
Gun God Chronicle The Judge of The Gods - Van Helsing

author:I am Dongfeng Yo

Transferred from Gun God Chronicle

Gun God Chronicle The Judge of The Gods - Van Helsing

I don't know what the weather is like, because the town of Lost is full of smoke and war, and I can't see the sky. But I thought that maybe there was a dawn beyond the sky, like the girl in the white short wedding dress I was worried about.

Ling and I had agreed to see each other tomorrow. Tomorrow is the old Oriental Valentine's Day. On Tanabata, it is said that people who love each other will be blessed by heaven on this day and reunited. But carrying the identity of this agent seems to have nothing to do with such a romance.

"Hmmm... Hedwiley next to her was at the campfire, wiping her sniper rifle. Her face was as serious as ever, and the look in her eyes was as determined as ever.

We were exhausted from nearly 20 hours of fighting every day, but no one had said a word of complaint. But Instructor Makarov saw that we were tired and chose this cave for a short rest.

"Huh?" Hedwiley frowned, she had a natural sense of danger sensitivity. Her serious look always reminds me of a mysterious man who has had a relationship. When he wielded his large knife, it was clean and invincible. I heard they had a story. Who doesn't have a story? I couldn't help but think again of the heroine of my story. Is she okay now?

"Tick. Tick. "There was a strange smell from the damp cave. Immediately after, the slimy liquid dripped onto us.

"There is danger!" I shouted. Hedwillis had already aimed somewhere in the darkness and fired a shot.

The mucus stopped dripping. But something round rolled down to us. The agent who accidentally got hit screamed in pain. This is actually a worm egg! So giant worm eggs! So how big does that guy have to be?

Then I saw the whole picture of it. I didn't expect this guy to be so cunning! It had circled out a trap with its mucus. Surround us all in it. Pounce, tail flick, bite. This terrible monster attacks us again and again. For those of us who are already tired, it is undoubtedly a fatal blow.

Hedwiley was resisting tenaciously. Her divine judgment light has always shone on us. But they couldn't take care of all of us.

Bullets are running out. Only Hedwiley's final blow remained. I watched her frown slightly, her hands folded in front of her chest.

Then she turned, rolled over, and withdrew from the combat zone.

What the?! The Daughter of the Oracle will also retreat... Yes.

The next moment, Hedwiley raised her weapon and fired an incomparably accurate strafing to clear the worm egg trap laid by the monster. "Come out," she stood like a torch, the muzzle of the gun hanging down, "we need his help." She looked to the southeast. The smoke was thick, her expression was a little uncertain, and I had a vague feeling that this girl was carrying something important.

"Judge of God, please don't hide anymore this time." She removed the jet-black shiny earring from her left ear, kissed it softly, and then got down on one knee with her eyes closed.

"The world can no longer be so dilapidated." A glimmer of light rose from Hedwillis's side.


That's all I have to say, maybe tomorrow the mysterious guy will appear in front of us. Dear Agent, we may still fail, but the Judge of God will hear your call and face the demons of hell with you, and we will surely save this land from this catastrophe!

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