
Singer Na Ying: I have been in love with Gao Feng for 10 years and gave birth to a son for him, why did I turn around and marry my friend Meng Tong?

author:Xiao Cai Reading Library

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Singer Na Ying: I have been in love with Gao Feng for 10 years and gave birth to a son for him, why did I turn around and marry my friend Meng Tong?

Meng Tong hugged his wife affectionately, his eyes overflowing with endless love: "There is no doubt that the pain and hardship we have endured have been exchanged for this precious happiness today.

It's like two leaves that are closely connected, dancing in the wind, sailing together to the glorious shore of life."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and in the silence and serenity of this moment, they seemed to be able to hear each other's steady breathing. Na Ying was full of emotion in her heart, fortunately she could spend the rest of her life with such a confidant, which was a godsend.

However, a trace of melancholy emerged in Na Ying's heart, and she couldn't help but recall the emotional entanglement with Gao Feng a few years ago.

Singer Na Ying: I have been in love with Gao Feng for 10 years and gave birth to a son for him, why did I turn around and marry my friend Meng Tong?

At that time, under the recommendation of a friend, she met this hot "international player". Gao Feng was heroic and sassy, exuding an irresistible masculine charm, which instantly captured Na Ying's heart.

The two hit it off at first sight, quickly fell in love and were inseparable.

However, their path to love was not all smooth sailing. As a young couple, both parties are inevitably impulsive, so they quarrel constantly.

Na Ying still remembers that a few hours before she was about to perform on stage, the two had a fierce conflict over trivial matters, which caused her to be restless, and finally the performance failed miserably, causing dissatisfaction among the audience.

Singer Na Ying: I have been in love with Gao Feng for 10 years and gave birth to a son for him, why did I turn around and marry my friend Meng Tong?

However, these setbacks were nowhere near as heavy as the blows that followed. What Na Ying is unforgettable is that when she was pregnant for eight months and was about to become a mother, a woman who claimed to be the mother of Gao Feng's illegitimate child suddenly appeared and revealed the truth about Gao Feng's extramarital affair and illegitimate child.

In the face of such a serious betrayal, Na Ying resolutely broke up with Gao Feng, even though their child was only four months old at the time.

Since then, Na Ying's career has taken a sharp turn for the worse, and she has disappeared for a time to heal her wounded heart.

Na Ying's life fell to a low point, and she felt unprecedented loneliness and confusion. During this dark time, people tend to seek comfort. Na Ying chose to go to the bar recommended by Gao Feng from time to time.

Singer Na Ying: I have been in love with Gao Feng for 10 years and gave birth to a son for him, why did I turn around and marry my friend Meng Tong?

Meng Tong, the discerning bar tycoon, has already set his sights on this once dazzling diva. As Gao Feng's best friend for many years, he has a deep understanding of the painful breakup between Na Ying and Gao Feng.

When he saw her standing alone, sipping the bitter wine alone, Meng Tong's heart swelled with complex emotions - both deep sympathy, and a subtle and unique feeling quietly growing.

However, Meng Tong did not reveal his heart easily. He chose to silently guard Na Ying as a friend, patiently listening to her pour out the pain in her heart.

Through Na Ying's intermittent words, Meng Tong gradually realized that this woman who had gone through vicissitudes was still full of endless longing for a better life.

Singer Na Ying: I have been in love with Gao Feng for 10 years and gave birth to a son for him, why did I turn around and marry my friend Meng Tong?

As time passed, Na Ying spoke highly of Meng Tong's personality charm. This man who seems to be introverted and deep on the surface is actually a business tycoon with a lot of money and a prominent family background.

However, he never showed any arrogance or conceit, but warmed Na Ying and her children with a kind and polite attitude. Even at Na Ying's child's first birthday banquet, Meng Tong did his best to organize it, treating the child as if he were his own flesh and blood.

It was this kind of broad-mindedness that deeply moved Na Ying, and the feelings in her heart began to change subtly......

When it comes to Na Ying's family background, we can't ignore her father, Na Hongsheng. This famous Manchu doctor not only has excellent medical skills, but his family has been the court doctor of Zhong Lingyuxiu for generations.

Singer Na Ying: I have been in love with Gao Feng for 10 years and gave birth to a son for him, why did I turn around and marry my friend Meng Tong?

According to family tradition, Na Ying should inherit her father's business and embark on the path of medicine.

However, Na Ying is bold and uninhibited by nature, and has had a strong interest in music and art since she was a child. The heroic temperament of the Northeast nation in her character makes her unable to be bound by the dogma of the old doctor of the family.

Seeing the passion flashing in his daughter's eyes, Na Hongsheng could only comply with her wishes and acquiesce to her joining the local radio choir.

Life in the choir opened the door to Na Ying's path to music. There, she met many people with shared dreams, and her understanding and love for art deepened.

Singer Na Ying: I have been in love with Gao Feng for 10 years and gave birth to a son for him, why did I turn around and marry my friend Meng Tong?

