
Learn the language of the world of money

author:Kentomi Island
Learn the language of the world of money

In the world of money, there is its own language, and the rich are citizens of the world of money, and their thinking is composed of the language of these money. Language is like the source code of thinking, and different language patterns will constitute different ways of thinking.

In other words, if you want to achieve wealth freedom, you first have to change the way you think. That kind of thinking is something that cannot be seen or touched. So how do you change your mindset? Language is the source code of thinking, as long as you learn the "language model" of the rich, use the language of the rich, you can have the thinking of the rich.

Learn the language of the world of money

What is the language of the world of money? How do you learn these languages, and how do you apply them?

In every country and nation in the world, it has its own language, and the same is true of the world of money, it has no borders, it has its own language, language constitutes thinking, and thinking determines destiny. Only by understanding the language of the world of money and learning the thinking of the rich is it possible to become the master of the world of money.

The language of the world of money is financial knowledge. Financial knowledge is vast and complex. Just like when we learned English when we were young, there are too many words to learn, and the sentence patterns are also various. However, as long as you learn the 26 letters, you will soon learn the words and sentence patterns we need to master, and you will be able to communicate and communicate.

Learn the language of the world of money

The basic vocabulary of the world of money is, "two tables and five words.". Two tables are the income statement, which represents our ability to make money in the world of money; the other is the balance sheet, which indicates the thickness of our money family.

In the basic vocabulary of the money world, there are five words, which are the basic words of the money world. They are income, expenses, assets, liabilities, and cash flow.

In the world of money, you must learn these words, and use them in your own study, work, and life. Income: including active income, which requires you to work to have income; passive income, even if you don't work, there is money flowing into your pocket; in addition, there are two types of differences in expenditure, one is benign expenditure, that is, spending money to go out, in order to earn more money back to the pocket; the other, is consumption expenditure, spending out, it goes to other people's pockets; cash flow, that is, the direction of cash flow, positive cash flow, that is, income is greater than expenditure; negative cash flow, that is, income is not offset, that is, the expenditure is greater than income.

Learn the language of the world of money

Assets, is can bring money back to the pocket of things, the world's five major assets are: 1, funds, stocks, bonds and other paper assets; 2, patents, copyrights, copyrights and other intangible assets; 3, gold, antiques, calligraphy and painting and other value-added preservation items; 4, real estate; 5, automated operation of the company; liabilities, is to take money out of the pocket of things, such as mortgages, car loans, credit card expenditures, rent and so on.

In the world of money, we already know the basic vocabulary of this world, so how to learn to better grasp and use these words, through learning the vocabulary of the world of money, so as to have the way of thinking of the rich?

Learn the language of the world of money

The best way to learn these languages of money is to work hard to learn and grow in this language environment.

Learning can take these three method steps: one is digestion, that is, in the world of money, trying to understand and become familiar with the basic vocabulary and other words of the world of money, studying them seriously, and digesting them in their own minds; the second is to absorb, to understand through their own cognition, until they slowly absorb what becomes their own, and finally, to release. In real life, to release this knowledge, turn it into productivity, and obtain wealth for yourself.

Learn the language of the world of money

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