
Skateboard Waste Viewpoint | Take stock of some common skateboarding injuries

Skateboard Waste Viewpoint | Take stock of some common skateboarding injuries
Skateboard Waste Viewpoint | Take stock of some common skateboarding injuries

Skateboarding is exciting, but it's not without its risks.

Every year, thousands of skateboarders leave scars in the emergency room and tell their stories about the intense skateboarding experience.

In this issue, we'll take a deep dive into the most common skateboarding injuries, explore some ways to prevent them, and offer some tips for recovery!

Skateboard Waste Viewpoint | Take stock of some common skateboarding injuries

Skateboarding injuries don't discriminate between ages, but statistics show that boys under the age of 15 are especially more susceptible to injury. However, the current state of skateboarding is constantly changing. Over the past decade, the number of adult skateboarding injuries has skyrocketed, with a significant increase in skateboarding injuries involving people 25 years and older. Men appear to be more likely to suffer head injuries than women, which underscores the importance of gender-conscious safety measures. Age is also a factor, with older skaters at higher risk of severe traumatic brain injury.

Skateboard Waste Viewpoint | Take stock of some common skateboarding injuries

The U.S. National Security Council (NSC) reported that in 2021 alone, more than 245,000 people sought treatment in U.S. hospital emergency rooms for skateboard injuries. Fractures, sprains, and dislocations are the most common injuries in this age group. These numbers show that skateboarders need to be more aware and take precautions.

Skateboard Waste Viewpoint | Take stock of some common skateboarding injuries

The most common skateboard injuries

(1) Nasal bone fracture

Nasal bone fractures are a common injury that results from a direct blow to the nose or external force during a fall. The delicate anatomy of the nose makes this fracture particularly severe, often requiring medical attention and affecting the stroke of the slipper. The severity of the fracture determines the healing time and potential permanent damage or scarring.

Skateboard Waste Viewpoint | Take stock of some common skateboarding injuries

(2) Cheek fractures

A cheek fracture results from a blunt blow to the face during a fall, resulting in pain, bruising, and potential disfigurement. These fractures can be easily overlooked, so skateboarders should always seek medical attention promptly after a facial injury. Wearing protective gear such as helmets, knee pads, and elbow pads plays a vital role in preventing cheek fractures.

(3) Lacerations

Lacerations, i.e., cuts and lacerations on the skin, are common injuries caused by falling on rough surfaces in skateboarding. These injuries vary in severity, from minor cuts to deep lacerations, and can be well treated as long as the wound is properly cared for. Skateboarders should seek medical attention promptly if the wound is deep or bleeding persistently to avoid infection and ensure that the wound heals.

Skateboard Waste Viewpoint | Take stock of some common skateboarding injuries

(4) Broken teeth

The impact of a fall can cause a tooth to break, from a small chipping to a complete fracture. These injuries can cause permanent damage. Depending on the severity, treatment options include restoration of a broken tooth, root canal treatment, or tooth extraction. Collecting all the fragments of a broken tooth is essential to determine the best treatment option.

(5) Plantar fasciitis

Skateboarders often suffer from plantar fasciitis, a condition that causes pain in the heel and arch of the foot due to a strong grip on the toes while skateboarding. Poor calf strength and flexibility are also one of the causes of this disease. Seeking medical attention for diagnosis and treatment is crucial. Treatment of plantar fasciitis may require stretching exercises, physical therapy, orthosis implantation, and in severe cases, surgery.

(6) Head injuries and concussions

Falls in skateboarding can result in head injuries, including concussions. Both closed head injuries (caused by a blow without a skull fracture) and open or penetrating head injuries (skull rupture due to impact) carry a serious risk. Even a fall from an extremely low height can cause skull fractures and brain damage. To prevent these serious injuries, proper precautions must be taken, including wearing a qualified helmet.

(7) Fractures

Fractures are a common injury in skateboarding, especially during high-impact moves, movements, and aerial movements. Wrist, ankle, elbow, arm, and leg fractures are common, and the severity depends on factors such as experience and the complexity of the moves. Safety measures such as wearing helmets, knee pads, and elbow pads are essential to minimize the risk of fractures.

Skateboard Waste Viewpoint | Take stock of some common skateboarding injuries

(8) Sprains and strains

Skateboarding can lead to a variety of sprains and strains, of which ankle sprains are a common injury. These injuries are caused by tears in the supporting ligaments and can be painful and may require medical attention. A correct diagnosis by the doctor is crucial, and severe cases may require surgical repair. Skaters should take care to control their speed and use the right technique to reduce the risk of sprains and strains.

(9) Contusion

Contusion is a type of head injury that can occur when a skater collides with an object or collides with each other. While concussions often come into focus, contusions should not be overlooked. Like concussions, contusions can temporarily or permanently disrupt the normal function of the brain. Wearing proper protective gear and maintaining good physical condition is an effective way to reduce the risk of contusions and other skateboard injuries.

Skateboard Waste Viewpoint | Take stock of some common skateboarding injuries

(10) Dislocation

Due to the high-impact nature of skateboarding, joint injuries, especially those of the ankle, knee and wrist, are common in skateboarding. Ankle sprains and fractures are common joint injuries that usually result from a fall that bruises the ankle. Proper technique, good physical fitness, and the use of protective gear such as wrist and knee pads can reduce the risk of joint injuries.

(11) Knee injury

The fast-paced and high-performance nature of skateboarding makes skateboarders prone to knee injuries. Falls and collisions can result in knee injuries, which emphasizes the importance of proper warm-up and stretching before and after skateboarding. Protective gear, such as knee pads, is essential to reduce the risk of knee injuries. Skaters should also avoid areas with heavy traffic to minimize the risk of collisions.

Skateboard Waste Viewpoint | Take stock of some common skateboarding injuries

As skateboarding continues to grow in popularity, there is also a need for responsible and safe behaviour within the community. Preventing injuries is not only an individual responsibility, but also a collective effort to ensure the longevity of this thrilling sport. Simple steps, such as wearing protective gear, practicing on safe ground, and avoiding unsafe environments, can go a long way in protecting the fun of skateboarding without compromising safety.

Injuries in skateboarding are inevitable, but the path to recovery is clear. Here's a roadmap for skaters to return to skateboarding after injury:

Assess the wound: Assess the severity of the injury and seek medical attention if necessary.

Start slowly: Gradually increase the skateboarding time to allow your body to adjust to the demands of your body.

Warm-up: Be sure to do warm-up exercises before skateboarding to enhance flexibility and reduce the risk of further injury.

Wear protective gear: Especially when you're unsure or unaccustomed to certain techniques, protective gear is your best friend.

Avoid unnecessary risks: Don't push yourself and don't let others pressure you to try techniques that you are not ready for.

In conclusion, understanding the risks, wearing protective gear, skiing safely, and taking precautions are important parts of a skater's journey. Stay safe, rise to the challenge, and learn from your failures. Happy skateboarding! Stay away from injuries!

文字:Nick White

Translation & Editing: Little Monsters

来源:Dose Magazine

Skateboard Waste Viewpoint | Take stock of some common skateboarding injuries
Skateboard Waste Viewpoint | Take stock of some common skateboarding injuries
Skateboard Waste Viewpoint | Take stock of some common skateboarding injuries
Skateboard Waste Viewpoint | Take stock of some common skateboarding injuries

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