
Hot search number one, who will save Na Ying?


In the distant memories of the majority of netizens, the last person in his fifties to take command was Mu Guiying.

After May 10th, the internal entertainment history calligrapher will record another one, "Na Ying".

A music competition variety show that gathers domestic and foreign guests, it is the singer who participates in the competition, and it is the audience who breaks the defense.

There are a total of seven contestants in the first episode of the show, and the top two are all international friends, and Na Ying can only rank third. The rest of the Chinese singers are more fierce than the competition for the first place.

After watching it, netizens frantically "shook people" and named many singers to participate in the show "Saving Respect", and there was only one thought in their hearts:

Hot search number one, who will save Na Ying?

To tell the truth, the last time I saw everyone with such a strong sense of competition may be the World Championships broadcast by CCTV-5 during the Lantern Festival. And now Na Ying is the only hope for the whole village.

was on the show before, and was pulled by Zhang Songwen with three jumpers to chase fireworks at night, Yingzi was so scared that he read all the way: "Songwen, I am fifty-seven this year, and I have children and a home......"

Yingzi, did you think of it yourself? In the competitive variety show, you who are 57 years old and still carry two bottles of fast-acting heart-saving pills on the show are the age of Chuang!

Hot search number one, who will save Na Ying?
Hot search number one, who will save Na Ying?

The adventures of Na Ying

According to past experience, Na Ying is out of the horse, a top two. With her in the music competition, there is almost no suspense about the championship.

But this time there was an exception.

After singing the masterpiece "Mo", Na Ying stepped down against the wall:

"It's so nervous! My soul is about to fly. ”

Hot search number one, who will save Na Ying?

In the first round of the first competition of "Singer 2024", which focuses on a "real singing without repairing the voice" and is broadcast live throughout the whole process, the first Canadian post-00s singer Faouzia (Faouzia Oyia) opened his voice, and "crazy" exploded the audience; 57-year-old American singer Chante Moore (Shanti Moore), "If I Ain't Got You" soared out of the dolphin sound and won the first place.

Yingzi is really nervous, in the first half of the song, her eyes have not been opened, and her body is stiff like a stump.

Hot search number one, who will save Na Ying?

She took third place – the best result for a Chinese singer that night.

I don't know what the fourth to seventh places think, anyway, netizens are "can't help it":

Hot search number one, who will save Na Ying?

Wang Sulong, Second-Hand Rose, Rainie Yang, Hailai Amu, singers of different styles are on the same stage, making people unable to tell where they are for a while:

Hot search number one, who will save Na Ying?

Netizens suddenly discovered that the only Chinese singer who can play and handle on stage is Na Ying.

Hot search number one, who will save Na Ying?
Hot search number one, who will save Na Ying?

couldn't bear to watch Yingzi "ride the wind and waves" on stage alone, netizens frantically "shook people", and mobilized all their "connections in internal entertainment", hoping that someone would come to the rescue soon.

The first to be named is Phoenix Legend, which is touring the country.

Hot search number one, who will save Na Ying?

And then there's Gong Linna.

Hot search number one, who will save Na Ying?

Later, it was divided into genres, singing cue Han Hong, Deng Ziqi, Yuan Yawei, Zhang Liangying, Zhang Jie...... and even Huayin Laohua and Mongolian Humai.

Are you in a hurry?

We, the audience, are in a hurry.

In fact, the director has made a statement about the lineup before, and many singers have politely refused because of the live broadcast, and there are very few singers who want to meet the strength, guts, and schedule at the same time.

Hot search number one, who will save Na Ying?
Hot search number one, who will save Na Ying?


Although it was difficult to find someone before the broadcast, the excitement after the broadcast attracted a lot of people.

On the second day of the show, Deng Ziqi ate beef noodles live after the concert. Millions of people poured into her live broadcast room, shouting for her to go to the "Singer" to kick the hall, Deng Ziqi, who was showing off beef noodles, couldn't cry or laugh, and even asked in his soul: "Do you also love beef noodles?" ”

Hot search number one, who will save Na Ying?

Deng Ziqi saw that netizens had been swiping the screen, and said that he had also watched "Singer".

"Actually, it's really good-looking. (Laughter)"

then looked back on the stage he left behind in "Singer", and vaguely said that he was holding a concert and couldn't leave.

Netizens were heartbroken for the lineup, and at the same time, they played with the program team for fun.

"Dare to use the form of live broadcast to remove the fig leaf of many people."

"I think it's a hodgepodge, like someone said, I saw five forms, which are the Grammys, the Golden Melody Awards, the Strawberry Music Festival, the Walk of Fame and the Red and White Celebrations. Except for Na Ying, several other domestic singers don't seem to have opened their voices. In the era of full processing, the live broadcast topic is full of traffic, and I am looking forward to the follow-up. ”

"It's really not okay to let me go, so they won't be disgraced if they win."

