
好歌赏析,听歌学英语 —— Monday morning 星期一早晨

author:Gemini perspective

Weida + Xiaoshuang "Gemini Perspective"

The creation of songs is generally regarded as a mode of performing arts, a kind of leisure and entertainment for the public!

Personally, I think that songs are not just performance arts or entertainment, and most songs are works with multi-layered cultural connotations. Songs have both poetic charm and touching rhythms, which express the author's views and emotions, and some lyrics will have a complete story that reflects the values and phenomena of contemporary society. Because of such a rich connotation, listening to and singing nostalgic English songs is the most suitable tool for me to learn about the culture of Western countries and learn their language.

This column "Appreciation of Good Songs, Listening to Songs to Learn English" hopes to share nostalgic English old songs, so that friends who want to improve their English skills can have an easier channel to learn English. By sharing the author's inspiration when writing the song and the background of the time at that time, this is equivalent to providing a "context" for learning English, so as to improve English thinking> improve flexible understanding of English> and improve English expression skills.

Most of the nostalgic English songs shared in "Gemini Perspective" are slower and easy to master, and some of them have story content, with simple and beautiful words and correct grammar. It is well worth using as a reference for learning English. At the back of each song, learning points are also integrated, and some noteworthy points are given to the friends to wake up.

This is a song by the trio of Peter, Paul and Mary recorded in 1965.

The lyrics are about a conversation between an elder and a 16-year-old girl about the problems that may be faced when you are too young to get married. But the young girl did not listen to the advice of her elders and insisted on going her own way, and in the end, for some reason, the wedding did not take place on Monday morning......

好歌赏析,听歌学英语 —— Monday morning 星期一早晨

In many countries, the age of eighteen is the legal age of majority, and the age of sixteen is not yet mentally mature, and if you get married, there will be many problems because of the limited ability to bear family life. Therefore, we must listen to the opinions of our adult elders, and we must not act rashly and affect our lives.

Monday morning 星期一早晨 --- by Peter, Paul and Mary


歌词:Monday morning 星期一早晨

Early one morning, one morning in spring,

An early morning, a spring morning,

To hear the birds whistle the nightingales sing.

Listen to the birds whistling and the nightingales singing.

I met a fair maiden who sweetly did sing.

I met a beautiful girl who sang sweetly.

I'm going to be married next Monday morning.

I'm going to get married next Monday morning.

How old are you my fair young maid?

Pretty little girl, how old are you this year?

Here in this valley, this valley so green.

The valley here, how green this valley is.

How old are you my fair young maid?

Pretty little girl, how old are you this year?

I'm going to be sixteen next Monday morning.

Next Monday morning, I will be sixteen years old.

Well, sixteen years old, that's too young for to marry!

Well, at the age of sixteen, it would be too young to get married!

So take my advice, five years longer to tarry.

So take my advice and delay it for five more years.

For marriage brings troubles and sorrows begin.

Because marriage brings trouble and pain

So put off (1) your wedding for Monday morning.

So cancel your Monday morning wedding anyway.

You talk like a mad man, a man with no skill (2).

You speak like a madman, a person without common sense.

Three years I've been waiting against my own will (3).

I've been waiting for three years, against my will.

But now I'm determined to have my own way.

But I've decided now that I'm going to go my own way.

And I'm going to be married next Monday morning.

And I'm going to get married next Monday morning

Next Monday morning, the bells they will ring.

Next Monday morning, those bells will ring.

My true love will buy me a gay golden ring

My true lover will buy (give) me a gorgeous gold ring.

Also he'll buy me a new pretty gown

He would also buy (give) me a beautiful dress.

To wear at my wedding next Monday morning.

Will wear it for my wedding next Monday morning.

Next Monday night when I go to my bed.

Next Monday night, when I went to bed.

And I turn around to the man that I've wed.

And I will turn to the man who has just married me.

Around his middle my two arms I will fling.

I would wrap my hands around his middle (waist).

And I wish to my soul, it was Monday morning.

And I made a wish to my soul that it was Monday morning.

学习点 Learning Points:

1. Put off --- extinguish (fire), postpone, delay, cancel (meeting, one thing).

2. Skill --- (n) Skill, skill, knowledge, comprehension, judgment.

3. Will --- is not an auxiliary verb here, it is used as a noun, willing, aspiring.

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