
What were China's first diplomatic wives like?

author:History Sharing Officer

At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, all walks of life were in urgent need of talents to promote the development of the country. In the field of diplomacy, a group of generals and diplomats and their wives are also facing a huge transformation from the battlefield to the international arena. Not only do they have to learn diplomatic etiquette, but they also have to adapt to the dress code of diplomatic occasions, and the changes in diplomats' wives are particularly noticeable.

What were China's first diplomatic wives like?

1. The transformation from military uniforms to cheongsam

Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, most of the wives of the generals were female soldiers who fought with the army, and they were brave and fearless in military uniforms. However, with the founding of the People's Republic of China, the needs of diplomatic work made it necessary for them to take off their military uniforms and change into cheongsams and high heels to meet the dress code of diplomatic occasions. This transformation is undoubtedly a huge challenge for them.

What were China's first diplomatic wives like?

At first, the diplomats' wives were very uncomfortable with the change. They are accustomed to the simplicity and comfort of military uniforms, and they feel very uncomfortable with the tight-fitting and restrictive clothing of cheongsam. Moreover, the production cost of cheongsam is high, and a set of hand-made cheongsam costs two or three hundred yuan, which is a large amount at that time. As a result, many diplomats' wives expressed their dissatisfaction and complaints after hearing about this price.

However, for the sake of New China's diplomatic cause, they chose to overcome difficulties. They began to learn how to wear cheongsam, how to wear high heels, and how to maintain elegant manners in diplomatic situations. Although the process was full of hardships and challenges, they gradually adapted to this new way of life with strong faith and unremitting efforts.

2. Learn diplomatic etiquette and show the demeanor of a great country

In addition to the change in dress, diplomats also need to learn diplomatic etiquette. They need to understand the cultural customs, table manners, social etiquette, etc., of different countries in order to be able to deal appropriately with various situations in diplomatic situations.

What were China's first diplomatic wives like?

In order to learn these etiquette knowledge, diplomats and wives attended various training courses and lectures. They listened attentively, practiced diligently, and constantly improved their diplomatic qualities. In the process of studying, they also encountered many difficulties and challenges. For example, some ladies are very unfamiliar with Western dining etiquette and do not know how to use knives and forks properly, while others are shy and uneasy about dancing as a social activity. However, they did not give up, but bravely faced these challenges, and gradually mastered these skills through continuous practice and practice.

What were China's first diplomatic wives like?

After a period of study and practice, diplomats and wives gradually became the best in diplomatic situations. They are able to handle all kinds of diplomatic activities with grace, and they show the demeanor of a great power and the charm of women. Their outstanding performance has also been praised and praised at home and abroad.

3. Contribute to the diplomatic cause of New China

After training and study, these diplomats and their wives successfully transformed and made important contributions to the early diplomatic career of New China. They have not only displayed the image and demeanor of New China on international occasions, but also accumulated valuable experience for New China's diplomatic work.

What were China's first diplomatic wives like?

In diplomatic activities, diplomats and wives play an important role. With the delicacy and sensitivity of women, they have insight into the psychology and needs of leaders of various countries, and have provided strong support and assistance to their husbands in their diplomatic work. At the same time, they also actively participate in various cultural exchange activities, promoting friendly relations between China and other countries.

What were China's first diplomatic wives like?

Although the process was full of challenges and difficulties, the diplomats and their wives always maintained a firm belief and a positive attitude. They used their practical actions to explain what is true patriotism and dedication. Their efforts and dedication not only demonstrated the strength and wisdom of the women of New China, but also set an example and model for later diplomats and wives.

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