It didn't take long for her to show her talent and become the number one vocalist on the band.

It wasn't until Na Ying reached the legal age of employment that she transferred to the Shenyang Song and Dance Troupe, where she devoted herself to learning singing skills from her mentors and accumulated rich stage experience.

After five years of in-depth study, Na Ying's original crisp and melodious singing voice has now radiated a unique hoarse charm.

After leaving her hometown, Na Ying was finally able to touch the dawn of her music dream. Through the matchmaking of friends, she was able to meet Ms. Gu Jianfen, a respected master figure in the Chinese music scene at that time.

Singer Na Ying: I have been in love with Gao Feng for 10 years and gave birth to a son for him, why did I turn around and marry my friend Meng Tong?

With unwavering perseverance, Na Ying was finally honored to become Gu Jianfen's close disciple.

However, even under the master's door, Na Ying still adheres to an independent personality. She was often indignant that Gu Jianfen poured most of her efforts into her apprentice Mao Amin.

Once, she was even furious because she couldn't bear this unfair treatment, and bluntly criticized Gu Jianfen's bias.

Because of this personality trait, Na Ying's initial stage on the road to music was not all smooth sailing. Until a coincidence, she met producer Lao Liang, and thus obtained a precious opportunity to change the trajectory of her life, and then became a blockbuster.

Singer Na Ying: I have been in love with Gao Feng for 10 years and gave birth to a son for him, why did I turn around and marry my friend Meng Tong?

Although her relationship with Gao Feng ended in failure, Na Ying did not lose confidence in love because of this. In the day and night with Meng Tong, she gradually realized that this man was the soul mate she had been looking for.

Meng Tong is rich in learning, broad-minded, and amiable. What's more, he treats Naying's child as if he were his own flesh and blood, and has always guarded this young life with endless patience and love.

In Na Ying's eyes, whether a person can care for and love their children is an important criterion to measure whether they are worthy of lifelong trust. Meng Tong's performance in this regard made her feel at ease.

In addition, Meng Tong's illustrious family background and strong financial resources also made Na Ying feel unprecedented stability and security. As a successful business leader, his support for his wife's career was impeccable.

Singer Na Ying: I have been in love with Gao Feng for 10 years and gave birth to a son for him, why did I turn around and marry my friend Meng Tong?

Na Ying knows that if she can spend the rest of her life hand in hand with Meng Tong, she will definitely avoid the dilemma between career and family in the future.

So, under Meng Tong's careful care, Na Ying gradually unloaded her inner defense line and accepted his affectionate friendship honestly. Soon after, the two entered the sacred hall of marriage.

After marriage, Meng Tong took the initiative to shoulder family responsibilities and took care of his wife and children with all his might, so that Na Ying could devote himself to career development.

The two wise men have built a very logical and effective division of labor system with each other to ensure that both parties can achieve a win-win situation in personal ability and career development on this basis, which fully demonstrates the wonderful blend of inclusive spirit and sincere emotion! Time flies, and their friendship grows deeper.

Singer Na Ying: I have been in love with Gao Feng for 10 years and gave birth to a son for him, why did I turn around and marry my friend Meng Tong?

Looking back on Ms. Na Ying's life course, her resolute and resolute personality is fully revealed, which is eye-catching. As a descendant of an aristocracy, it stands to reason that she should follow tradition and inherit the family's medical skills, but she chooses to follow her inner musical dream and bravely carries out a "rebellion" with her family.

Even under the disciple of the famous composer Mr. Gu Jianfen, in the face of the intentional prejudice of her teacher, Ms. Na Ying is still undaunted and dares to frankly expose her unfair behavior.

Undoubtedly, it is this unyielding and straightforward personality that has enabled her to achieve remarkable breakthroughs in the field of music.

Singer Na Ying: I have been in love with Gao Feng for 10 years and gave birth to a son for him, why did I turn around and marry my friend Meng Tong?

In the emotional world, Ms. Na Ying also showed extraordinary courage and firm will. Gao Feng's departure hit her hard, but she did not give up her vision of a good marriage.

On the contrary, she regained her inner strength and bravely pursued a happy marriage with Mr. Meng Tong.

This may be intrinsically related to the heroic folk customs of Ms. Na Ying who was born in the Northeast. As a single mother, she must work independently outside; The double pressure of career and family made her suffer hardships.

However, whenever she encounters many difficulties, she always grits her teeth, works silently, and illuminates the path of life with enthusiasm.

Singer Na Ying: I have been in love with Gao Feng for 10 years and gave birth to a son for him, why did I turn around and marry my friend Meng Tong?

In the end, the appearance of Mr. Meng Tong made Ms. Na Ying let down her guard and devote herself wholeheartedly to this new and beautiful marriage.

In the years to come, they will respect each other like guests, and compose a brilliant and colorful marriage hymn in a plain and sincere way, vividly interpreting the joys and sorrows of married life.

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