
Zhu Longguang, who played the Buddha like a guide to bow down and alarmed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is now living an admirable life

author:Peach blossom eyes

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Peach Blossom Eyes

Peach Blossom Eyes


He was once a highly respected Buddha in "Journey to the West", but who would have imagined that he would resolutely withdraw and retire at the peak of his career? He has tried to find a new way in the fields of technology and gaming, but who knows what kind of ups and downs and setbacks he has experienced? Now, he has found inner peace in the year of the sixtieth year, but who understands how much hardship and sweat he has paid along the way?

Zhu Longguang, who played the Buddha like a guide to bow down and alarmed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is now living an admirable life

Fledgling, stunning debut

Back in the 80s of the last century, the spring breeze of reform and opening up blew all over the land of China, and new things sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

The young Zhu Longguang keenly smelled the breath of the times and resolutely decided to embark on the road of acting.

At that time, he was just a little-known young actor, but his heart burned with infinite love for performing arts.

In 1984, the opportunity finally came.

Zhu Longguang, who played the Buddha like a guide to bow down and alarmed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is now living an admirable life

Zhu Longguang starred in the movie "Juvenile Delinquent", although he was only a supporting role, his performance was eye-catching.

He showed the inner world of the character in three points, and every subtle expression and movement was just right, which won unanimous praise from the director and the audience.

This movie became the first stepping stone in Zhu Longguang's acting career.

In 1986, Zhu Longguang ushered in a turning point in his life.

Zhu Longguang, who played the Buddha like a guide to bow down and alarmed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is now living an admirable life

He was photographed by the crew of "Journey to the West" and became the actor of the role of Buddha.

This decision not only changed Zhu Longguang's fate, but also wrote a strong stroke in the history of Chinese TV dramas.

Zhu Longguang, who is only 26 years old, did not flinch in the face of this heavy responsibility.

Zhu Longguang, who played the Buddha like a guide to bow down and alarmed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is now living an admirable life

He knows that this is a character that requires full dedication, and the slightest mistake can ruin the whole show.

So, he began a months-long preparation.

Zhu Longguang visited almost every temple, asking senior monks for Buddhist knowledge and figuring out the words and deeds of the Buddha.

He also practiced his tone and expression diligently, striving to portray the image of the Buddha vividly.

Zhu Longguang, who played the Buddha like a guide to bow down and alarmed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is now living an admirable life

The hard work paid off, and when Zhu Longguang appeared on the screen, the audience was deeply shocked.

The Buddha with a solemn appearance and kind eyes seemed to have stepped out of a scripture, and every look and movement was full of solemnity and compassion.

People are amazed that a young actor can interpret the image of the Buddha so vividly.

Zhu Longguang's name has since become a household name.

Zhu Longguang, who played the Buddha like a guide to bow down and alarmed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is now living an admirable life

He used his efforts and talent to conquer all the audience and became the brightest star in "Journey to the West".

However, for Zhu Longguang, this is only the first step in the long road of life.

In his heart, there are greater ideals and pursuits.

Zhu Longguang, who played the Buddha like a guide to bow down and alarmed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is now living an admirable life

Ride the wind and waves, and swim against the current

When "Journey to the West" became a phenomenal hit, and countless praises and applause poured to Zhu Longguang, he made a decision that surprised everyone - to quit the showbiz.

In the eyes of others, this is simply incredible, and choosing to retire at the peak of his career is tantamount to cutting off his future.

But Zhu Longguang has his own considerations.

As a dedicated actor, Zhu Longguang knows that the biggest enemy of an actor is to be bound by a fixed image.

Zhu Longguang, who played the Buddha like a guide to bow down and alarmed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is now living an admirable life

Once the audience associates you with a particular character, it's hard to break through and try new possibilities.

Zhu Longguang did not want to be limited by the label "Buddha", he longed to be able to gallop freely in the wider world.