What is surprising is that last Sunday, Han Hong, who was frequently participated in the show by netizens, actually responded. She posted on Weibo: "I am Chinese singer Han Hong, I ask for war!" ”

Hot search number one, who will save Na Ying?
Hot search number one, who will save Na Ying?

In fact, not only Han Hong is a serious singer, Ji Minjia, Wang Xi, Lou Yixiao, etc. have all expressed their relevant wishes on the Weibo platform.

Hunan Satellite TV's "Singer" official Weibo then responded:

Thanks to the audience for their support and encouragement to the show, and thanks to the singers for their trust and love, we have all received it! "Singer 2024" has a rigorous schedule system and fair, just and open competition rules, and we will make follow-up invitations according to the schedules of the singers.

After many years of absence, "Singer 2024" is fortunate to return to the public eye, which stems from the insistence on authenticity, respect for singers, and love for the stage. Here, music is always the greatest common divisor of communication. I hope that every friend who pays attention to "Singer 2024" can enjoy music, gain soulmates, maintain communication, and embrace the world.

Winning is just a part of the singer's journey. Welcome is the destination of music. Thank you!

Hot search number one, who will save Na Ying?

How the follow-up show will develop is even more exciting.

Hot search number one, who will save Na Ying?

Technology and ruthlessness

The reason why public opinion is so lively after the premiere of "Singer 2024" is because "Catfish" is coming.

After the first live competition, the two foreign singers who fought away not only won the top two, but also formed a certain contrast with the tension of domestic entertainment singers. Netizens sighed while praising it, "Singing that is called a proud indulgence."

There is also "Catfish" on the way to the battlefield, and the current Douban cast and crew has been updated, showing that Adam Lambert will be the kicker/fill-in player.

The model innovation of full open mic, no sound repair, and one take live broadcast has made this season of the program known by many music critics as the ceiling of music comprehensives and the groundbreaking move of domestic music comprehensives, and also made the ratings of "Singer 2024" lead many music comprehensives, and the singers' courage to face "imperfection" has also been praised.

After thinking about it carefully, behind the co-creation of netizens in "Singer 2024", the live broadcast form is not a new thing in music programs and talent shows, how can it become a "pioneer" that allows singers to get out of their comfort zone at the moment? Why are the singers so unconfident in the face of live broadcasts?

Is it really impossible to find a singer with strength, guts, and schedule?

Of course not. Those singers who don't dare to open the microphone without repairing the live broadcast have stayed in the greenhouse of traffic for too long.

What is certain is that it's not all about the artist.

Fans want to see the stage of idols with 100 points, the team doesn't want any negative news about the artists, sponsors need the highest cost performance, and the platform needs more traffic...... After multiple buffs are stacked, a new "unspoken rule" is born: traffic is king, talent is not good, and technology is the top.

A well-known music producer revealed that many of the works heard on the music comprehensive have been repaired, and "you can't listen to them without repairing".

He broke the news that two days after recording a song for an actor, he was asked why he didn't fix the sound, thinking that it was a "waste of cost" to record it.

Some musicians bluntly said in an interview that many singers are now overly dependent on technology, and some singers in the studio as long as they can record the material, which can be spelled and repaired, and they will not "waste time" to polish it repeatedly, and there will even be a proposal from the employer:

"Don't pick so finely, just be able to cultivate, otherwise the invited artists won't sing."

Having said that, although in the first issue of "Singer 2024", the performance of Chinese singers is barely enough, but in the "traffic whirlpool" where filming relies on dubbing, photography relies on refinement, and singing relies on sound repair, such courage is definitely worth encouraging. It is precisely because of this that we can see the real gap in internal entertainment.

The music critic "Ear Di", who has always been known for its spiciness, commented that the requirements for the singer's business ability and the authenticity of the singer's singing skills have been improved, but the aesthetics of the work have been downgraded.

But as viewers, we welcome this aesthetic degradation of tearing the fig leaf. After all, what the audience likes is the singer's real singing ability.

I hope that the excitement of the sense of competition brought by the live broadcast is a powerful medicine brought to the music world by "Singer 2024". Taking this opportunity, it is time for the "sound repair singer" to wake up, the perfect effect brought by the sound repair will make the singer dependent on the psychology, and even the business will stagnate, affecting the development of his career.

Everyone also expects that overseas musicians, as the "catfish" that break into the domestic music variety market, can bring a new round of changes to the music variety and even the Chinese music scene and music fans' aesthetics.

In short, don't let technology eat away at creativity, only real skills can be worthy of the audience's love.

Hot search number one, who will save Na Ying?

Source: China News Network, Comprehensive News Morning Post, @西藏昌都人韩红, Yangtze Evening News, netizen comments, etc.

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