
Biden braked sharply, the United States just issued a counterattack on China, and less than 24 hours later, Putin announced his visit to China

author:Professor Kwan Quan
Biden braked sharply, the United States just issued a counterattack on China, and less than 24 hours later, Putin announced his visit to China

#头条创作挑战赛#真可谓是天堂有路你不走, there is no door to hell for you to break into. The game between China and the United States has always been the background color of the global landscape. However, in recent years, the balance of the game between China and the United States has tilted, that is, the United States has become more and more inadequate. However, as the president of the United States, Biden does not believe in this evil and attacks China again, and even takes extreme measures against China.

However, Biden had just announced that he was going to take measures against China, and less than 24 hours later, there was good news from Russia that Putin was going to visit China. Has the balance of the U.S.-China game changed again? Is a new round of confrontation between China, the United States and Russia about to begin?

Biden braked sharply, the United States just issued a counterattack on China, and less than 24 hours later, Putin announced his visit to China

Biden shot, Putin came to the rescue

It can really be said that heaven and earth are all working together, and heroes are not free when they are far away! Biden thought that this move could push China into a corner, and the United States could get the bargaining chips it wanted, but he didn't expect that at the moment of emergency, Putin announced his visit to China, and Biden's plan was about to be aborted again.

Biden braked sharply, the United States just issued a counterattack on China, and less than 24 hours later, Putin announced his visit to China

Seeing China's development is more uncomfortable than the United States losing money itself. The development of electric vehicles in China can be said to make the United States very angry, but the United States has no way. After the United States escalated sanctions on Chinese semiconductors, the United States found that it would not have an impact on China's electric vehicles, so the United States issued an ultimatum to China again.

Biden said that high tariffs will be imposed on Chinese electric vehicles, and this tariff may reach 100%, which can be said to be far beyond the red line of international trade in the United States. Now that the United States has suddenly launched a black hand on China, this is enough to show that the United States wants to completely kill China.

You know, the current electric vehicle industry and our photovoltaic and other industries are called the new three kinds of exports, and these are the new engines of our economic development, and it should be clear that these industries are driving economic development at the same time, but also shoulder the heavy responsibility of switching between old and new kinetic energy.

Biden braked sharply, the United States just issued a counterattack on China, and less than 24 hours later, Putin announced his visit to China

In other words, the expansion of these three industries can become the new pillars of our economy, and this will avoid a recession and collapse, so as to achieve a real soft landing.

And this will allow us to switch the engine completely and succeed, so as to avoid being harvested by the United States. However, just when our exports and industrial development were the most victorious, Biden suddenly increased the weight again, the semiconductor blockade is not enough, and now the auto trade blockade is coming, which can be seen that the United States will not be willing to completely defeat us.

And just when Biden was about to make the last killer against China, Russia suddenly announced that Putin was going to visit China, and on the 16th and 17th, it can be said that this schedule is very close.

Biden braked sharply, the United States just issued a counterattack on China, and less than 24 hours later, Putin announced his visit to China

Moreover, at the same time as Putin announced his visit to China, South Korea, as a loyal ally of the United States, is also actively seeking cooperation with China, and the visit of the South Korean foreign minister to China is not simply to catch up with China, but to promote the next meeting between China, Japan and South Korea.

Moreover, the timing of the South Korean foreign minister's visit to China is so similar to the timing of Putin's visit to China, that even the third brother, who has been harassing him constantly, suddenly quieted down. All of this seems to indicate that the United States is over.

And is the U.S. market really that important? Now that the United States wants to use its own market to put pressure on China, and Putin is urgently rescuing, it can be said that a new game is really unfolding slowly, and this time perhaps the United States is no longer the protagonist, but more passively welcoming rather than taking the initiative.

Biden braked sharply, the United States just issued a counterattack on China, and less than 24 hours later, Putin announced his visit to China

Sino-Russian trade is key

Don't you eat hairy pigs without Zhang butchers? Couldn't China's electric vehicles develop without the United States? Since the United States has closed its market to China, China has strengthened cooperation with other countries, because after all, it is not impossible to live without the United States.

Biden braked sharply, the United States just issued a counterattack on China, and less than 24 hours later, Putin announced his visit to China

As we all know, in the past, the United States, in addition to the most expensive dollar, was the United States' strong consumer market, and this was also the main means by which the United States has always restrained us. Because Sino-US trade has always been the bulk of China's trade. It is very important for our exports.

However, this is not the case in the automotive sector. The United States accounts for about 18 million of the 8,000 cars sold in the world every year, so it can be said that this market is very large, and China is also very greedy. However, in the U.S. market, Chinese cars have always been a minority, with a share of less than 10%.