This decision seems to be accidental, but it is the result of Zhu Longguang's careful consideration.

He understands that this means giving up the fame and fortune that has already been obtained, and it means starting all over again and starting from scratch.

Zhu Longguang, who played the Buddha like a guide to bow down and alarmed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is now living an admirable life

But he is not afraid of unknown challenges, on the contrary, he is full of expectations for the future.

After leaving the showbiz, Zhu Longguang began a new life journey.

He tried to get involved in the field of science and technology, hoping to use his wisdom and creativity to create a new career.

However, the reality is not as rosy as he imagined.

Zhu Longguang, who played the Buddha like a guide to bow down and alarmed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is now living an admirable life

On this brand-new battlefield, Zhu Longguang encountered unprecedented difficulties and setbacks.

Every project is like a difficult battle, and Zhu Longguang and his team have been fighting day and night, but they have repeatedly hit a wall.

Shortage of funds, technical bottlenecks, and market disapproval...... One question after another came one after another, shattering Zhu Longguang's dream.

In the face of one failure after another, Zhu Longguang felt unprecedented hesitation and helplessness.

Zhu Longguang, who played the Buddha like a guide to bow down and alarmed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is now living an admirable life

He began to doubt his choices, to doubt his abilities.

Those former glory and applause seem to be gone, and he seems to have returned to the beginning of obscurity.

Just when Zhu Longguang was almost crushed by reality, his best friends reached out.

They saw Zhu Longguang's potential and talent, and they couldn't bear to see him sink like this.

Zhu Longguang, who played the Buddha like a guide to bow down and alarmed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is now living an admirable life

With their encouragement and help, Zhu Longguang regained his strengths and decided to give himself a chance to breathe.

Zhu Longguang returned to his villa on the outskirts of Beijing and began a period of meditation and recuperation.

Here, he can temporarily put aside all his worries and focus on his inner world.

He began to reflect on his past gains and losses and examine his life choices.

Zhu Longguang, who played the Buddha like a guide to bow down and alarmed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is now living an admirable life

Gradually, Zhu Longguang understood that what really matters is not the judgment and standards of the outside world, but his inner voice.

He began to learn to listen to his heart and follow his true desires.

In the tranquil villa life, he rediscovered the meaning and direction of life.

The clouds are light and the wind is light, back to basics

The life in the villa gave Zhu Longguang a chance to re-examine himself.

Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, he began to re-examine his life and think about what he really wanted.

Zhu Longguang, who played the Buddha like a guide to bow down and alarmed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is now living an admirable life

In the process, Zhu Longguang was surprised to find that his love for acting has never diminished.

Although he has retired from the entertainment industry for many years, whenever he stands in front of the mirror and recites those familiar lines, he still has a surging emotion in his heart.

So, in his spare time, Zhu Longguang began to resume acting.

He set up a small stage at home and began to practice various roles.

Zhu Longguang, who played the Buddha like a guide to bow down and alarmed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is now living an admirable life

From ancient emperors and generals to modern ordinary people, he tries to experience the joys, sorrows and sorrows of different characters, and explores the complexity and diversity of human nature.

This process allowed Zhu Longguang to find himself again.

He understands that acting is not only a profession, but also the sustenance of his soul.

Even if he can't return to the stage, he must continue to practice the mission of an actor in life and in his inner world.

In addition to acting, Zhu Longguang also found many other pleasures in life.

Zhu Longguang, who played the Buddha like a guide to bow down and alarmed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is now living an admirable life

He began to learn Tai Chi, and every morning, he would practice in the yard for an hour.

With the rhythm of his breathing, his body became lighter and his mood became more and more open.

Zhu Longguang also picked up his childhood hobby - reading.

He was especially fond of Buddhist texts, and in those ancient wisdoms he found solace and guidance for his soul.

Zhu Longguang, who played the Buddha like a guide to bow down and alarmed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is now living an admirable life

The truth in the book gave him a deeper understanding of life, and also allowed him to find the strength to move forward in the predicament.

