otherwise the eggs will not be fragrant and the tomatoes will not be fresh!

Perfect seasoning: You can add a little sugar or black pepper to taste according to your personal taste, stir-fry evenly, and then you can get out of the pot.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes, don't make a mistake in the order, otherwise the eggs will not be fragrant and the tomatoes will not be fresh!

Here are some tips to help you cook and enjoy scrambled eggs with tomatoes to make sure you get the perfect taste every time:

Choose tomatoes: Prefer tomatoes with moderate ripeness, overripe tomatoes are juicy but easy to rot, and underripe tomatoes have a more sour taste, which affects the overall taste.

Egg mixture adjustment: Adding a teaspoon of starch or flour to the egg mixture can make the scrambled eggs softer and smoother.

Control the heat: When scrambling eggs, use medium-low heat, quickly stir-fry until medium-rare, and then serve first, to avoid overheating in the pot and getting old; Tomatoes can be sautéed over medium heat to preserve the freshness and juice of the tomatoes.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes, don't make a mistake in the order, otherwise the eggs will not be fragrant and the tomatoes will not be fresh!

Seasoning tip: Adding salt to the tomatoes when they are almost ripe can promote the juice of the tomatoes quickly, but don't add too much salt at the beginning to avoid the tomatoes from being juiced too quickly and too hard.

Final seasoning: After pouring the eggs back into the pan and mixing with the tomatoes, adjust the flavor appropriately, such as adding a small amount of sugar to balance the acidity, or sprinkle some chopped green onions and coriander to enhance the flavor.

Eat immediately: Scrambled eggs with tomatoes are best eaten as soon as they are ready, so that you can enjoy their delicious and nutritious taste to the fullest. If it needs to be stored, keep it refrigerated as much as possible and consume within 24 hours.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes, don't make a mistake in the order, otherwise the eggs will not be fragrant and the tomatoes will not be fresh!

By following the right cooking sequence, you'll not only ensure the smoothness of the eggs and the umami of the tomatoes, but also the optimal balance of nutrition and flavor for the dish. The next time you're standing in the kitchen and looking for a quick and delicious solution to a meal, remember these tips that will help you easily make a plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes that look great and flavorful. Enjoy the joy of cooking and the joy of food!

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