
Identifying a car advertisement as a real car, and being rear-ended on a high-speed due to sudden braking of assisted driving? Ideal response

Identifying a car advertisement as a real car, and being rear-ended on a high-speed due to sudden braking of assisted driving? Ideal response

Jiupai Finance

2024-05-10 14:35Posted on the official account of Hubei Jiupai Finance

Recently, Ms. Li from Xiangyang, Hubei Province reported to Jiupai Finance that she had just bought an ideal L9 Pro version of a new car in early April. On April 18, her husband made an emergency stop while driving in the Xiaogan section of the Fuyin Expressway in the state of all-scene intelligent driving (NOA), causing the rear car to avoid it and causing a rear-end collision.

According to the dashcam footage provided by Ms. Li, the cause of the vehicle's braking is suspected to be caused by the vehicle misidentifying the car advertising pattern on the highway billboard as the real car.

In this regard, the official staff of Li Auto responded to Jiupai Finance and Economics that on the day of the accident, the owner of the car had been contacted as soon as possible and the vehicle was inspected.

Regarding whether the cause of the accident was caused by the misidentification of the vehicle, the above-mentioned staff responded, "At this stage, the vehicle assisted driving function is still at the L2 level, limited by the limitations of the assisted driving function, and cannot completely replace the driver to judge the environmental information, and the driver is still required to maintain active control of the vehicle during use, and pay close attention to the surrounding environment and road conditions." ”

Identifying a car advertisement as a real car, and being rear-ended on a high-speed due to sudden braking of assisted driving? Ideal response

The scene of the accident (above) and the damaged vehicle (below). Photo courtesy of interviewee Ms. Li

According to the national recommended standard of "Classification of Automobile Driving Automation" (GB/T 40429-2021), the level 2 driving automation level is combined driving assistance, the target and event detection and response subjects are the driver and the system, and the responsible subject is still the human driver.

Regarding the issue of compensation, Ms. Li told reporters that after the accident, the after-sales staff of the local Li Auto 4S store admitted that the emergency braking was caused by the vehicle after vehicle data analysis, and was willing to compensate Ms. Li 4,000 yuan in cash or equivalent services. However, Ms. Li said that the current estimated loss of the vehicle is more than 20,000 yuan, and the compensation amount of the 4S store is far from meeting her personal expectations. In response, Li Auto responded that it had made an appointment with the customer to meet and communicate, and strive to reach an agreement as soon as possible.

Previously, the reporter called the staff of the 4S shop responsible for the after-sales of Ms. Li's vehicle, and the staff said that they only wanted to communicate with the owner himself, and he was unwilling to disclose the cause of the accident. According to the official website of Li Auto, the Ideal L9 Pro version of the model purchased by Ms. Li is equipped with 10 high-definition intelligent driving cameras as standard, and the starting price of this model is 409,800 yuan.

It is understood that Li Auto has also attracted attention for identifying roadside celebrity endorsement billboards as real people, causing vehicles to stop. At that time, Li Auto's customer service responded, "It was because the lidar recognized the person on the billboard who was about to start as a real person in the middle of the road, so it stopped urgently." Lidar has a visual perception effect, and the recognition of the situation of the billboard braking also depends on the environment of the car at the time, and the specific reason needs to be analyzed and diagnosed by engineers. ”

Jiupai financial intern reporter Shu Jiakui reporter Xia Wenqi

[Source: Jiupai News]

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  • Identifying a car advertisement as a real car, and being rear-ended on a high-speed due to sudden braking of assisted driving? Ideal response

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