Friends have also become an indispensable part of Zhu Longguang's life.

He often invited old friends to his home to play chess, drink tea, and chat.

In the laughter, Zhu Longguang felt the warmth of friendship and rediscovered the joy of socializing.

Zhu Longguang, who played the Buddha like a guide to bow down and alarmed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is now living an admirable life

In this way, in the quiet days of the villa, Zhu Longguang gradually found his own rhythm of life.

He is no longer bound by the expectations of the outside world, and he is no longer bound by fame and fortune.

He began to truly live for himself, to pursue the true desires of his heart.

Although, he occasionally thinks of the past glory and the interplay of light and shadow on the stage.

But he understands that that is in the past tense.

Zhu Longguang, who played the Buddha like a guide to bow down and alarmed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is now living an admirable life

Instead of dwelling on the glory of the past, it is better to grasp each day of the present and live the way you want.

Today's Zhu Longguang is no longer the high-spirited young actor, but his life is more fulfilling and happy than ever.

He found inner peace and found meaning in life.

Zhu Longguang, who played the Buddha like a guide to bow down and alarmed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is now living an admirable life

He understands that the value of life does not lie in how high you stand, but whether you are true to your heart and live your true self.

Cut through the fog and preach to solve doubts

Looking back, Zhu Longguang has too many insights and experiences that he wants to share with young people.

He has witnessed the changes of the times and experienced the ups and downs of life, and these experiences have turned into his precious life wealth.

"Don't get carried away by the temptations in front of you, and don't lose yourself for the sake of fame.

Zhu Longguang said earnestly.

Zhu Longguang, who played the Buddha like a guide to bow down and alarmed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is now living an admirable life

He recalled the wrong decisions he made when he was younger, when he was also blinded by fame and fortune and made some choices that he regretted.

"It's important to chase your dreams, but it's even more important to be down-to-earth and take one step at a time.

Zhu Longguang emphasized.

He understands that success is never achieved overnight, it requires sweat, perseverance, and continuous learning and progress.

Only a solid foundation and unremitting efforts can build a ladder to the dream.

Zhu Longguang also talked about the confusion and confusion of his youth.

Zhu Longguang, who played the Buddha like a guide to bow down and alarmed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is now living an admirable life

At that time, he was also at the crossroads of his life, and he also felt hesitant about the direction of the future.

But it was in the exploration and attempts again and again that he gradually found the coordinates of his life.

"Have the courage to try and dare to break through yourself.

Zhu Longguang encouraged young people.

He used his own experience to prove that human potential is unlimited, as long as you are willing to explore and try, you can find more possibilities for yourself.

Zhu Longguang, who played the Buddha like a guide to bow down and alarmed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is now living an admirable life

It is the courage to keep trying that has opened up a broader world in addition to acting.

At the same time, Zhu Longguang also emphasized the importance of learning.

"Don't stop learning.

He said with a smile.

In his view, learning is not only a matter of students, but also a lifelong pursuit.

Zhu Longguang, who played the Buddha like a guide to bow down and alarmed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is now living an admirable life

Only by constantly learning and enriching ourselves can we cope with the challenges of life and be invincible in the unpredictable world.

Zhu Longguang's words are simple and sincere, thought-provoking and inspiring.

He used his life experience to point out the direction for young people and light the beacon for moving forward.

In his story, we see the inspirational journey of an ordinary person who constantly breaks through himself and constantly pursues his dreams, and also sees the love and perception of life of a wise man.

Zhu Longguang, who played the Buddha like a guide to bow down and alarmed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is now living an admirable life

These will become our precious spiritual wealth and inspire us to continue to move forward on the road of life.


Zhu Longguang's life path is a legend and a microcosm.

In him, we see the shadows of countless ordinary people.

They may not have the talent of Zhu Longguang

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