Now that the United States is closing its market to China, it is just a gesture, can it really block us? Actually, no, it is more just to set an example for Europe, Japan and South Korea, so that they can continue to follow the United States in blockading China.

Biden braked sharply, the United States just issued a counterattack on China, and less than 24 hours later, Putin announced his visit to China

Since the United States has closed its market to China, it does not mean that all countries have closed their markets to China.

Putin's visit to China will inevitably strengthen trade cooperation between China and Russia. And it has been reported by the media that Chinese cars have accounted for nearly 94% of the Russian market, which can be said to be very impressive. Although the Russian car market has shrunk seriously due to sanctions from Europe and the United States, it has decreased to about 1.6 million units, but it is also slowly recovering.

I think Putin's visit to China will inevitably accelerate the integration and development of this area, which will be good for China and Russia. In addition to cooperation in automobiles, China and Russia may deepen cooperation in energy this time.

Russian media reported that China's natural gas exports through the Power of Siberia pipeline have increased by nearly 37.4% year-to-date. Moreover, it has also been rumored that the Sino-Russian-Sino-Siberian Power No. 2 pipeline will also land Kaisu, and even a plan to take the Kazakestan route has been reported.

Biden braked sharply, the United States just issued a counterattack on China, and less than 24 hours later, Putin announced his visit to China

And all this will be gradually implemented after Putin's visit to China. So, Biden is lifting a stone and shooting himself in the foot again! I wanted to force China to make concessions through trade, so that American financial capital could get a piece of the pie, but I didn't expect that my plan had not yet been achieved, and now Sino-Russian economic and trade cooperation will gradually be strengthened.

And recently we can see that not only Russia, but also France, South Korea and Japan have begun to think about it, what are they thinking? I think everyone should know very well that it is a whale that all things are born. The game between China and the United States may usher in a new pattern.

Biden braked sharply, the United States just issued a counterattack on China, and less than 24 hours later, Putin announced his visit to China

The offensive and defensive momentum of China and the United States has reversed

It can really be described as 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi. In the past, we were still defending against the United States, but now it is finally time for the United States to defend, and this meeting between China and Russia may be the beginning of a new situation.

Biden braked sharply, the United States just issued a counterattack on China, and less than 24 hours later, Putin announced his visit to China

We all know that what the United States fears most is the great alliance between China, Russia and Iran, but in the end it was forced together by the United States. This time, the meeting between China and Russia, in addition to strengthening Sino-Russian trade and cultural exchanges, will inevitably communicate on the international situation.

And for Russia, the best way to reduce its pressure is to give the United States strength in the Middle East and keep the United States in the Middle East. And for us, it's about weakening the power of the United States in the Asia-Pacific.

In the past two years, the United States has engaged in a lot of things in the Asia-Pacific region, and the Philippines has been jumping more and more recently. The United States hopes to pull China into the water in the Asia-Pacific region, so that the United States can take the initiative.

As for us, it is the hope that the United States will be able to enter the water and that we will take the initiative. And now the financial harvest in the United States has obviously reached the last moment, although the United States has said that it will not cut interest rates for the time being, and does not even rule out the possibility of raising interest rates.

Biden braked sharply, the United States just issued a counterattack on China, and less than 24 hours later, Putin announced his visit to China

However, according to the latest forecasts of relevant institutions, the inflation index in the United States rebounded in April, and it may reach about 3.28% again beyond expectations, which means that the United States may fall into huge stagflation.

In addition, the United States has also begun to fall into passivity in Europe, and in the Middle East, it is even more difficult to advance or retreat, at this time, we should seize the opportunity, whether in the financial field or in international trade to lay out in advance. It is not even excluded that the system of alliances of the United States will gradually be dismantled.

Now that France has the idea of independence, then we should support France more, after all, an independent Europe is very beneficial to the current Sino-US game. The United States is now stretched thin in the face of us alone, so it has been relying on blood transfusions from its allies to confront us.

Biden braked sharply, the United States just issued a counterattack on China, and less than 24 hours later, Putin announced his visit to China

At this time, the United States is even more about to reap, and at this time, all countries are afraid of the United States, so it is a good time for us to take action. Unite many friends and reduce enemies to a few.

And for those who are stubborn, maybe we should also teach a lesson. Instead of being passive and being beaten, it is better to take the initiative, and now that the situation has gradually begun to reverse, then we should make certain changes. When it's time to act, we should take action, and the time is ripe for us to change from passive to proactive.

Information sources:

Sputnik: Gazprom: Gazprom's natural gas exports to China through the "Power of Siberia" pipeline increased by 37.4% year-to-date

Sputnik: Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit China from May 16 to 17

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